Sword Emperor

Chapter 265

In an instant, sun Bing moved at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace. What remained in place was only a remnant shadow, and the whole person rushed towards Lu Yu not far away.

Faced with this move, ordinary people can't even see the figure of the attack, and they have been directly killed.

However, although Lu Yu said that he was not good at lightness skill and body method, Lu Yu's vision was still there, which was not comparable to that of a monk practicing Qi state. Therefore, he could not help but glance at Sun Bing's every move.

At the moment, sun Bing is almost at hand. He moves his wrist lightly and goes straight towards the landing feather.

In a flash, Lu Yu could only feel the thick crisis all over his body, and even his hair could not help standing up. However, he felt helpless because he could not see the blade at all. He could only judge by the handle of sun Bing's sword.

But there is no doubt that this wastes more time. Even if it is timely, the sharp wind from the blade still leaves a small scar on the opponent's body.

Even under the urge of the sword, the wound could not recover completely, and there were bursts of stinging pain. With only one move, Lu Yu felt suppressed and fell into the downwind.

But at the moment, Lu Yu didn't feel frightened at all, and even had a smile on his face. Especially when he saw sun Bing not far away, his eyes were full of covetous eyes: "although I have experienced the power of spiritual tools, but now it seems that there is still no change ah, really worthy of the magic weapon."

After saying that, he couldn't help but look at Sun Bing in front of him, and then slowly opened his mouth: "to tell you the truth, you are holding this spirit tool. It's really outrageous. For today, I can say that I've done a lot of planning. Even the zongmen don't even know that you still have spiritual weapons in your body. Otherwise, it's not just such an arrest waiting for you. ”

after hearing this, sun Bing's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He didn't expect that there was such a thing in it. However, soon, a sneer sprang up from the corner of his mouth: "in that case, when I start to do it later, I will make you feel no pain. In this way, I can also express my gratitude in my heart."

Immediately, sun Bing had no hesitation, but he could not help launching the attack again, because his heart had risen for a while, as if something happened next.

Although sun Bing's movement has been very fast, Lu Yu can't help speeding up. After seeing the flash of silver, a rune appeared in the opponent's hand, which was thrown out directly. At the same time, there was a burst of laughter: "although we lost a mount this time, but we can get a spirit weapon, it's a surprise."

The seal script in the air is just a flash. It reaches sun Bing's body, and finally runs directly to the shadow sword. Sun Bing can feel that although he can still instill Zhenyuan into the shadow sword, it is a lot more obscure, which is much worse than the most common refined iron sword.

This discovery makes sun Bing's heart can be said to be full of surprise, after all, never met such a situation before, immediately wanted to break free.

Lu Yu saw this move obviously, and sun Bing's ear heard a burst of sarcasm: "this is the Zhenfeng seal script that I paid a huge price to make. Although it has no effect on human beings, it has a strong suppression on these spiritual treasures. Unless it is disintegrated after a day of refining, it is absolutely impossible to remove it.

Immediately, the whole person couldn't help attacking immediately: "without the spirit weapon, I see how you can resist my attack. Next, you can give it to me at ease. I will take care of these precious spirit tools for you."

Listening to this speech, sun Bing couldn't help sighing: "there are such wonderful things in the world. It's really impossible for people to defend themselves. It seems that it's impossible to use the shadow sword in a short time. If only one's own strength can't be changed."

Seeing the flying figure, the corner of his mouth was cold: "do you really think that my card is only Chengying sword? It's really naive. Since you've already made preparations, how can I not move forward? "

A sharp sword flew out of the sword box again, and sun Bing had finished changing the sword in a flash. His most powerful move was directly released. Even after such a long time of understanding, the power of the move was even greater.

Seeing this move, Lu Yu's face even twinkled with surprise. He thought his plan was infallible, but he didn't expect that AHA seemed to have made mistakes, especially this move, which was a threat to him.

However, Lu Yu was absolutely unable to retreat. Otherwise, all the preparations he had made would have been useless, and even he might have fallen completely.

"Then I'll show you the real strength of the friars from the birth state." With a light drink of landing feather, the whole body is covered with a layer of vigorous Qi to protect the body. Here is the symbol of the friar of the state of birth."The wind is still in the clouds"

at the same time, the other party's big knife is covered with a golden light, and then the frightening momentum emerges, several times stronger than the previous moves. Even Lu Yu makes this move a little reluctant, even his face is slightly red.

Feeling the power of this move, sun Bing's face was changed. He knew that his intention was not completely improved after all. Therefore, in terms of power alone, it was not much worse.

Instantly, I know the sword meaning of the shadow slightly moving, the mighty spirit force emerges, the sword box is also thoroughly opened at this moment, a sharp sword flying out, the whole people can not help but drink: "sword, out."

Compared with the previous time, sun Bing can control a lot of swords without doubt, once had hundreds of handles, but now the entry-level eye only saw ten.

After all, the last time, we can say that there is no reservation at all, and finally, the sea knowledge has completely disintegrated, and now it is quite safe.

Although there are only ten sharp swords, the power can not be underestimated. Under the control of sun Bing, all of them fly out towards the Dao landing feather. A sword alone may not match. However, with the sword intention, it is enough for ten swords, and also the skill in sun Bing's hands. The power can be quite appalling.

Lu Yu thought that the sword had been over when he was wielded. Even if he could make it, he had half of his luck. So he said that it contained the power of terror. Even at this moment, he wanted to have a long relief.

But then saw a sharp piece of sword appeared from the bright blade. Some of the scattered vigilance returned instantly, and immediately raised the knife to resist. The big sword swept and a flying sword was shot and scattered.

But then, there were two, three, and ten swords operated by sun Bing. All of them were in a straight line, and they went straight to the landing feather. They were filled with great power, which was absolutely unexpected.

But Lu Yu is really so. It has just had a sense of exhaustion. Now, he can only resist it. But after three moves, he can not cope with it completely. Even the big knife in his hand is directly shaken out of his hand.

At that time, he can only fully run his body vigorous Qi and defend, which is his last hope.

When cultivating to the level of fetal detachment, the vigorous Qi of bodyguard is really some extraordinary, which is countless times more terrible than Lin Dong. The vigorous Qi, which seems to be quite weak, has amazing defense. There are three flying swords in a row, and there is no response.

But then, another flying sword gushed out, the hard vigorous Qi surface suddenly appeared a crack, sun Bing's mouth corner suddenly slightly raised, as for Lu Yu is full of panic, even there is a strong unbelievable.

But Sun Bing could not have left his hand. The eighth sword completely smashed the vigorous Qi of the bodyguard. The ninth one stabbed Lu Yu in his chest, leaving the silk blood behind, which was self-evident.

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