Sword Emperor

Chapter 5395 I don’t know what it means

Although they succeeded in killing Sun Bing, Wanjie and Zang did not relax, and their vigilance soared to the extreme in an instant.

Without any communication, the infinite calamity quickly turned around and swept towards Zang.

On the other side, thousands of resentful souls also changed their attack targets and urged all their strength to attack Wanjie.

The earth-shaking sound resounded through the world. The two who had previously joined forces to resist the enemy were now like sworn enemies, showing no mercy at all.

There was no surprise on their faces about the enemy's actions, and even their previous attack could only be regarded as a test.

Facing such a terrifying attack, their reaction speed was quite fast, and one of them immediately distorted time and space.

As for the other person, he directly replaced himself with those resentful souls and forcibly bore the power of the calamity.

The next moment, the terrifying power exploded completely, but neither Wanjie nor Zang suffered any damage.

Realizing that they could not kill the enemy in a short time, the two of them gave up their opponents and rushed straight to the treasures in the world.

Zang's goal was very clear, which was the Heaven Burial Coffin.

As the owner of the Burial Coffin, no one knew this treasure better than him.

Even if he only got the weakest Burial Coffin, he had already made such a reputation. If he got this treasure again, his strength would definitely be greatly improved.

As for Wanjie, his eyes fell on the Kunlun Mirror.

In fact, his original goal was the Chaos Blue Lotus, a Chaos Supreme Treasure, but he did not expect that such a treasure would be blown up.

In desperation, he could only shift his attention to this Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Even though it has not been fully recovered yet, he already knows that the Origin of Heaven can restore the damage of such a treasure.

As long as he gets the treasure, it will not take long to get this peak treasure.

I believe that with this Kunlun Mirror, his means of life-saving and attacking ability can be improved by more than one level.

In just a moment, the two of them had arrived in front of the two treasures.

And what they did next was very simple, that is, to inject their soul imprints into the treasures.

But something extremely strange happened. The imprint just touched the surface of the two treasures and was forcibly bounced back.

Such a situation made the two frown and their hearts were full of doubts.

But at the same time, a familiar but sarcastic voice slowly sounded:

"I am not dead yet, and the two Taoist friends want to divide my treasures. Aren't you a little too impatient?"

The moment they heard this, Wanjie and Zang froze in place, and their faces were full of embarrassment.

However, the next moment, the embarrassment turned into a strong palpitation.

Then they subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a flying firebird at the end of their sight.

Sun Bing slowly walked out of the firebird, and there was no scar on his body.

For a while, the faces of the two were extremely ugly.

But soon, Zang couldn't help but sneer:

"As you said before, even if you can be resurrected, what can you do? We will kill you a second time, a third time, or even completely kill you."

As for Wanjie on the side, a sinister smile appeared on his face:

"Resurrection is indeed a good method, but it's a pity that even Chaos can only be broken in front of the quantitative disaster, let alone you, a mere living being."

While speaking, the two of them did not hold back at all and exerted all the power they had mastered again.

Hundreds of resentful souls attacked at the same time, and the terrifying momentum filled the world, and various avenue rules crisscrossed.

At this moment, the momentum of the resentful souls was even stronger than before.

In addition, Wanjie also took this opportunity to operate his own power, and the terrifying quantitative disaster swept straight in front of him.

If Sun Bing could really be resurrected, then the power of the quantitative disaster would cover all directions and could also isolate all his vitality.

Through the previous confrontation, Sun Bing knew that he was no match for a head-on confrontation.

But the power of those resentful souls is not permanent. As long as he can delay, he will be the final winner.

So after feeling the sense of crisis, he immediately flashed and left the place directly.

The next moment, the space-time in the place exploded, and the terrifying aftermath directly tore the world apart.

Seeing this, Wanjie and Zang's faces were still very calm, and they even said coldly:

"It's a foolish dream to want to run at this moment."

After the words fell, there was no need for him to deliberately urge them, and the thousands of resentful souls scattered directly.

"Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Control Formation"

In an instant, many obscure avenues crisscrossed, and a huge formation covered the entire world.

Under the joint efforts of thousands of emperors and even the Lord of the Era, the power contained in it was extremely terrifying.

However, Sun Bing, who felt these situations, had a very strange expression on his face:

"You dare to use the formation in front of me, you really don't know what you are doing."

Then, his sharp eyes swept around.

It must be said that the formation arranged by a powerful person who broke the limit is indeed very perfect. Even Sun Bing suspected that this was created by the other party by modifying the terrain.

Thousands of resentful souls are located at various key nodes, and the entire formation can even superimpose the power of all the resentful souls.

It is very troublesome to crack this formation. Not only do you need to find the nodes that change all the time, but you also need to defeat the resentful souls in the nodes.

For Zang, generally, using this trick almost guarantees his victory.

However, the method that was once invincible had an unexpected result in front of Sun Bing.

He just glanced around blankly, and then subconsciously stepped forward.

The formation that was so complicated that it was almost impossible to crack was like the simplest problem for Sun Bing.

In just a short moment, Sun Bing, who had disappeared before, stood in the same place again.


Accompanied by bursts of dull sounds, the formation that had previously covered the four directions collapsed directly.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Zang couldn't help but stand there.

Originally, the main purpose of using such a method was to restrict Sun Bing's actions and prevent him from escaping.

Never expected that such an accident would happen in the end.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Zang came back to his senses, his pupils filled with a cold light:

"Since this formation has no effect, then I will use my absolute strength to completely kill you."

"You are really shameless."

But at this moment, Sun Bing's voice sounded directly:

"The previous one was your last chance. It's too late to try the same trick again.

Next, I will send you off for the last time."

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