Sword Emperor

Chapter 4898 Hongmengtian

In the following time, Sun Bing was in a state of great luck. He could encounter a piece of magic gold in almost three steps, and a magic medicine in five steps.

As for the rest of the supreme holy medicine, exotic iron ore, etc., it can be said that they can be seen everywhere, as if all the wealth of Mount Tai is gathered around here.

However, every time the two of them passed those magical gold, iron, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures, these treasures would disappear without a trace in an instant.

Time gradually passed. Although he encountered countless precious treasures along the way, Sun Bing's brows were furrowed tightly.

After all, no matter how precious those treasures are, it is impossible for them to be in his pocket, even because there are too many treasures to look at, which disturbs people's thoughts.

Even with Sun Bing's willpower, he felt a little disturbed. One can imagine how much influence those treasures had on them.

As for Hou Yi at this moment, he sighed helplessly:

"Brother Sun Bing, what is going on? What we need is treasures, why do those heavenly and earthly treasures always appear?"

Because during this period of time, every time he saw a treasure, he felt like he had it in his pocket.

If Sun Bing hadn't stopped him, he would have actually done it. It felt like torture.

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing felt helpless. After taking another look at the golden wheel of merit above his head, he murmured softly:

"Although we are now blessed with good fortune, and we can encounter all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures every step of the way, we still don't know how long we have to wait to encounter the real treasure."

Having said this, he suddenly recalled what he looked like when he had just gained merit.

At that time, I seemed to be thinking that if all the four swords of Zhu Xian could be transformed into innate spiritual treasures, the battle would be smoother.

The next moment, thousands of killing gold fell directly, thus realizing his wish.

Is it possible that you need to recite your wishes silently in your mind before they can come true?

Thinking of this, Sun Bing immediately became excited, and then he immediately calmed down and waited until he completely regained his composure, then silently prayed towards the golden wheel of merit:

"I hope you can put the most powerful treasure bred by Mount Tai into my hands."

When this thought appeared, the golden wheel of merit that was originally shining brightly began to vibrate.

Although the whole world was silent, Sun Bing was keenly aware that the golden wheel of merit had a very close connection with the entire Mount Tai.

All kinds of Tao rhymes are surging, countless rules are criss-crossing, and the strange phenomenon produced at this moment is comparable to the previous scene where Sun Bing sacrificed the origin of the Tao of Heaven.

In this regard, Hou Yi's face was also full of anticipation, and it was obvious that he had guessed what was going to happen next.

Time gradually passed, and after 60% of the golden light of merit had been consumed, only a shocking loud noise could be heard.

Looking for the sound, I could only vaguely see a golden light rising into the sky at the end of my line of sight.

When it comes, the whole Mount Tai resonates with it.

Even though the two sides were far apart, both Sun Bing and Hou Yi were keenly aware of a heavy force coming towards them.

At the same time, Chi You, Fei Lian and others, who were recuperating in various places of the Jiuli tribe, were also awakened by such a huge momentum.

A pair of eyes slowly opened, and everyone's brows were filled with doubts:

"Why is this happening to Hao Duanduan? What exactly happened?"

But soon, everyone saw the golden stream of light in the sky, especially after noticing the obscure aura, their expressions changed in shock:

"This, this, could this be a Chaos level treasure?"

"I never thought that we would be so lucky to be able to encounter such a precious treasure while cultivating here."


After a brief period of excitement, the group's speed reached its peak and they quickly sped towards the golden stream of light.

After all, treasures of this level are too powerful, and each one is enough to affect the outcome of the battle.

If such a treasure can be collected, the situation of the Jiuli clan will be much better in the future.

Just as many powerful men from the Jiuli tribe were taking action, a vague figure in Hongmeng was suddenly awakened.

I saw three rays of divine light burst out directly, as if traveling through endless time and space, and all mysteries in the world were visible.

After looking around, the ethereal and mysterious voice slowly sounded:

"Hey, something seems to have changed. What happened recently?"

As the words fell, the entire Hongmeng became turbulent, but the most bizarre thing was that Tiandao who was in it didn't notice any clues.

Its name is Hongmengtian.

As the words fell, He immediately activated all the power he could control.

The entire power of Hongmeng began to turbulence with his thoughts, constantly deducing the unknown timeline.

It has to be said that Hongmengtian's strength is indeed quite powerful, even far surpassing that of the God Master, Taoist Master and even the Immortal Master.

When all his power bursts out, all the mysteries in the world seem to be visible to him.

Whether it is what happened in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms or the Buzhou Mountain, everything was presented in his mind.

But when deducing Taishan, Hongmengtian was disturbed after all.

First of all, the relationship between Hongmeng and Taishan was already sworn in, so after sensing Hongmengtian's aura, Taishan immediately tried his best to resist.

Secondly, the target that Hong Mengtian wanted to deduce was Sun Bing and the treasure that had just been born.

Among them, Sun Bing had the protection of the Chaos Green Lotus, which was enough to interfere with most of the snooping.

As for the treasure that had just been born, although it was not protected by the owner, it was also a Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Coupled with the interference of Mount Tai, there was no one in the universe who could deduce useful information.

After a while, realizing that he had been working in vain, Hong Mengtian finally stopped his actions.

Although the time spent on the deduction was quite short, it also consumed too much energy and was about to fall asleep again.

However, the previous situation did make him a little worried. Before he was about to fall asleep, he quickly sent a message:

"The Jiuli tribe may make some moves. You must destroy the powerful enemy as soon as possible and collect resources to wake me up."

This message just sounded in the minds of many heavenly ways, and Hong Mengtian could no longer hold on and fell into a deep sleep.

It seemed that because of the great loss this time, it fell into a more thorough sleep, and the entire Hongmeng returned to peace.

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