Sword Emperor

Chapter 4279: Extreme Sublimation

Everyone has absolute confidence in whether they can escape.

After all, they were escaping in four directions. Even if Sun Bing was powerful, could he still manifest four clones?

The most likely thing is that Sun Bing chases one person, and the other three parties can take this opportunity to escape smoothly.

As long as they successfully escape this time, they have already made up their minds and will immediately hide in the vast chaos.

At the same time, he tried his best to contain all fluctuations in himself, and his whereabouts would not be revealed for at least ten epochs.

I have to say that the plans of the Demon Emperor, Soul Emperor and others were quite clever, taking into account all kinds of situations.

But at this moment, a sarcastic sneer suddenly appeared on Sun Bing's face.

Looking at the people fleeing in all directions, the spiritual power in the sea of ​​​​consciousness burst out directly.

The nine vicissitudes of the ancient tripod immediately descended, and the obscure aura spread to the surroundings, and immeasurable luck exploded with it.

"Kyushu Boundary"

In an instant, the nine ancient cauldrons burst out with infinite power, sealing off all directions with immeasurable human luck.

The four dragon masters who were galloping at this moment could only feel that they had hit a transparent barrier head-on.

After he came back to his senses, he was very horrified to find that the billions of trillions of space-times within the radius were within the boundaries of the Kyushu Barrier.

All at once, every

It's hard to see the person's face to its extreme.

Because this also means that they are like turtles in a urn with nowhere to escape.

Under the pressure of the life and death crisis, the Demon Emperor and others did not hesitate at all, and tried their best to attack the Kyushu barrier in front of them.

At this moment, the fire on the Immortal Refining Furnace was boiling; the hollow willow trees above Tianchen's head were raging; thousands of demons were shouting behind the Demon Emperor; and the soul emperor's body was filled with obscure Taoist charms.

Everyone has no reservations, and this kind of impact can even cause considerable trauma to ordinary innate spiritual treasures.

But after the four violent forces fell, the Jiuzhou barrier actually regained its calm after being lit and destroyed several times.

Seeing such a scene with their own eyes, the faces of the four dragon masters were full of disbelief, and they even couldn't help but exclaim:

"what on earth is it?"

After all, this matter is really unbelievable. It is completely beyond imagination that a seemingly simple barrier can hinder such a terrifying powerhouse.

In this regard, Sun Bing's face was not too surprised. At this time, there was even a touch of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth:

"If I am the first to enter Mount Tai, then no matter how lucky I am in the Sea of ​​All Realms, I will not be able to trap you with the Kyushu Barrier.

It is even possible that under such an impact, the Kyushu barrier collapsed instantly, and the human race was also greatly affected.

But things are not what they used to be. Now the energy of the Sea of ​​All Realms is

Luck, compared to that time, was like a chasm.

In addition, after the death of the previous Emperor Star and Spirit Emperor, my luck was also swallowed up by me.

So if you want to break this barrier, you are talking nonsense! "

The four people, who were already quite panicked, looked even more ugly after hearing these words.

But they did not give up. After all, these words were probably Sun Bing's tactic to delay the attack.

Immediately, that powerful force circulated in the body again, and the shocking power swept towards the front.

Even this time, the Demon Emperor and others used treasures such as the Yin-Yang Shuttle to break the barrier in front of them.


The earth-shattering sound still sounded directly, and the final result remained unchanged.

After all, the Kyushu Barrier is not a simple formation, but more of a prison that brings together the structure of the entire ethnic group.

If the clan is weak, then the Nine Provinces Barrier will naturally be nothing, and ordinary Emperor Realm monks can easily crush it.

But once the tribe is quite strong, this barrier will naturally become indestructible.

Now that the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms has absorbed the luck of so many ethnic groups, its own luck is extremely prosperous, and the barrier it has built is equally powerful.

Seeing that their methods were of no use, the faces of the Demon Emperor, Tianchen and others were full of panic.

Right now

They were hundreds of millions of miles apart from each other, but after they looked at each other, a sharp look appeared in their pupils.

Then you can see that the four people who were originally fleeing suddenly attack Sun Bing in unison, and a voice full of anger sounded:

"Fellow Taoists, since this officer doesn't want to let us go, we can only do our best to kill him now.

Gu Ke didn't believe it. After such a bloody battle, he was still at his peak. "

"Yes, we must not have any reservations this time, otherwise we will die."


Under the many words, the faces of the four people were full of stern expressions, and their endless divine power burst out directly.

The Immortal Refining Furnace hung high in the sky for nine days, immeasurable power manifested, and various shadows appeared behind it, such as bells, towers, and many other treasures such as swords, guns, swords, and halberds.

This was the manifestation of his own destiny, and the phantoms that appeared had finally reached the level of ordinary imperial soldiers.

After careful observation, there are several innate spiritual treasures.

It's amazing how rich he is.

You must know that throughout the ages, even many heavenly beings do not have innate spiritual treasures with them.

But this Immortal Refining Furnace is not only an innate treasure, but also has innate spiritual treasures under its command, which is really amazing.

The power of the entire Yun Dynasty was gathered together, and the momentum of the Immortal Refining Furnace reached its peak. The violent aftermath

Under the sweep, time and space are constantly distorted.

On the other side, Tianchen is also sublimated in this way.

However, his luck is quite ordinary, composed of thousands of spiritual medicines.

Most of them are supreme holy medicines, and there are a few divine medicines, but the only innate spiritual root is Tianchen's own Dao tree.

The Demon Emperor naturally needs no more words. After bursting out with all his strength, the phantoms of demon beasts appeared behind him.

If it were just that, it would be fine. The most important thing is that in his luck, many demon beasts have the blood of divine beasts.

With just a rough glance, Sun Bing saw the blood descendants of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and even Black Tortoise.

As for the rest, Dang Kang, Fei Yi and so on are countless.

Such a luck is extremely powerful in the eternal era.

Although the luck of the last Soul Emperor is not so majestic, it is gloomy and terrifying.

Because it is filled with one after another divine soul.

The entire Yun Dynasty was directly constructed with endless spirits, full of dead silence.

Facing such a battle, Sun Bing's face was full of solemnity.

After all, this method of manifesting one's own Yun Dynasty was the last trump card of the Dragon Lord.

At this time, they were the strongest and also the weakest.

Once defeated, Yun Dynasty would suffer irreversible and terrible damage, and there would be endless troubles.

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