Sword Emperor

Chapter 5443: The Overlord Who Suddenly Intrudes

As for Taishan at this moment, it can almost be regarded as a sea of ​​joy.

It is enough to cook all kinds of delicious dishes in the Zhenxiu Pavilion, even the heaven and earth are shining because of it.

Countless Dao rhymes emerged, and Taishan's will almost presented its own Dao to many creatures.

Taking this opportunity, even the dumbest cultivators can feel a little.

And this is truly a universal celebration, even Taishan is affected by it.

The hearts of people who were still a little volatile have gradually become stable under this atmosphere.

After all, the lives of grassroots cultivators are very difficult, so their needs are quite simple, that is, hope.

As long as they have the opportunity to continue to break through, no matter how difficult the environment is, they can face the difficulties.

Judging from the current situation of Taishan, they at least see a way out.

On the other side, the Lingxiao Palace is more luxurious than the outside world, with delicious food and delicacies, and each one is a boutique among boutiques.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Sun Bing slowly descended with Da Siming, and then spoke directly:

"Today we gather together to celebrate Da Siming's joining our alliance. I believe that with his joining, the alliance will surely be even more powerful."

After hearing this, the other cultivators present nodded in unison, their faces full of excitement.

Some of them were even the elders who joined the Wanjiehai back then, such as the Bixie clan.

The alliance back then was very weak. Facing the siege of the Heavenly Dao, it could only flee in a panic in the vast chaos, feeling extremely depressed.

Time passed, years changed, and the alliance had developed to this extent without knowing it.

If many people were still confused about the future in the past, now they have full confidence.

As long as there is enough time, even if Hongmeng has a strong foundation, it is not to be feared.

Feeling the kind eyes from many powerful people around, Da Siming's face was also full of smiles.

During the period of preparing for the banquet, he had a very comprehensive understanding of Mount Tai.

He naturally knew many of the situations involved, and the various rules and regulations made him quite satisfied.

So at this moment, he could not help but speak directly:

"In the future, I hope that fellow Taoists can give me more advice. We will work together and will surely be able to resist the attack of the Heavenly Dao and even turn defeat into victory."

For a time, the atmosphere on the scene was very warm.

Then, under the guidance of Sun Bing, the Great Siming climbed onto a table and chair suspended in the sky.

The next should have been the most lively time of the banquet, in order to show the welcome to the Great Siming.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly tore through time and space and came forcibly.

This situation made everyone present change their expressions.

You must know that although it is now a banquet, Mount Tai's defense is still very strict, especially the Lingxiao Palace, which can be said to be the most stringent place in the entire Mount Tai.

Such an accident is really a bit weird.

However, when he saw the face of the figure clearly, even Sun Bing's expression changed.

Because this is the Overlord.

Even though a banquet was being held in Mount Tai, the Overlord still blamed himself for the previous situation, so he had been monitoring Hongmeng's situation in the chaos.

Now the other party suddenly came, and it was obvious that something unexpected happened.

Immediately, Sun Bing spoke directly without hesitation:

"Daoyou, what happened? Even you are so shocked?"

Hearing this, the Overlord's face was full of solemnity. After looking around, he slowly spoke:

"Just now I saw with my own eyes that many Heavenly Daos left Hongmeng and scattered. I was afraid that something unexpected would happen, so I came back directly to tell you this news."

The simple words made everyone present frown, and the Lingxiao Palace, which was still happy before, immediately became extremely serious.

Sun Bing, Jiuli Great God, and even the Jade Emperor, Zulong and many other powerful people frowned at the same time.

Those Heavenly Daos had just been defeated, and each of them had some injuries.

The best choice is to recuperate in Hongmeng, so there will be no danger at all.

After all, no matter how irrational Sun Bing and others are, they can't enter Hongmeng.

With their current strength, they can't fight Hongmengtian at all.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon when things are abnormal. The Heavenly Dao is afraid of death. They can't be unaware of the consequences of leaving Hongmeng.

Since the decision has been made, it is obvious that there is a bigger intention.

Many thoughts kept flashing in their minds. After a short moment, Sun Bing, Jiuli Great God and even Jade Emperor and others almost spoke at the same time:

"They want to ask for help!"

Obviously, those Heavenly Daos are now aware of their own problems.

The Human Alliance is getting stronger with the passage of time, while Hongmeng is getting weaker.

Now they must want to break the deadlock.

But although they noticed the purpose of those Heavenly Daos, Sun Bing and others were full of helplessness on their faces.

Because there were too many Heavenly Daos running out at the same time, there was only Overlord monitoring at that time, and they couldn't monitor them at all.

As for going back now, it is too late. Those Heavenly Daos have gone to who knows where.

This is the most despairing thing.

After all, every transcendent Heavenly Dao carries the wisdom of countless creatures in the entire era, and the information and even secrets it knows are endless.

For example, the Three Immortal Mountains and Two Immortal Islands are secrets that have been passed down for thousands of years. Even if you are not a top powerhouse, you have heard of them.

Because the status of such a blessed land has almost reached the extreme, and its own power can leave a residual image in each era.

But in addition to these top blessed lands, there are some other worlds in the vast chaos.

For example, the world behind the origin ancestor and the ancestor of the light clan that Sun Bing once encountered also has Heavenly Dao.

For such a world, Sun Bing and others know nothing at all.

It is precisely because of this that he still cannot take revenge at this moment.

But those Heavenly Daos have a way to know the approximate location of those worlds.

If it is left alone, it may not take long before those Heavenly Daos who left before will lead more Heavenly Daos back.

Don’t think that Taishan is peaceful now, and even has the upper hand in the confrontation with Hongmeng.

But when that time comes, their situation will be quite dangerous.

Thinking of this, the faces of every cultivator present were extremely ugly.

Originally thought that the victory was in their grasp, but they never expected that those heavenly ways actually had such hidden means, which really made people hard to guard against.

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