Sword Emperor

Chapter 575

Seeing that both of them blocked their attack, the thirteenth prince was in a bad mood. It was the first time that he saw such a situation. His face was almost gloomy at the moment.

At the moment, if the two sides are able to take back a lot of things, they will not be able to take back the thief.

I can't help but breathe out and continue to speak darkly: "keep shooting for me. I want to see how many attacks they can block. If there are so many people today and let them run away, how can I face?"

After years of training, almost all these skills have been integrated into the bone marrow, and the skilled ones have begun to build bows and archery.

Just because of the terrible effect before, there are more people attacking at the same time. There are ten people pulling their bows and arrows together. Even if there is no arrow plume to launch, sun Bing still has a feeling like a mountain on his back.

As for Hong Kai on the other side, he has the same look. Although he is a body refining friar, his own defense is incomparably strong, but we should know that every arrow feather is engraved with many runes by the array mage, which contains great power.

What's more, each of the Knights behind him is quite extraordinary. All of them have reached the pinnacle of ecdysis. Even if they fight the enemy alone, they need to go through a hard struggle. What's more, there are so many people at the moment, and the final result is even more terrifying.

At the moment, the thirteen Prince's mouth showed a faint smile, so he looked at the two figures fleeing in the distance. After all, it looked like a living target. For these marksmen, they were able to achieve the effect of making great strides.

After being aimed at by the bow and arrow for such a long time, the spirit seems to have been completely tense together, the whole person is extremely nervous, and just at this moment, the thirteenth prince finally slowly said: "let go."

There was a burst of bow string playing in the air, but there was no sound of breaking the wind. However, sun Bing at the moment was able to feel the hairs on his body directly set up at the moment, and a strong sense of crisis spread all over his body, as if the next moment would fall completely.

Immediately without any hesitation, sun Bing stopped his steps. His pure Jun sword in his hand was shining with a faint light of fluorescence, and then he swept towards the back. Suddenly, a thick sword spirit appeared.

However, in the face of such a move, there is no resistance at all. In a flash, it has completely collapsed. As for the remaining arrow feather, it still rushes towards sun Bing with the momentum that there is no way to stop it.

As fast as that, almost the next moment will attack sun Bing's body. If you don't resist it, you will even fall completely at this moment.

After a long breath, sun Bing's eyes twinkled with a trace of light. Zhenyuan began to run madly in the meridians, and the pure Jun sword in his hand was blooming with a trace of terror at the moment.

"Indulge in the four seas"

suddenly, this move has been presented, and the surrounding space is even full of such terrible sword power. Ordinary people even have no way to breathe under such circumstances, and only the group of determined Knights behind can resist it.

However, this situation also affected the powerful mount to a certain extent. Now, there is absolutely no intention to continue to move, because in case of fear, the limbs tremble slightly.

After all, in such a terrible sword sense, even if the demon beast has been tamed by the friars, it is totally irresistible. After all, it is also a fatal threat to them.

The power of this sword is tens of times larger than that of the previous one. Even if there are many inscriptions on the arrow, it can't match the terrible sword spirit.

In a flash, the five arrows have been completely swept by the sword, and the remaining waves still emerge behind Hong Kai. In one move, all ten arrows are completely destroyed.

Looking at the group of people who still stopped, sun Bing and Hong Kai did not have any idea of counterattack, so they ran to the distance. After all, there are hundreds of people in this group. Even though they think they are powerful, they still have no resistance in the face of so many opponents.

But the good news didn't last too long. The horses that could be tamed by them were very precious monsters. Naturally, this aspect was taken into account.

So not long ago, even though I was scared before, I recovered quickly. At the moment, I continue to chase two people. Although the distance is still far away, I can imagine that the possibility of the other party trying to catch up is too great.

Sun Bing's brows are almost tightly knit together. He is not happy with the dog skin plaster that he can't get rid of. At the same time, he still has a sense of crisis. After all, if he can't get rid of each other, the final result is that they may fall completely.Although the speed of two people is far higher than that of ordinary people, they also consume a lot of their own Zhenyuan. Even if both of them are the leaders of the younger generation, and Zhenyuan reserves are incomparable, they can not be compared with those behind.

You should know that with the help of the mount, they can almost say that they have not suffered any loss at the moment. Even when the mount is tired, they can completely track it by themselves.

However, in this case, the final result of fighting the enemy needs no more words. It is quite obvious that both of them even have a creepy feeling when they think of such a result.

At the same time, sun Bing's eyebrows continue to wrinkle, because in this time, he can feel that the air between life and death has come again. There is no doubt that these people behind have started a new round of attack.

"It seems that this situation will not stop until it catches up with us." Sun Bing's eyes twinkle with cold light. Between life and death, he will not show any mercy. Since they want to let Sun Bing die, they also have to bear the counterattack from sun Bing.

Immediately, sun Bing turned his head and looked at Hong Kai on one side, and then directly began to transmit a voice: "under such circumstances, if we go on all the time, both of us may fall directly, especially the bow and arrow. The threat is too great."

"So what should be done?" Hong Kai spoke slowly. Obviously, he was aware of the situation.

"Next, if you want to attract their attention, I'll look for an opportunity to kill one or two people. The pressure should be reduced a lot." Sun Bing's eyes are filled with a sense of killing, slowly open his mouth.

Immediately, two people can not help but look at each other tacit understanding, in a flash has been separated, as for sun Bing is a kind of ordinary people can not reach the speed of leaving, in a flash has disappeared without a trace.

Even the thirteen prince who followed him had a feeling of dumbfounded, but in a flash his face was full of strong anger, because he had learned from the tracking animal that sun Bing was the one who entered the medicine garden, but he didn't expect to run away now.

Immediately, he looked at Hong Kai fiercely: "since he ran first, I will kill you first. Anyway, there are tracking animals, and he can't run out of my palm."

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