Sword Emperor

Chapter 33

On the back mountain of Sun family, beside the cliff.

At the moment, sun Bing did not begin to cultivate the peak, but sat on the top of the mountain. One step away was the cliff, and even white clouds were within reach.

Looking down, the whole Luoyun town has a panoramic view. The pedestrians who come and go are like ants. Even those luxurious buildings can't see the luxury of the past. If you stay here for a long time, you will have a broad mind.

However, sun Bing is not interested in enjoying the scenery at the moment. On the contrary, he frowns and quietly ponders the "sword drawing technique" that he brought back.

The whole secret script constantly glides from the mind, sun bing a word for word understanding, by the way, also joined his own understanding, after a long time, just a little breath.

The right hand instantly clenched the wooden sword placed on the leg and chopped it forward. In an instant, the faint wind of the sword glided by and chopped a piece of cloud in two not far away.

If you want to be seen by ordinary people, you will be surprised. Because the sword is ten meters away from the white clouds, and there is no sword spirit. Just relying on the simplest sword wind, it can be so fierce. Then the only way to use it is not small.

However, sun Bing's eyes flashed a bit of disappointment. It's been seven days since he got this book. Even he had to sigh that it's really a Book of swordsmanship that is easy to learn but difficult to master.

In the afternoon that day, sun Bing had learned how to use his sword. When he took out his sword for the first time, what he brought out was just a breeze, which was even less powerful than the basic sword technique. However, sun Bing was not angry, but he was practicing hard.

Today, I finally feel a little bit of eyebrow wood. Although the first move is several times stronger than the first move, it can cut off the white clouds ten meters away, but there is still a big gap with sun Bing's "pulling sword technique" in his imagination.

According to sun Bing's idea, the sword drawing technique should be that the sword comes out of its scabbard and blood must be seen. Just like sun Bing in these years, its appearance looks plain and even overlooked. But once the sword comes out, it will show its sharp edge and shock everyone.

However, the fact is quite cruel. Now sun Bing has only improved to the current level. It is more powerful than the basic sword technique, but it is far less than his main sword technique "vertical sword Jue". If this is the case all the time, this skill will definitely be abandoned by sun Bing.

However, sun Bing was not reconciled to such a word. He tried his best to win the first place in the outside world. In the end, he only got a disabled skill, which was undoubtedly a joke.

What's more, sun Bing can feel that there is a huge potential hidden in this book of swordsmanship, but the problem is that sun Bing doesn't know how to develop it. Now he looks like he is constantly searching in a house with doors everywhere, hoping to open the right one.

Unfortunately, so far, sun Bing has no clue.

All of a sudden, his mind recalled the feeling of his first sword. At that time, he had just been able to practice, but it was because his sword came out of the sheath for the first time, playing a far more powerful role than ordinary people. He even killed Sun Yang, who had three levels of body hardening, with one sword.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of sword drawing, but Sun Bing at that time didn't realize the mystery. Now, it's really wonderful. At that time, the whole person seemed to have a different feeling.

Sun Bing is now looking for such a feeling. There is a kind of premonition in his heart. If he can find such a feeling, he will surely be able to make his "sword drawing" to a higher level.

But sun had already thought of every action before. He still didn't find anything unusual. Now he is more powerful than before, and his realm is more profound, but he can't wield such a sword.

This kind of feeling makes sun Bing feel very uncomfortable. It is the first time that he is faced with a wall. However, the swordsman should have the spirit of perseverance. If he gives up when he encounters such a little difficulty, he might as well quit the road of practice as soon as possible.

Sun Bing quietly stroked the wooden sword in his hand. Because of years of use, the surface of the wooden sword is quite smooth, but it has a shocking toughness and sharpness. In other people's hands, it is just a common wooden sword, but in sun Bing's hand, it is a sharp weapon for killing people.

All of a sudden, sun Bing seemed to feel something from the sword. His eyes were shining, and he immediately ran to the cliff. His whole body stood upright, the wooden sword was on his waist, and his right hand held the handle tightly.

All of a sudden, in sun Bing's perception, the breeze on the cliff disappeared, and the clouds drifted away, and a strange atmosphere filled the whole cliff.

Sun Bing is the center of all this. In this strange atmosphere, sun Bing shifted all his attention to the wooden sword in his hand. Gradually, his spirit and spirit were completely integrated together, and even felt a trace of connection from the wooden sword.

"At this moment"

SUN Bing's eyes suddenly opened, did not explore the surrounding situation, staring at the Dodge in front of him. At the same time, the right hand that had been accumulating strength also moved. He could only see a flash of white sword light, and even a trace of sparks. In a blink of an eye, sun Bing's action returned to the previous appearance.However, totally different from the previous one, sun Bing's forehead exudes sweat, even his face is a little pale, but he still can't suppress the joy that emerges from the bottom of his heart. Yes, just that move "pull out the sword" succeeded.

On the mountain wall, which was full of sword marks, there is a trace about one finger wide and one foot long. This is the power of the move just now. It's really amazing.


However, it may also be that the time of accumulating strength has been a little long. It can even be said that the essence and spirit of the whole body have been infused into the body. After one move, even sun Bing, who has reached the level 6 of the body hardening state, has a feeling of losing strength. It is conceivable that the consumption is astonishing.

To sum up the disadvantages of that move, first of all, it takes too long to accumulate energy. If it is used in the battlefield, it will be dead for a long time. Secondly, it will consume too much. If the other party doesn't die, he will die by himself. There is nothing to be picky about.

But these are not problems. Sun Bing, who has mastered the essence of "pulling out the sword", can adjust it in the following years until he is completely satisfied. Sun Bing firmly believes that in the future, if he meets an opponent who is not as good as himself, he will be killed with one sword.

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