Sword Emperor

Chapter 5768: Escape

After a brief moment of shock, Dayan quickly came to his senses, and his body was immediately filled with many obscure Dao rhymes.

As the top powerhouse in the ruins, he mastered the Dao of evolution, which could evolve everything.

At this moment, he used his own Dao to forcibly fill the gap in the force of unity.

After the blessing of Dayan's Dao, the force of unity, which seemed to be shaky under the attack of the force of reincarnation, burst out with terrifying momentum again.

In response, there was no frustration on the face of the great god Jiuli, but the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness surged again, and the force of reincarnation changed accordingly.

The many mountains that had just merged into one collapsed immediately, turning into meteors from the sky and falling from the nine heavens.

Moreover, many Dao rhyme rules gathered together, as if they turned into the sun and the moon, shining on the desolate ruins.

This sudden change had a great impact on Dayan, but he could only do his best to stimulate his own strength and maintain the operation of the force of unity.

Although the sun and moon shone brightly, and there were meteors falling from the sky, the power was evenly distributed among thousands of people, causing little damage.

However, at this moment, the cycle of all things changed again, and an obscure rhyme of Tao suddenly enveloped the four directions.

This situation was completely beyond Dayan's expectations. Before he could come to his senses, many cultivators in the concerted force immediately presented the scene of the netherworld in their minds.

In fact, after noticing the disappearance of the Soul-Calming Tower, the Great God Jiuli had been planning this moment.

The previous attacks were just a stopgap measure to divert Dayan's attention, and only now did they really start.

At this moment, except for a few epoch masters, the souls of the emperors in the concerted force were all immersed in the illusion created by the Great God Jiuli.

Although Dayan realized the purpose of the Great God Jiuli at the last moment, it was too late.

For a moment, his face was full of entanglement.

If we use the power at this moment and force the Chaos Cauldron to transform into the Soul-Calming Tower, we can certainly rescue those monks.

But this also means that the Axe of Creation is out of trouble.

But if we don't take action, we can indeed trap the Axe of Creation, but many monks who are working together are likely to be killed.

Comparing the two powers, we can choose the lesser of two powers. Letting the Axe of Creation still has a glimmer of hope.

But if so many monks die, they will no longer have the strength to compete with the Great God Jiuli.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Dayan's pupils were immediately filled with determination.


As the obscure energy continued to emerge, thousands of Dao rhymes around the Chaos Cauldron competed to shine, and it seemed as if an ancient scroll was vaguely seen.

There were countless looming shadows engraved in it, and even traces of treasures such as Kunlun Mirror and Chaos Bell could be seen.

This is the magical power of the Chaos Cauldron, called the Divine Weapon Book.

It is connected to the power of higher dimensions, and contains all the treasures that have reached the level of Chaos Spirit Treasures in the vast dimensions of ancient and modern times.

Even if they have just been born or are in the process of evolution, they can still be sensed by the power of higher dimensions and forcibly reflected here.

It is precisely because of this that Dayan can transform so many corresponding Chaos Spirit Treasures without leaving home.

After confirming his goal, infinite power of creation immediately emerged in the Chaos Cauldron, and then the five-colored feather fan directly dispersed into the source.

With the operation of many sources, it finally turned into a soul-suppressing tower.

When the majestic and vast power fell, many cultivators whose souls were originally confused immediately felt a sense of clarity in their minds.

Then, they directly realized the seriousness of the problem, and even recalled what happened before, and their backs were full of chills.

The Great God Jiuli did not take the changes of those cultivators to heart at all. The moment he noticed that the Axe of Creation was back under his control, his mental power moved.

The next moment, the majestic and vast Axe of Creation suddenly swung out, and its sharp edge illuminated the entire ruins.

Even without the personal control of the Great God Jiuli, this Chaos Treasure still possessed a great power that ordinary people could not imagine.

In an instant, the axe light had already arrived in front of the Concentric Force.

However, the Great God Jiuli did not want to target a certain cultivator among them, and the sharp edge directly chopped towards the lines of the Concentric Force.

No matter how strong this terrain is, it can help people defeat the strong with the weak, and it still needs to be constructed with various regular lines.

If the regular lines in it are forcibly cut off, then although the terrain will not collapse, there will definitely be problems.

When Dayan realized this, it was too late.

Because after the Axe of Creation broke free from his control, things had already exceeded his expectations.


Accompanied by the earth-shaking sound, the axe light directly cut off dozens of regular lines in the Concentric Force.

Caught off guard, many cultivators immediately suffered the most horrible backlash, and their own paths even collapsed under this backlash.

At the same time, a burst of excited voices resounded in all directions:

"I finally escaped."

Looking for the sound, I saw that the Great God Jiuli resisted the power of the remaining cultivators and slowly stood up.

The towering body stood in the void, and his pupils were filled with endless anger.

Such a situation made Dayan's heart sink directly to the bottom of the valley, because the worst situation had occurred. It was not as simple as imagined to suppress the Great God Jiuli who had escaped.

This is exactly the case. At this moment, the only thought left in the heart of the Jiuli God is revenge.

What happened just now is almost the most humiliating moment in his life.

Even when facing the siege of all races, he has never been insulted like this. Now that he has escaped, he can finally take revenge.

Although it was a bit hasty, Dayan soon came to his senses. The surface of the Chaos Cauldron was shining, and the infinite power of creation once again transformed into a five-color feather fan.

As for the many cultivators in the concerted force, they may have been a little panicked at first, but under the pressure of the life-and-death crisis, they quickly regained their composure.

At the same time, the energy in their bodies was running, and many avenues intertwined, and once again condensed into a concerted force.

Just as the Jiuli God was about to swing the Axe of Creation to break the force, a thunderous roar sounded immediately.

Such a situation instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. After brewing for such a long time, the dimensional catastrophe finally fell.

That was no longer a simple thunder dragon, it was the avenue of thunder roaring down, crossing time, space, cause and effect, fate and everything else.

In front of this avenue of thunder, the heaven and earth, the universe and even chaos seemed to be destroyed. The breath that erupted from it alone made countless creatures tremble in their hearts.

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