Sword Emperor

Chapter 5393: Reversal of Situation

For a moment, both Wanjie and Zang had their hearts sink to the bottom of the valley.

They had never expected that Sun Bing would use such a method of pretending to build a plank road and secretly attacking Chencang. This situation was completely beyond their expectations.

Many thoughts flashed through their minds in an instant, and then the energy in the two people's bodies kept running, and they attacked the Zangtian Coffin and even the Kunlun Mirror at the same time.

The vast power instantly filled the world, and the momentum spread from it was extremely terrifying.

In response, Sun Bing's eyebrows showed a sneer:

"It's only now that you realize my purpose. Don't you think it's too late?"

Although he said so, he did not take it lightly. Feeling the powerful attacks of the two people, Sun Bing's own avenue also competed with the world.

I saw that the majestic and vast green lotus directly emerged, just above the Kunlun Mirror.

Endless divine light descended, directly covering the Kunlun Mirror.


A series of earth-shaking sounds rang out, allowing all the great ways to explode, but at most, only a few ripples were left on the surface of the barrier cast by Qinglian.

As for the Burial Heaven Coffin on the other side, Sun Bing did not deliberately protect it.

But his Time River clone now showed unimaginable power.

The mighty river water was boiling, and the flow rate of time around it changed.

Zang's attack just broke out, and he was fixed in place. If he wanted to reach the Burial Heaven Coffin, it would take at least hundreds of millions of years.

And the Time River clone did not stop there, and the surging river water once again raised a huge wave.

Then, a layer of vague but extremely twisted power directly enveloped the space around Kunlun Mirror and Burial Heaven Coffin.

The power of time and space was running, and the outside world might have only passed a short moment, but within this layer of barrier, thousands of years had passed.

The purpose of Sun Bing's arrangement of such a barrier was very simple, which was to heal the damage of these two treasures as quickly as possible.

But Wanjie and Zang also knew Sun Bing's purpose. Seeing this scene, there was no need for any communication. The two of them showed the great ways they mastered.

Many great ways intertwined in the vast world, especially the infinite calamity, which gathered the great power of destroying chaos.

It was only a short moment before and after, and a crisp sound could be heard.

The barrier that had just condensed was broken in an instant. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Chaos Green Lotus and the Time River clone attacked together, which barely blocked the aftermath.

Although this attack worked, neither the Zangtian Coffin nor the Kunlun Mirror gave up absorbing the origin of the Heavenly Dao.

Seeing this, Wanjie and Zang were very decisive.

Since Sun Bing had a way to stop their attack, it would be better to target the source.

Once all these Heavenly Dao origins were consumed, even if Sun Bing had all kinds of magic, he would be powerless.

Immediately, the two were very decisive and directly urged their power to take the Heavenly Dao origins in front of them.

Sun Bing also saw the two's actions, but there was not much panic on his face.

Because in such a long time, the Burial Heaven Coffin and Kunlun Mirror have absorbed a lot of Heavenly Dao Origin.

As a Chaos Spirit Treasure, the Kunlun Mirror was severely damaged, so it can only be regarded as recovering some of the damage now.

But the Burial Heaven Coffin is completely different. Originally, it was only an ordinary innate treasure, and the damage it suffered was not serious.

After the previous period of digestion and absorption, this treasure is now only one step away from real recovery.

So after noticing the actions of Wanjie and Zang, a sarcastic sneer appeared on his face, and all the power in his body poured into the Burial Heaven Coffin.

At this moment, the Burial Heaven Coffin, which was constantly devouring the surrounding energy, increased its devouring power by dozens of times, like a black hole, constantly devouring all the energy.

With the help of this power, the Burial Heaven Coffin directly crossed the last layer of barrier, and the injuries all over the body healed in an instant.

"Bury the sky, bury the earth, bury all living beings"

Taking this opportunity, the infinite energy in Sun Bing's body circulated, and the great power contained in the Burial Heaven Coffin completely swept all around.

Originally, even if he was severely injured and could not fully display all his power, he could still compete with the Burial Life Coffin and even suppress it.

Now that the peak power has arrived, the Burial Life Coffin cannot compete with it at all, and there is even a faint sign of being controlled by it.

Zang's face was quite ugly when he realized that the treasure he had sacrificed for endless years was about to escape from his control.

It should be noted that the main reason why he has such a huge reputation is the Burial Life Coffin.

If this treasure is taken away, it will not only damage his reputation, but more importantly, his strength will also be greatly reduced.

The moment he noticed the abnormality of the Burial Heaven Coffin, he had already burned his own life essence and blood and even many Dao rhymes.

At this moment, Zang's momentum was raised out of thin air.

Because now it is really a matter of life and death. If there is any negligence, then the final face is the fall.

In response, Sun Bing sneered, and a great amount of energy poured into the Heaven Burial Coffin.

Accompanied by a distorted sound, the huge coffin lid slowly opened, and the mighty power to bury the heaven and earth burst out instantly.

Whether it was the rhyme of Taoism or the truth in it, it was far superior to the Life Burial Coffin.

At the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, the Zangsheng Coffin had been suppressed by force. Even if Zang was doing his best behind the scenes, it could only delay for a certain period of time at most.

Seeing this scene, Wanjie directly abandoned the action against Kunlun Mirror, and Wuliangjie approached with great force.

After all, the lips and teeth are cold, if Zang falls, then even he will find it difficult to continue to hold on.

So even if the two sides are enemies, Wanjie can't just sit back and watch.

Under the erosion of such a great force, the Zangtian Coffin has to restrain its edge.

Taking this opportunity, Zang finally got a moment to breathe.

At this moment, he no longer expected to kill Sun Bing, because in the current situation, it is not easy to save his life.

But Sun Bing couldn't let him go so easily. He didn't forget that he had to flee in a hurry under Zang's pursuit just now.

Now that he finally found such a good opportunity, how could he miss it?

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and then the Qingping Sword was raised high.

"Destroy the Dao"

The black sword light descended across endless time, and the Chaos Green Lotus also quietly emerged, and the aura around the Heaven Burial Coffin and the World Destroying Grindstone burst out.

Finally, the clone of the River of Time tried his best to attack. Under the multiple attacks, even Wanjie and Zang joined forces, they felt a very fatal sense of crisis.

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