Sword Emperor

Chapter 41

Because it was the crimson red clam that began to attack first, the dark venom was sprayed directly from its back, and the thick black shadow covered the distance of several meters. It can be said that every monster is the target of its attack.

However, each of the monsters who can practice Qi training has gone through countless battles. How can such attacks be put in their eyes? Therefore, with a flash of flexibility, such as the colorful snake, they can easily avoid the attack of venom.

Sun Bing's face was full of fright, because the venom of the Qi training environment was even more fierce. Even if the rocks on the ground were contaminated, they even sent out bursts of gunpowder smoke, and then disappeared. One after another, small earth pits were exposed on the ground.

In contrast to the gap between himself and the five poisons on the field, sun Bing can not help but feel stronger. Fortunately, he is hiding in the dark today. If he is in the middle of the battlefield, he doesn't need to fight him. The aftereffect of the battle can make sun Bing die without a burial place.

"Young master, these monsters are so fierce. We are definitely not rivals." Seeing such a fierce battle, the big men in Qian Xing can't help feeling guilty. After all, they are just quenching body state, which is different from practicing Qi state.

The money line waved his hand: "it's OK, they must be fighting. We can sit and collect the fishermen when the time comes. What's more, I still have a little bit of incense on my hand that I just need to light up. If I can reduce their strength, I don't have to worry about it."

After hearing this, the three men decided to continue to watch the battle not far away. After all, the masters of Qi state are rare in the whole Luoyun Town, and the scenes of shooting are naturally even rarer.

At the beginning of the battle of five poisons, it entered the white hot stage. It seems that the red clam is a little stronger. Centipede and black Yao scorpion even join hands to attack it.

Seeing the Centipede's hundred feet moving fast on the ground, people were overwhelmed at all. Then a cold light flickered, and the hundred feet suddenly turned into sharp blades, which directly stabbed at the red clam.

At the same time, the big pincers and tail bar of the black Yao scorpion are also flashing cold light, blocking the escape route of the red clam from another angle. No matter how the other side dodges, it will be attacked by one side.

In the face of such an attack, the red clam can only make a sound like a Hong Zhong. However, although the sound is huge, it has no effect on the opponents of the same level.

Finally, there was a burst of blood, because the red clam escaped the tail sting of black Yao scorpion, because the stabbing wound contained a strong poison. Even if it was one of the five poisons, it could not be completely immune. If it was stabbed, it might lose its life.

On the contrary, although the Centipede's hundred feet are sharp, they can only cause trauma and can't endanger their lives.

Baizu is like a sharp blade, which causes great damage to the crimson blood clam. The centipede immediately turns its head and wants to inject poison into it. However, how can the red red toad let the other party succeed? It immediately kicks the hind leg, and the whole toad jumps several feet, directly pushing the centipede to the ground.

The force of this attack was quite huge. There were even cracks on the ground. The dark shell touched the ground, and a little fire broke out. Obviously, the power of this attack made the centipede fall into seven kinds of meat and eight elements. Even if the defense of the shell is strong, there may be serious injury inside.

On the other side, the colorful snake and the multicolored spider are not idle. They are entangled with each other, but they seem to have a needle on the wheat awn, so they can't kill each other effectively. As soon as the colorful snake enters the colorful spider's web, its speed drops and it can't attack each other. Therefore, it can only raise its head high and stare at each other.

However, things changed quickly, because the black Yao scorpion actually rushed towards this side, and its six legs in the abdomen made it completely fearless of the spider web on the ground, and directly attacked the colorful spider.

It can be said that all kinds of means of the colorful spider can't help the black Yao scorpion, the other side restrained it to death, only able to escape in his own web, quite a bit embarrassed.

This battle lasted for more than half an hour. Even sun Bing, who was watching the battle, was tired. Now the five poisons were finally a little tired. The red clam was panting heavily, and his body was covered with scars. The venom on his back dropped slowly along his body and became a pit after pit on the ground.

As for the rest of the five poisons, the centipede has a strong defense, but after such a mixed battle, one of the shell on its back has been broken and shed green blood, which also contains strong poison.

As for the multicolored spider, there are only two feet left now, which looks quite funny. However, the colorful snake is full of scars, but it doesn't fall down. The worst thing is the black Yao scorpion. The two pincers are completely broken to the ground, and even the most important sting is a bit blunt at this moment.

"Well, that's when we can get ready." Just when sun Bing wondered why the money line and others did not act, a burst of words came.

Then he saw Qian Xing directly ignited the last section of sandalwood. The white smoke rose and smelled very comfortable. However, sun Bing was surprised to find that many small animals around him were running towards the periphery, as if they were running for their lives."Isn't this the fragrance of taking demons? It's really amazing. It's worthy of the Qian family. " Sun Bing sighed secretly. No wonder the other party came out of the poisonous woods so easily. Without this object, it would be difficult for ordinary practitioners of Qi training state to pass through.

After lighting the incense, Qian Xing threw it directly into the battlefield of five poisons. Then sun Bing saw that the colorful snake, which had been able to hold on, was a little weak and bowed its head and lay on the ground directly.

As for the other four poisons, although there is no apparent change on the surface, there must be changes in the same way. But at this moment, Qian Xing is still not impatient: "take a good look here. Although the monster is powerless at the moment, it can still fight. If you go up now, it can't be resisted."

Sure enough, after such a short rest, the battle not far away continued. But this time, the first one to attack was the colorful spider with only two legs left. It seemed to have sensed the powerlessness of the colorful snake. It directly injected the venom from its mouth into its body.

The other poisons also found this. The crimson clam directly began to devour the colorful snake. The centipede and the black flame scorpion also used their own actions. But now their fighting is much less. After all, they have no strength.

As time went on, more and more smoke rose from the incense, and the poisons on the battlefield became more and more powerless. Finally, they lay on the ground directly and could not move at all.

At this moment, Qian xingcai ran out of the woods where he was hiding, with a smile on his face: "if it's really true that it's taking demon fragrance, the effect is extraordinary. Even the demons who practice Qi state can make them weak. Today, they can get poison jade, which is not wasted." Then he walked slowly towards the battlefield.

As for the three big men behind him, they were very happy. Although they didn't catch the boy this time, I believe the reward will not be less.

When he came to the five poisons, Qian Xing was full of ridicule: "monsters are monsters. They don't have any brains at all. They only know how to kill. It's really a battle between ducks and mussels. The poisonous jade that you haven't obtained for so long will come to me."

At the moment, sun Bing has also stood up, relying on his speed, to tell the truth, arrived at the battlefield only two rest time, but in his heart is feeling a strange, five poisons are so calculated success? You know, this is the monster of Qi state.

However, looking at Qian Xing, who was only three steps away from poison jade, he was preparing to run down. At that time, sun Bing found that the five poisons, who had been lying on the ground and was dying, actually dragged his broken body and launched an attack.

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