Sword Emperor

Chapter 3823 Returning to Homeland

After a few days of rest, the extremely pale Dragon King finally appeared in front of many dragon cultivators.

He slowly glanced around, and the huge dragon clan was under his gaze.

At this moment, the space was extremely silent, and it took a long time before he could be heard slowly speaking:

"I announce today that Ao Zu will take over my position. From now on, you must obey his orders and never disobey."

"Dragon King!"


Although they had already guessed it in their hearts, these words still caused an uproar among the dragon clan.

You must know that when they first entered Kunlun Fairy Mountain, the situation of the dragon clan was quite dangerous. It was the Dragon King who led the dragon clan step by step to reach this level today.

His prestige is the highest in the entire dragon clan, and he is the most admired strong man by countless young dragon clan members.

But now they have received such news, not only many dragon cultivators, but even those old men, want to question it at this moment.

But before they could speak, the Dragon King seemed to have known what everyone was thinking, and the strong pressure in his heart enveloped the four directions.

Then, a calm voice slowly sounded:

"I believe you also know the physical condition of this seat, and the battle not long ago made me die soon.

So next, you will follow Ao Zu and leave the narrow world of Kunlun under his leadership.


At the end, the Dragon King's face was full of complexity, as if he was reminiscing, and as if he was whispering:

"Although Kunlun is big, it is not the hometown of my dragon clan after all. We have been trapped here for too long. It's time for us to go out and take a look!"

As the words fell, the Dragon King's gloomy face was swept away, his face became ruddy again, and his eyes were shining brightly.

If others would only think that this was because his injuries had healed, the strong men present were silent at the same time.

Because it is obvious that this is a last gasp. If the Dragon King originally had three years of life, after this, he only has the last year left.

But although they knew it very well in their hearts, many dragon elders did not point it out.

After all, this is the Dragon King who was willing to spend his own life force to act, so that the enemies of the Dragon Clan dare not act rashly.

When he recovered to the extreme, the Dragon King was full of vigor again and said directly:

"Send the message to the tribe, according to the previous plan, send shrimp soldiers and crab generals and many dragons to guard the four directions, and the pure-blooded people will gather here as quickly as possible."

While speaking, the Dragon King walked slowly towards his throne, and his momentum continued to rise.

When he sat down completely, his momentum also reached its peak, and his long gaze seemed to see the scene outside the infinite time and space.

At the same time

, the ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng and the strong men of the Qiong Clan, who had been paying attention to this place, all withdrew their sights at the same time.

Especially the ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng, his face was even more ugly, and his brows were tightly furrowed:

"It shouldn't be, although you took the beard of Grandpa Ginseng, you also collided head-on with a great emperor.

So how could you be safe and sound at this moment? Could it be a disguise?"

To be able to achieve a divine beast, not only is the strength quite strong, but also the wisdom is not inferior.

However, recalling the appearance of the Dragon King risking his life to fight, the ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng still had a trace of fear in his eyes.

After all, he had just reached this level not long ago, and he didn't want to fight a desperate bloody battle with a dying person.

Even if he won in the end, he would suffer a lot of damage. In desperation, he could only give up completely.

At the same time, the Dragon King, sitting high on the throne, slowly restrained his breath, and a bright pearl appeared in his palm with fluorescent light flashing in his hand.

This was the Wanxiang Pearl.

Exhaling a long breath, the Dragon King urged all his strength to infuse it into the Wanxiang Pearl, and the obscure Dao rhyme immediately spread around.

The unique rules of Wanxiang surged, and under the control of the Dragon King, the entire dragon clan's territory changed slightly.

Many illusory

dragon shadows emerged, either swimming in the ocean or guarding the four directions, in short, lifelike.

Even if it is a strong man who has reached the realm of the Great Emperor, as long as he does not stare at it closely and observe carefully, he will not be able to detect any clues at all.

Although it is not the first time to experience the power of the Wanxiang Pearl, the Dragon King at this time still can't help but sigh softly:

"It really deserves to be Wanxiang, the Dao on it is mysterious and infinite, which makes people amazing!"

And with the emergence of many phantoms, many dragon cultivators who were originally hidden in the territory immediately gathered towards the Dragon Palace frantically as planned.

For a time, the vast territory of the dragon clan was full of undercurrents, and countless dragon clan members were shuttling in secret.

In just a few days, hundreds of millions of dragon clan monks came to the Dragon Palace.

Although Sun Bing's internal universe is quite large, it can fully encompass all the members of the entire dragon clan.

But in this vast ocean, most of them are collateral bloodlines such as lobsters, crabs, dragons and snakes, and are not considered true dragons.

Moreover, if you blindly pursue the complete elimination of all the clan members, even if there is the cover of the Wanxiang Pearl, some clues will be discovered.

Therefore, all those gathered here are the elite of the dragon clan, and their blood is extremely pure.

Looking around, hundreds of millions of dragons gathered and condensed into

Thick clouds of energy and blood rushed towards him, and the temperature in the air was filled with burning breath.

Among them, Rao is the weakest, and they have all reached the supreme state.

Sun Bing was filled with emotions about this, but what followed immediately was intense excitement.

After all, these dragon clan elites are now headed by Ao Zu, so after leaving Kunlun, they can also be regarded as his subordinates.

By mastering such a huge amount of power, Sun Bing's and even the entire human race's heritage could increase countless times.

Just as Sun Bing's mind was filled with thoughts, the Dragon King's voice suddenly came:

"Little friend, our dragon clan has been gathered together, and now it's up to you!"

This sound immediately woke up Sun Bing, and then he didn't hesitate at all. After nodding, he suddenly waved his big hand.

Obscure power burst out, and the space in front of him suddenly became distorted, and then a looming door gradually appeared in place.

Through the space door, you can vaguely see the world behind you, with towering ancient trees and elixirs everywhere, making it look like a paradise.

Seeing this, the Dragon King nodded slowly, finally letting go of his anxious heart.

Considering that time was urgent now, he did not continue to say anything, but simply waved his hand:

"You enter this small world, and when you are born again, you will return to your homeland!"

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