Sword Emperor

Chapter 287

Although it was the second time he had come to jiuxiao City, sun Bing's eyes were still full of wonder, which was much bigger than tianwu city. Moreover, after his cultivation reached the birth state, the more he could feel the hideous place hidden in jiuxiao city.

In particular, the seemingly insignificant city wall, originally in sun Bing's eyes, only contained some mysterious inscriptions. It may have a certain defensive power, but it will eventually be unconsciously ignored. But now sun Bing can clearly feel the terror momentum revealed in it. Let alone being born out of the state, it is easy to suppress moufan.

But this scene, it seems that only sun Bing can find, because from the eyes of the rest of the fetuses who occasionally pass by, there is no trace of emotion.

It is because of this discovery that sun Bing's heart is faintly cold. Because under such tight defense, no matter where there is a battle in jiuxiao City, the other party should be able to find out at the first time.

Although the former residence of the song and Yuan Dynasties was a bit remote and there were few people around, it was still in jiuxiao City, but the final result was really chilling. Even if there was such a terrible fluctuation, and even the whole residence disappeared completely, there was no human figure at all, as if it had been completely forgotten 。

Such a blatant act, it is obvious that the group of culprits who destroyed the Song family had a certain collusion with jiuxiao city. Otherwise, it would not have happened.

Of course, for the time being, these things have nothing to do with sun Bing. After all, he is still too weak now. Even if he can discover some of the secrets, he is also in great danger. After shaking his head slightly, the whole person quietly enters the huge jiuxiao city.

At the moment, sun Bing has no momentum at all. If he didn't see him, he even thought there was nothing at all. So he shuttled through the crowd and walked slowly towards the distance. Almost in the blink of an eye, sun Bing's final destination was the long-awaited transmission array.

Although the song and Yuan Dynasties could not personally send sun Bing in, the layout of jiuxiao city has also been analyzed in detail, which also includes the matters that should be paid attention to, so there will be no accidents.

But even so, it took sun bing a few hours. Because jiuxiao city is too large, and it is not easy to use the lightness skill body method in it. Otherwise, it will be too attractive.

Although there are few people who know sun Bing in jiuxiao City, sun Bing attaches great importance to it. Some worries are discovered by the Song family.

Fortunately, all this was just a false alarm. After all, sun Bing's time to know song and Yuan Dynasties was really short. There was no intersection before, so he was basically ignored at the moment, and no one came to see him at all.

At the moment, sun Bing is quite close to his destination, and has not yet completely arrived. However, the number of monks around him has obviously increased several times. His goal is quite clear. All of them are preparing to enter the center of Shenzhou.

From afar, you can feel a kind of majestic and mysterious breath, and even let people have a feeling of indulging in it. Sun Bing knows that this is the transmission array.

The most important function is to travel between the two places. After all, the land of Shenzhou is too vast and boundless. The distance between the two places is often tens of thousands of miles away, and even there are millions of miles.

Let alone ordinary people, even monks like sun Bing need to spend a long time travelling between the two places, which often takes several years. Some places can't even get there even after their whole life.

It is for this reason that the master of array appeared. He experienced the heaven and earth, and felt all living beings. Finally, he spent a lot of perseverance and opportunity to create a transmission array, which can save people from the pain of traveling between two places.

If not, sun Bing wants to get to the center of China from here, it will take a long time.

Of course, although the speed of the transmission array is extremely fast and convenient, its consumption is also extraordinary. It is not the huge power that dominates a place, and it is absolutely impossible to support it.

Even if jiuxiaozong wants to create a transmission array, it is quite reluctantly, and even needs to rely on others to succeed. It is conceivable that this huge cost.

After such a long time, sun Bing finally came to the transmission array. The fluctuation in the air was more obvious, and there were many guards on both sides.

Although most of them are only the peak of Qi training, they are much better than the ordinary free cultivation, not to mention many monks who are born out of the state. Even sun Bing can feel a wave of obscure fluctuation, among which there is a strong pressure coming out. There is no doubt that it is definitely the monk fafan.

"I didn't expect so many people to guard a teleportation array." After perceiving the horror that blooms among them, sun Bing can't help but sigh a little, but this is normal, after all, the transmission array is too precious."Transmission costs 100 spirit stones." While sun Bing was meditating, a voice came from his ear.

Looking up, you can see that this is the former bodyguard, only to collect the transmission fee.

Even though he knew that the cost of the teleportation array was not low, when sun Bing really faced it, he could not help but take a breath. After all, a hundred spirit stones can be practiced for nearly ten days for him now.

Ordinary monks can't even give up so much money, but even if the price is too high, sun Bing can't give up. After all, his goal is the center of Shenzhou.

Immediately directly took out the spirit stone, slowly handed it to the front, and then heard a burst of words in the ear: "then you wait a moment, and when you get to 100 people, you will directly start to transmit."

At the moment, sun Bingcai found that there were forty or fifty people standing there not far away, waiting quietly like sun Bing.

Although the price of the teleportation array is quite expensive, after all, jiuxiao city is such a huge city, so in a short time, a hundred people have gathered together.

At that time, all the people could not help standing in the transmission array. Sun Bing could only feel that there was a strange wave coming from his whole body. In a flash, the whole person seemed to be escaping into the void. There was no movement and weight around him. His eyes were also dark. Even if he was shouting, he could not hear any sound.

Moreover, in this environment, time seems to be gradually stagnant, completely unable to feel the slightest passing away. I don't know whether it is after a short rest time or a full number of hours, sun Bing finally has a down-to-earth feeling.

It is obvious that sun Bing's final destination has arrived, and there is a bright light in front of him. Sun Bing has not even fully adapted to it. He can hear a burst of urge behind him: "hurry up, there are still many people behind us!"

In this way, sun Bingcai slowly left, recalling the previous transmission of the movement, eyebrows can not help but wrinkled up, that kind of feeling is really a little unpleasant, the most important is that there is no sense of security, only now, all the losses will return.

But now, aware of the noise around, sun Bing's eyes are also blooming a burst of light: "spent so long, finally came to the center of the Shenzhou."

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