Sword Emperor

Chapter 51

Sun Bing on the other side has slowly entered the town, because during this period of time, he was in the depth of Hengduan Mountains every day. Although he had experienced a lot of dangers, his harvest was also great. Even if he ate a lot of Tiancai Dibao by himself, there was still a large part of it that could not be used up at all, so he carried it out.

If it has been put in their own hands, there is no doubt that it is a waste. If it is even delayed for a period of time, it may be all withered, and there is no effect at all.

Immediately, sun Bing did not have too much hesitation, and immediately walked toward treasure Pavilion. After all, it can be said that this is the largest business firm in Luoyun town. Even if other places can't eat this batch of goods, this situation will never happen in treasure Pavilion.

They will only think that you have few things and can't afford a price. They have had a good cooperation foundation, which makes sun Bing very satisfied there. What's more, he is also curious about whether he can buy a Najie from the harvest this time. If there is such a ring, it will be convenient to do anything.

After a while, sun Bing has already stepped into the gate of treasure Pavilion. After a period of time, there is no change here. The decoration is elegant and sparsely populated. It looks pleasing to the eyes. However, sun Bing's clothes at the moment are not suitable for such a prosperous place.

When I looked up, I saw a familiar figure. It was Cheng Wang, who helped sun Bing firmly last time. Today, it seems that he is on duty again. It is just a meeting between the two people.

Just when sun Bing hesitated how to open his mouth, Cheng Wang immediately found him, flashing a different look in his eyes, and seemed to have sun Bing's memory in his mind. He immediately opened his mouth and said with a smile: "young master, don't you expect to meet again for a few months? This time should be fruitful?"

There is no feeling of contempt between the words, which makes sun Bing quite satisfied. No wonder the other party can develop to such a large scale, and the low eyes can get a lot of good impression.

One after the other, the two men came to a small compartment again. After realizing that he was completely safe, sun Bing immediately put down the burden behind him and slowly placed it in front of Cheng Wang's appraiser.

For a moment, Cheng Wang couldn't help being stunned. He thought that most of the baggage should be clothes or other sundries, but he didn't realize that the whole package was all miraculous drugs, and most of them seemed to have just been picked.

It can even be said that the whole treasure Pavilion in Luoyun town has not gained as much as sun Bing did this time. After all, the strength of free repair is limited. Even those who occasionally have bad luck are just picking up a leak. Few people go to explore the really deep mountains.

In these three months, because sun Bing is in the deep mountains, there will be a big war between the two sides when he meets one of them. The final result is that the free cultivation will end in hatred, and sun Bing will sit down and reap the fruits. Therefore, there are fewer miracles that can be received recently.

Today, suddenly saw so many, the heart only left exclamation, of course, as an appraiser, Cheng Wang still adhere to his own principles, slowly began to identify, to identify how much value.

"This is the white Rainbow Fruit, which can increase the condensation degree of true Qi. According to its year, it is worth at least 3000 Liang."

"This is Bingling fruit, which can carry the true Qi. It's rare. It's even the main ingredient of yiweidan. It's more expensive, 10000 Liang."


The more firm he was, the more surprised he was. If this heavy burden were all herbs with low efficacy, it would be OK. After all, it was not worth a few dollars. It would be reasonable to have this amount.

However, these spiritual fruits and miraculous medicines are more expensive than ever, and they are older than years. Finally, Cheng Wang found that some miraculous herbs have not been received for several years, and their value is even more unimaginable.

In fact, what he didn't know was that in Hengduan Mountains, sun Bing, in addition to self-cultivation, still needed to look for opponents all the time. There must be powerful monsters guarding every Tiancai Dibao, so sun Bing began to search crazily.

For three months, he didn't know how many monsters had harmed him. After the natural monsters died, they would never let go of them. Most of them were eaten on the spot. The ones that had little effect on Sun Bing were kept there until they were near the mountain.

Sun Bing didn't even take a look at the common and low value spiritual fruits and miraculous medicines. If we really count those things, we can't carry them out even if we count them up.

"What, this is poison pill." Suddenly, shouts Cheng Wang.

Fortunately, it's in this small compartment. If it's outside, it will attract people's attention. Sun Bing's eyebrows can't help wrinkling. At the moment, he said faintly: "this is a chance that I saw the five poisons fighting with each other, almost dying. This is the fisherman sitting in the room. There's no need to make a fuss about it."

After listening to sun Bing's words, Cheng Wang's surprise is even stronger. You should know that the demon beast in the practice of Qi is the most powerful one in the same level. The monks of the same level dare not go to kill them, so they are of high value.Although sun Bing, a simple fisherman, explained what he got, it was also quite amazing. How many people had the courage to rush forward to the monster in the practice of Qi?

The gathering of the five poisons made the originally valuable poison pill even more expensive. In his sixty years of appraisal career, Cheng Wang had never encountered such a situation, so he was so surprised.

now, after hearing Sun Bing's words, he can't help but feel his old face red. Now he says, "because five poisoned Dan come together, so the price is one hundred and fifty thousand and two." At the same time, the heart secretly said to himself: next can keep calm, calm.

