Sword Emperor

Chapter 256

In a flash, in sun Bing's eyes, the dozens of monsters have surrounded Qinghui Dongtian several people, so many united in one, the momentum released is really amazing, sun Bing can even see that their faces have become obviously pale.

"It's not going to fall like this, right? That would be too bad. " This makes sun Bing's eyebrows can't help wrinkling, and even has a trace of worry in his heart.

This is not for the sake of this group of pure and bright disciples. It can even be said that sun Bing's original goal was also this group of people. But if he died directly now, it would undoubtedly break sun Bing's original plan.

Because sun Bing originally wanted to take advantage of these people's resistance to kill monsters, fish in troubled waters and directly pick up Requiem flowers, so as to be able to bear the minimum pressure, and also pit this group of people.

For Qinghui Dongtian's disciples, sun Bing will not have the slightest heart, because through so many contacts, he has already understood this sect clearly.

Fortunately, the fact is not as sun Bing expected. After all, he can become a disciple of Qinghui Dongtian, and he has reached the Ninth level of practicing Qi. How can he be so weak that he will surely have some cards to protect his life.

Sun Bing can see that the eldest one of them is very powerful. He has reached the peak of nine levels of Qi training, and is about to break through to the state of birth. He says, "burst fist."

Immediately you can see that a demon beast in front of him is killed directly without any resistance. You can imagine the power of this move.

The rest of the disciples, though pale, did not have the slightest panic. They immediately gathered together and saw that the true Qi in each person's body floated out, and finally gathered together. The momentum of them was no less than that of the previous elder martial brother.

Together, the four can only see the light and shadow of Taoism flash by. In a blink of an eye, two monsters have been eliminated, which is more terrifying than the previous elder martial brother. This kind of prestige can be seen.

"If I have not guessed wrong, this should be the array. It is really magic. Although it can not completely stack the strength of friars, it is enough to face a strong enemy when several people join hands." Sun Bing couldn't help but squint his eyes and could detect the horror.

But in a flash, sun Bing can't help but think that these people were originally to come to kill him. If they were really surrounded by such an array and the strength of the elder martial brother, they might have threatened sun Bing.

"It seems that Qinghui Dongtian is paying more and more attention to me. Even if the lineup is faced with a slightly weaker birth situation, it is enough to cope with it. What's more, it's me, but I won't be as you wish."

The fighting continues below, but Qinghui Dongtian's disciples are really worthy of their reputation. Everyone has rich experience in fighting. After a short period of panic, they are quite adept in dealing with such a crisis. There will be no crisis at all.

Even at the same time, we can see that the elder martial brother is slowly driving towards the Requiem flower, because this is not only the source of all the trouble, but also their goal. It will be much easier after collecting.

There is no doubt that this aroused sun Bing's heartstrings, and even wanted to go down immediately to catch the first step. However, he soon stopped his own action and said, "the natural material and earth treasure such as Requiem flower can't be collected so easily. There should be some secrets in it."

Sure enough, it seems that after perceiving his own danger, the flowers of the Requiem flower can not help but become more colorful. At the same time, it also sends out an attractive breath. Even sun Bing can't help but feel a burst of heart under such a breath.

But then, the shadow of the sword in the sea of knowledge swayed slightly, and the feeling disappeared in an instant. But Sun Bing's eyes twinkled with horror. If nothing in the legend is simple.

Because under the influence of this breath, several monsters emerged in the mountain forest, and the breath of these monsters could not help being more huge, and had reached the peak of level five.

What's more, this group of Qinghui Dongtian disciples can't help but feel excited at the moment, and the array almost disappeared completely, which can be made up in time at the last moment.

There is no doubt that with the addition of these monsters, the pressure on these people suddenly increased several times, and even there was a faint wound on their bodies.

Even the elder martial brother who was close to the Requiem flower was forced back several steps at the moment, but the short distance was like the abyss of heaven, which completely eliminated him.

Sun Bing can clearly see the anger on the other side's face, but in the face of the thick crisis coming out around, he can't help but suppress the anger at the bottom of his heart and continue to meet the enemy.

"Now it's time for me to come out and collect Requiem flowers, which can be regarded as a help to you." At this moment, sun Bingcai can't help but speak a little bit. There is no doubt that this is a great opportunity.

At that time, the whole person did not hesitate, the real yuan surging in the elixir field instantly used the skillful and incomparable "fleeting light and shadow".Although with sun Bing's state becoming more and more profound, the function of this lightness skill body method has gradually weakened, but the speed is still quite fast. Only a faint shadow can be seen, and sun Bing's whole body has already gone towards the distance.

The elder martial brother under the siege of monsters was keenly aware of the flash of a figure. Looking back, he saw the scene that made his eyes crack. Because he didn't know when, sun Bing's figure ran to the side of Requiem flower, even within reach.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of this? " Immediately can not help but roar, the words are full of anger, because they and others are working hard here, did not expect that there will be someone will be the first to come.

And such a shout, also attracted the eyes of the rest of the people, instantly face can not help but some obvious changes, but there is no doubt that the bottom of the eye contains a trace of killing.

"Me? I'm here to help you. Please call me * * Sun Bing smile, in full view of the public will directly pull out the Requiem flower, and then the whole person immediately ran away to the distance.

The demons controlled by the Requiem flower can't help but recover their consciousness. However, after seeing that the Requiem flower has disappeared completely, they can't help getting angry and launching attacks even stronger than before.

"Who are you? I'm at odds with you. I'll never die. " A cry of grief and indignation came out directly.

"My name is sun Bing. I think you should know me." Immediately, sun Bing couldn't help but respond lightly.

After hearing the name, Qinghui Dongtian disciple, who was wrapped in a demon beast, was filled with a trace of blood in his eyes. How they did not know the name was the task goal of this line. They did not expect that they did not care about this person at all before. Now it is he who destroyed the chance of himself and others.

In the end, there were only two bloody sun Bing in his mind. Even under this huge blow, the elder martial brother could only feel a puff of sullen air in his chest and vomit out a mouthful of blood.

But even so, the hate in my heart not only did not reduce, but also became more and more strong. A cry came out from the teeth: "Sun Bing, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will definitely not let you go."

But this words just said, be caught off guard, this person was attacked by fierce monster again, body also can't help but be injured seriously.

After a hard battle, the war was finally over, but the result was quite tragic, because there was no one in the party, and four of them completely fell in the Yunwu Mountain. The only surviving elder martial brother was covered with blood, seriously injured, and even his breath was also a burst of floating. It would be very difficult to break through again.

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