Sword Emperor

Chapter 53

In the morning of the next day, sun Bing had already opened his eyes. This is the habit of exercising in Hengduan Mountains. He wakes up on time every day for exercise. To tell the truth, he was very satisfied with his life last night, which can be called the best rest night.

You know, in the Hengduan Mountains, it can be said that there is a lot of danger. The first month was good. Although the five poisons have died, they can still frighten the curfews, and the other monsters dare not invade.

But a month later, the faint pressure completely disappeared. Even in the valley, it was not a safe place. Sun Bing's cave was repeatedly invaded by monsters, and it was extremely dangerous at night. If you don't keep alert, you don't know how to die.

So in the encounter of a monster in the middle of the night invasion time, sun Bing even if asleep will maintain good vigilance, all for their own small life.

On the back mountain of Luoyun Town, it's hard to find any danger here. Sun Bing doesn't need any psychological burden. It can be said that his spirit has been tense for a long time and finally gets a rest, and even his mood gets better.

Slowly stretching his body, sun Bing's mouth can not help but show a smile, last night because of the time problem, it is not carefully looked at, but now a glance, can be very obvious to detect the traces of someone cleaning.

After all, if there is no one to tidy up such a simple roof, let alone more than three months, even a month can not hold, and until the people here only that beautiful shadow, think of here, sun Bing's heart is not help warm.

However, although he has reached the level 8 of quenched body state, sun Bing still can't slack off. After all, Sun long has quenched the ninth floor of body state. Now, sun Bing immediately stands up and prepares for today's exercise.

But because of the heavy killing in Hengduan Mountains in the past three months, sun Bing showed the swordsman's sharpness to the extreme. Of course, it can improve his attack power to the extreme, but it is easy to break when he is too strong. Sun Bing understands the reason. So since he returned to Luoyun town, he has not even put his sword out of the sheath completely, which is to hide his light and protect his talent.

If someone who doesn't know sun Bing's personality sees him and even thinks that he is just a young handsome guy, he can't see any other breath at all. That's his horror.

However, when sun Bing was preparing for the drill, the powerful five senses cultivated in Hengduan Mountains suddenly noticed a burst of sound, and soon saw a beautiful shadow at the corner of the mountain, which was sun Yanran, who had not seen for a long time.

Today's beautiful woman is particularly beautiful. She is dressed in white and has black hair. The snow in the mountains reflects each other, which makes her as pure as snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain. It makes people wonder. However, her face is full of a faint worry.

Suddenly, she seemed to notice sun Bing's eyes. Sun Yanran immediately raised her head and saw the figure that she had been worried about. It seemed that she had been aware of some secret. Suddenly, there was a trace of blush on her white face: "are you back?"

In the past few months, she basically comes over once every three or five days. The most important thing is to check whether sun Bing has come back, and then to take care of this place.

But with the passage of time, sun Yanran's expression from the beginning of indifference, slowly turned into worry, so that now, even if she is so cold-blooded, anxiety is shown in the face, fortunately, at this moment, sun Bing finally came back.

"Yes, I'm back. I'm in trouble for a while." Sun Bing smile, if the whole Sun family can have a person to care about him, then only in front of this beautiful shadow, this is his last gentle heart.

Both of them were relatively cold people. For a while, they didn't know what to say. However, sun Bing suddenly had a flash of inspiration and seemed to think of something. He immediately took out a jade box from his arms, and then slowly handed it up: "this is my occasional spiritual fruit in the Hengduan Mountains. It's just picked and sent to you. I hope you can like it."

The fruit in this jade box is the purple fruit picked by sun Bing in Hengduan Mountain range. It has no effect on cultivation, but the effect of beauty beauty is absolutely pleasing to women. Even if sun Yanran is such a gorgeous beauty, who doesn't love beauty after all?

Sun Yan Bing's anger has disappeared since Sun Yanbing's words, but sun's smile has not been heard for a long time.

It can be said that for so many years, sun Bing has never seen this look of sun Yanran. Even if he is firm in heart, he can't help but shake his mind, and can't help but grasp that pair of delicate jade hands.

Two people have known each other for so many years, which can be regarded as a childhood sweetheart. Although there is not much communication on the surface, the feelings are quite deep. However, due to the problem of his own identity, the former sun Bing does not allow him to show his self-esteem, but now sun Bing has enough courage to come out.

You should know that he is already a friar with eight levels of quenching body state at the moment, and even the practice of Qi state is just around the corner. After all, he has broken through to the current state and hasn't arrived for a year. No one knows what miracle sun Bing will produce next.So now sun Bing is confident that he can be worthy of sun Yanran. Naturally, the feelings in his heart do not need any suppression. For his bold action, sun Yanran seems to be a little unaccustomed, subconsciously shrinking, but he did not explicitly refuse.

However, it has been slowly lowered, showing a rare gesture of the little daughter. Looking from a distance, you can see a young man in blue holding a girl in white on the cliff, and the snow is flying around, which makes this painting more beautiful.

After a long time, the two talents walked out of the light warmth and looked at the beautiful shadow in front of them. Sun Bing looked firm: "wait for me for a period of time, I will come to marry you with my sword in my hand."

This is sun Bing's promise as a swordsman, because he knows that the barriers to marriage promotion are too great.

First of all, the father of the other party will definitely refuse. After all, sun Bing is just the son of a guest Qing, without identity and background. Who will identify with such a nominal son? It is even possible to kill sun Bing in the first time. In the final analysis, he is too weak.

In addition, Sun long and others will stir up the situation. In the end, even the Qian family may come forward. Will they have to repeat their father's affairs at that time? It's just thrown out as an abandoned child.

Therefore, in the face of these obstacles, sun Bing must rely on his own strength to break the obstacles. Who is not satisfied with it will be wiped out with one sword.

Sun Bing firmly believes that such a future is not far away, because it took him only eight months to go from a mortal to the eighth floor of quenched body state. Within three years, the whole Luoyun town could not stop him.

"Well." Hearing sun Bing's promise, sun Yanran can't check Yingning. As a smart woman, she felt that there was a thin layer of separation between the two from a very early time. This was brought by her identity. One was a family waste, the other was a proud daughter. Fortunately, now sun Bing finally came out. How can she not feel happy.

After a while, the two people's faces once again returned to the cold of the past, but the distance between the two people was countless times closer. Looking at the young man who had got rid of childishness in front of him, sun Yanran was also slightly distracted, and unconsciously ten years had passed.

After the warmth, the beauty slowly left.

Looking at the far away back, sun Bing again ushered in hard training, after all, even if the beautiful woman fell in love with him, but all the strength to speak, now he is still too weak, if now has the strength to practice Qi, then have the courage to propose a marriage.

If you have reached the level of rebirth, you can even sweep the whole town of Luoyun, so you need to grasp every minute and second to practice.

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