But as soon as he finished saying this, Cheng Wang saw an object that changed his face greatly. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but smoke, and some uncertain mouth asked, "is this poison jade?"

Sun Bing was quite disappointed by the performance of the other party. After all, both sides had a good foundation for cooperation before. How can things be so many today? Although the face is still flat, there is a different kind of dissatisfaction in the tone: "you are an expert. Is this poison jade? Shouldn't it be your own judgment?"

At the same time, there is also a look in his eyes to look at the buns, which makes Cheng Wang feel more ashamed. You should know that as the appraiser of treasure Pavilion, he used to look at others with such eyes, and did not think that he was also treated in this way.

Then a burst of coughing and wording: "the value of this poison jade is really a little big, I can't be the master, so I'll call the leader of our pavilion here, and you can discuss with him." Then he turned and walked out, leaving sun Bing alone in the private room.

However, he did not wait for long. It seemed that he attached great importance to sun Bing. Soon, a fat man with a smile came in, and he was followed by Cheng Wang's appraiser.

"Is this the owner of treasure house?" Sun Bing's heart is full of doubts, but look at its appearance, it is really quite a kind of "laugh often, laugh all the ridiculous people in the world.". I really feel like a businessman.

Just as soon as the other party entered the door, he was full of smiles: "it is really a hero who comes out of youth. I am Wang Liang, who was sent to the treasure Pavilion only this year. Thank you for your support."

On his way to here, Wang Liang had already understood all the general information. After knowing that sun Bing had bought things here more than three months ago, he returned today. Moreover, judging from his image and the spiritual fruit and elixir in his package, he might have just come out of the mountain.

In an instant, Wang Liang paid attention to Qi. You know, it means that sun Bing spent a whole month alone in Hengduan Mountains. In fact, his strength should not be underestimated.

The owner of Zhenbao Pavilion changes almost every ten years. He just came to Luoyun town this year. Naturally, his vision is not comparable to that of the people here. He immediately discovered the potential of sun Bing. What's more, all the things sun Bing sold here are his achievements. If he has outstanding achievements in the end, he can also get a lot of rewards. Therefore, he is so enthusiastic.

After carefully distinguishing all the items in the package, Wang Liang couldn't help thinking about it for a long time. On the one hand, it was the value of the object itself, on the other hand, there was an investment in sun Bing. It means that today's one-time investment can bring huge gains in the future.

So after careful consideration, Wang Liang said slowly: "little brother, the total value of these items is about 2.8 million. I will purchase them according to 3 million Liang silver. This is the limit I can make. What do you think?"

Sun Bing was quite surprised at this. He didn't think that the value of the things he brought back was so high. If he had known about it, he would never have sold it. After all, he was innocent.

This is also treasure Pavilion. If it is in some small shops, it may happen that there will be black eating. In a moment, sun Bing can't help but have a cold sweat behind his back.

However, this cabinet master seems to be quite sincere, even with a hint of kindness, which made sun Bing's heart sink a little, and immediately nodded and said, "I'm very satisfied with the price. I don't know how much a Najie is?"

Hearing that sun Bing wanted to buy a Najie, Wang Liang's face couldn't help but smile and immediately said, "there is a lower grade Najie in my treasure loft. It contains a space of ten meters and is worth 1.5 million silver. However, this one is too conspicuous. If it is purchased, it will certainly set off a storm in the city. I also have one, I don't know what you think of my little brother? "

If sun Bing can only be regarded as sun Bing's conjecture, now is a thorough expression of his sincerity. Even sun Bing can't help being moved. To know that what he needs is convenience, and he doesn't want to be conspicuous. Even if sun Bing has a certain confidence and holds the ring, he doesn't want to expose it. So this is a good choice.

At the moment, he could not help nodding: "in this case, I would be disrespectful. I don't know what it's worth? "

After listening to Wang Liang, although there was no change in his face, he was still surprised. He took a ring off his hand and said, "this is Najie. It's four Zhangs of space. It's a little bigger than the ordinary lower grade one. It's 1.5 million taels of silver."The two sides looked at each other with a smile, and they both felt that they had made a lot of money. Wang Liang, especially Wang Liang, felt that sun Bing had already quenched his body for eight layers. He was surprised that Cheng Wang had just given him information on the sixth floor of the body quenching environment. In just three months, he had improved two levels and gained many natural resources and treasures through his own hard work.

After all, many of them must be protected by monsters. It's possible to pick up leaks once or twice, but it's impossible to find so many. No doubt, all of them were killed by sun Bing. With such an analysis, even in the outside world, sun Bing is a genius..

In Luoyun Town, such a genius will surely be quite dazzling in the future. No doubt, as long as the genius rises, he will receive great harvest. What's more, today's transaction can only be regarded as a little less profit. After being carved, the poison jade will be more valuable.

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