Sword Emperor

Chapter 4364 The Last Resort

On the other side, as soon as Overlord arrived in Julu Universe, he could hear an earth-shattering sound.

The terrifying sound wave swept across all directions, and countless ancient stars exploded in the vast chaos.

Even though they were separated by endless space, the Overlord of Julu Universe still noticed that his own universe was in turmoil.

This situation made Overlord's expression change with shock, and he even couldn't help shouting directly:

"What exactly happened? Why was there such a loud noise?"

As he spoke, he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and then his face immediately turned extremely pale.

Because Overlord clearly remembered that the direction from which the sound erupted seemed to be exactly where the Soul Emperor's universe was.

"Is it possible that due to various accidents, the leader of the alliance started a fight with Tian Dao?"

A terrible thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and then the Overlord immediately put down the universe of stars, and then took a step forward:

"No, now that the leader of the alliance is in danger, I need to go to rescue him."

But just as he took his steps, Overlord stopped.

After all, he knew his own strength quite well. If he went there rashly, he would be seeking his own death.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he thought about going to the Sea of ​​All Realms to bring in reinforcements.

But the distance between this place and the Sea of ​​All Realms is really too far. When the reinforcements move in,

Then the day lilies are cold.

After taking a long breath, the Overlord's eyes were filled with determination:

"That's all, that's all. I once dared to compete with that tyrant alone, how could I lose my courage now?"

The moment he finished speaking, he smiled very boldly and strode towards the place where the explosion was heard.

But at this moment, a very familiar voice slowly sounded:

"Fellow Taoist, where are you going?"

The moment he heard this, Overlord's face was filled with disbelief, and then he immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw that familiar figure approaching quickly. Regarding this, he said directly with doubts on his face:

"Leader, you, have you escaped?"

"Escape? What escape?"

Hearing this, Sun Bing frowned slightly and looked at Overlord in surprise.

Looking at Sun Bing, who had no injuries at all, Overlord took a deep breath, then pointed at the explosive party and asked:

"Since he didn't escape, what happened to the explosion?"

After hearing these words, a smile finally appeared on Sun Bing's face:

"Can you even hear the explosion here? It seems that they accepted the gift from me without any reservation."

There is no need to say more at this point. As a Dragon Lord, Overlord obviously realizes something.

The hanging heart immediately relaxed, and then he said with a smile on his face:

"Leader, I really didn't expect you to have such a leisurely attitude."

"Hahahaha, since they dare to plot against me, it is normal for me to leave some gifts."

At the end of the conversation, the two looked at each other and laughed in unison.

The resentment that had arisen because of being forced away disappeared in an instant without a trace.

After all, Sun Bing was quite confident in the gift he left behind. They triggered all the formations completely. Even though they were powerful, they still suffered serious injuries.

After a brief laugh, Sun Bing's expression returned to calm again, but there was still a chill between his brows:

“This is just the beginning, trust me, it’s going to be quick.

When I integrate all my power, I will do my best to completely destroy you. "

The simple sentence seemed very plain, but the Overlord could hear the endless killing intent in it.

It can be said that now both Sun Bing and Tiandao regard each other as sworn enemies of life and death.

The most important thing is that at this moment, both sides are racing against time to accumulate strength and find ways to destroy each other.

The turbulent aftermath in the chaos soon returned to calm. Looking at Sun Bing in front of him, the Overlord said in confusion:

"Alliance Leader, I don't know where the Soul Emperor is in the universe.

where? "

Looking at Overlord who looked expectant but a little nervous, a smile appeared on Sun Bing's face.

It is unimaginable that the overlord who was once so domineering in Mount Tai would show such an expression.

But this is normal. After all, the benefits they gained in the previous two universes were too great.

So Sun Bing didn't hide anything at all and nodded directly:

"Don't worry, I will naturally bring that universe back."

Having said that, there was still a hint of doubt between Overlord's brows.

After all, in order to move the universe of stars, he dragged stars tens of thousands of times larger than the blazing sun and ran wildly through the vast universe.

The weight of an entire universe fell, which was difficult to support even with his strength.

At this moment, Sun Bing had nothing in his hands at all, and looking around, he could clearly see that there was nothing hidden in the chaos around him.

So he was quite curious about it.

Sun Bing shook his head helplessly, and with a thought, he could see the Chaos Bead appearing directly in his hand.

The pearl that seemed to be the size of a fist contained endless chaos.

And if you look closely into it, you will be able to see a looming universe hidden inside.

For a moment, the Overlord was stunned on the spot, and only came back to his senses after a long while.

Even though he had long known that Sun Bing had the Chaos Green Lotus and the Chaos Pearl, his face was still full of jealousy:

"I really never thought that the Chaos Pearl would have such a function. A whole universe could be hidden in it. It's really enviable.

In this way, you only need to put your own universe in it, and you don't have to worry about danger at all."

In response, Sun Bing shook his head helplessly:

"The space inside the Chaos Pearl is indeed endless. Not to mention one universe, two or three universes will not be affected.

But once a universe is put in it, it means that the Chaos Pearl can no longer be used against the enemy.

Otherwise, the aftermath of the battle will not damage the Chaos Pearl, but it will burst into an unimaginable chaos storm.

The entire universe may completely dissipate in such a storm."

Simply a few words, but the Overlord's back was filled with endless cold sweat.

After all, it is a waste of such a treasure as the Chaos Pearl to store a universe, and it is mostly used in battle.

However, this can be regarded as Sun Bing's last trump card.

Once things reach the worst, he can completely escape with his universe in the Eternal Era.

With his strength, even if many heavenly ways chase him, he can still escape successfully, at least he can ensure that the Ten Thousand Worlds Sea will not be affected before he dies.

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