Sword Emperor

Chapter 5475 Haotian

Such a situation made the Jiuli Great God who returned to Mount Tai furious. You know, these are all the elites of the entire Jiuli clan.

But now Mount Tai’s defense is empty, and he can’t leave rashly, so he can only suppress his anger, inform the Jade Emperor, Chi You and others of this news, and wait anxiously.

Time passed gradually, and several months had passed in the blink of an eye.

Cultivators such as the Emperor of Food have returned with worlds of all sizes, and everyone’s face is filled with excited smiles.

After all, for them, this is definitely a great victory. Not only did they kill a Heavenly Dao, but they also harvested the lives of a world.

Not only them, but the entire Mount Tai is in a boiling state.

After all, for countless years, the Heavenly Dao has caused too much damage to all living beings. Now that so many Heavenly Daos can be killed in one fell swoop, this kind of victory is definitely the first time.

And all this has changed with the return of the first Jiuli cultivator.

Although he barely escaped and did not fall in the power of the Great Dao, his body was covered with scars.

He could even see how terrible the attack on the other party had been through the violent Great Dao contained in those wounds.

At this moment, the smiles on the faces of many emperors disappeared instantly.

Being able to cultivate to this level, their wisdom naturally needs no further explanation. Through such details, they instantly understood the conspiracy of the Heavenly Dao.

It should be noted that the battle between Taishan and Hongmeng seemed huge, involving all living beings, and tens of thousands of legions were fighting.

In the battlefield of time and space back then, countless lives fell every moment, and even the emperors were just soldiers.

But in essence, the most top-notch epoch masters were the ones who really determined the success or failure of both sides.

Even the emperors could not play too much of a role in such a battlefield.

Because in front of the existences of Yuntian and Hun Duntian, the emperors were like ants and could be easily killed.

Of course, Sun Bing is not among them. Although his cultivation is only that of a great emperor, he is still the most top-notch existence in the entire chaos.

The gap between Taishan and Hongmeng is not as big as imagined now. In addition, with the geographical advantages of Taishan, those heavenly ways simply cannot attack.

As time goes by, Hongmeng's final outcome is bound to be failure.

After all, the difference in the number of people on both sides is too big. As long as the young generation in Taishan grows up and bullies others, Hongmeng will have no power to resist.

Hongmeng is also very clear about this.

So he made such a move, which clearly wanted to weaken the power of Taishan, and then gather many reinforcements to decide the outcome in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, the faces of every great emperor were very ugly.

You must know that Taishan has become their last pure land now. Once Taishan is destroyed, even if they can run for a while, can they still run for a lifetime?

As long as those heavenly ways take time out, their fate is already doomed.

So after a short period of suppression, one person can be heard speaking directly:

"It's simply too much. Now is the time when those Heavenly Daos are the weakest. Although we are weak, we are numerous.

Even if they are stronger, what can we do? We can eventually burst out to our due use.

Daoyou, let's go to help the brothers of the Jiuli clan."

"Yes, those Heavenly Daos are scattered alone, and they can only rely on the terrain.

And the strongest formation master of the Eternal Era is Your Majesty, but there are many formation masters in our Taishan.

Even if the terrain is terrible, with so many formation masters working together to break it, can't we save the brothers of the Jiuli clan?"


As the voices continued to sound one after another, many emperor-level strongmen did not hesitate at all, turned around and rushed towards the outside of Taishan.

Hearing the sounds of gnashing teeth, the heart of the Jiuli God was barely comforted.

However, in such a situation, he still stood firmly in front of many great emperors:

"I have received the kindness of fellow Taoists, but the situation outside is strange now. Hongmeng may have other plans. Don't act rashly."

After hearing this, many cultivators subconsciously refuted directly:

"But now the brothers of the Jiuli tribe are still in danger. We..."

Before he finished speaking, the Jiuli God waved his hand directly:

"Although the children of my Jiuli tribe are in danger, we can't let fellow Taoists take risks.

Besides, I have made corresponding arrangements for this matter. Fellow Taoists have just returned, so you should rest assured and recuperate."

After hearing the firmness in these words, many cultivators present could only sigh and give up the idea of ​​going to rescue.

But at this moment, the space in the distance suddenly cracked, and then Chi You and Hou Yi were returning with two Jiuli tribe strongmen.

After putting the two people down, they turned around and left without any hesitation.

After all, there are more than one or two Jiuli monks in danger now. Time is urgent and there is no time to waste.

Just as the two of them left, the Jade Emperor also returned, but the injuries of the Jiuli monks he brought back were not serious.

Because these monks were only trapped by the Great Dao's divine power and did not suffer too much damage.

In the following time, strong men like Chi You, Fei Lian, and Jade Emperor kept leaving and returning, and many strong men of the Jiuli tribe were successfully brought back by them.

It was a pity that those strong men were trapped in various places in the vast chaos. Even if Chi You, Fei Lian and others were strong, it was impossible to rescue everyone in a short time.

In the blink of an eye, a month had passed. With the joint efforts of Overlord, Jade Emperor and others, the battlefields in various places were finally resolved.

In this regard, the face of the Jiuli God was extremely ugly.

You must know that not long ago, more than 500 Jiuli tribe strongmen were sent out, each of whom was the elite of the tribe.

But in the end, the results achieved by these more than 500 Jiuli tribe strongmen were far less.

When they joined forces, they only killed more than 40 Tiandao, and lost hundreds of people themselves, and even more were injured.

You must know that the losses in this battle cannot return. Falling under the power of the Great Dao is equivalent to being shrouded by the Great Dao of Nirvana.

Even though the Great God Jiuli had tried with the help of the reincarnation realm, he had not yet summoned those fallen warriors.

Obviously, this meant that they were completely wiped out.

Although there were only a few hundred people, it was a huge loss for both the Jiuli clan and Taishan.

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