Sword Emperor

Chapter 583

Turning his head and looking at Hong Kai in the pit, he can only find that at the moment, the other party's body has been seriously injured, the silk blood is emerging, and even the white bones can be seen.

In an instant, sun Bing could not help but take a breath. It seems that the thirteenth prince should not be underestimated. He is quite aware of Hong Kai's strength, but he did not expect that he had reached such a point at the moment.

At that time, the whole person slowly walked towards the front, and the pure Jun and many sharp swords which were collected in the sword box appeared again. The sharp edge continued to permeate the air.

"What? Is this a car fight? But it doesn't matter. I'll kill you all in the end. " The thirteen Prince's eyes are full of thick cold, looking at Sun Bing in front of him.

But at the moment sun Bing has not yet made a move, then can hear a faint reply from behind: "this is my opponent, naturally need me to end, how can you casually grab it."

While saying this, Hong Kai's whole person has already rushed to the front. Although he said that he had received certain damage for such a long time, it did not hurt his fighting spirit at all.

After all, it has been a long time since Hong Kai won the Baxia calcined body decision. However, even though it has been a long time since then, even though he feels that he has thoroughly understood it, he still does not grasp the essence of it.

But now Hong Kai is quite surprised to find that it is in such a battle of life and death that he can not only feel the strong sense of crisis, but also enhance his own strength.

You should know that when facing the thirteenth prince at the beginning, even if he can start to attack, but it has no effect at all. More or more are suppressed to the disadvantage, completely unable to compare with the other side.

In fact, this is quite a long time. After all, Hong Kai is only in the early stage of ecdysis, but the thirteenth Prince has reached the peak of ecdysis early. If two people are in the same realm, then the 13th prince can not be Hong Kai's opponent.

However, Hong Kai couldn't accept the humiliation he had suffered before. He clenched his fists and suddenly waved them out. He could see that a fist mark had already appeared.

But the thirteenth prince was not afraid at all. The palm of his hand was like a black millstone, which was shrouded in such moves. Under the confrontation between the two people, the surrounding environment had completely collapsed.

After all, for body building friars, in fact, they don't need any extra weapons. Their body fists and teeth can be used as sharp weapons. Even if they are attacked by spirit weapons, they can't leave any scars on their bodies.

The more after such a battle, the more profound Hong Kai could feel, the more obvious the progress of the whole person's strength, and the more relaxed he would be to deal with the attack of the 13th prince.

In sun Bing's eyes, he can clearly see the amazing progress made by Hong Kai, and his face immediately shows a trace of smile.

The thirteenth Prince is in a very agitated mood now. He did not expect that the monk who had been beaten by him before was able to keep even with himself. Moreover, his physical strength is improving rapidly at a rather terrible speed.

The anger in my heart was even more fierce, and I could not help but directly burst into a drink: "I am the first day of the summer. People outside your area can't be my opponent. Today, I'd better fall down completely."

With this kind of words, the already strong moves even have some improvement at the moment. They are attacking Hong Kai with all their strength. However, although the opponent is more and more powerful, Hong Kai is also slowly changing into a little bit, which is even comparable with it.

After perceiving such a terrible change, the thirteenth prince was even cold hearted, quite a bit unable to accept the reality, but in the twinkling of an eye, he was looking at Sun Bing, full of resentment.

After all, although the whole body of the body refining friars can be used as their own weapons, which contains the divine power of terror, if they use weapons in such a state, they will be even more frightening.

However, it is a pity that the weapon of the 13th Prince is the golden flag before. It can not only be used as a flag, but also a terrible weapon.

If it had not been destroyed before, Hong Kai could have suppressed it easily. How could this situation happen? It was far beyond his expectation. Even in his heart, he felt a strong sense of shame. He did not expect that he would suffer such humiliation one day.

At the moment, Hong Kai can only feel the blood in his body exploding with it. It seems that every moment, he can become stronger and stronger. Between the ups and downs of his chest, he sends the majestic blood to every part of his body.

At this moment, it's really the beginning of the cultivation of "Baxia calcined body determination". With the magic power in your hands, the power filled with it will naturally become more powerful. You can see the light yellow light in every move and form.

There is still the shadow of the overlord shining in the void, and then every attack of the defender is echoed around Hong Kai's body. Even if the shadow can be completely defeated, it can still provide a lot of protection at present.The thirteenth Prince's form is becoming more and more dangerous. At last, he found that he did not know when he had fallen into the downwind completely. His eyes were filled with a thick sense of fear.

As Tianjiao, although he has a strong sense of self-esteem in his heart, he also knows that once he dies, there will be no chance to come back. Therefore, in such an opportunity, he turns around and rushes towards the distance, and he is suddenly thinking of running away.

Seeing this scene, sun Bing's eyes are filled with a trace of cold, but the whole person did not hesitate, immediately followed closely, after all, "shrinking into an inch" in this secret place can be called a speed ah.

It's just that before sun Bing has any extra action, Hong Kai has already made a move. After thoroughly integrating the two kinds of magical powers, the speed of the whole person has been greatly improved. Even when walking, it seems like a bully on a patrol.

Each step contains a huge mountain like a heavy load. At this moment, the ground is even more cracked, but in a flash, it has reached the depth of the thirteenth prince.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Hong Kai's face twinkled with a faint smile: "it was you who chased me before. Now I can fight back and dominate the sky breaking fist."

After that, with a heavy blow, the powerful beast condensed by Zhenyuan emerged. The thirteen princes in front of him could only feel a sense of crisis suddenly emerging in his mind. Just turning around, he could see the fierce attack.

There has even been a loud, heartbreaking circular: "No."

However, in the end, there was no way to attack him with a heavy blow. Even though the defense was frightening, there was no way at the moment. We could only see the complete collapse and turn into a blood mist, which had disappeared without a trace.

At the moment, the king of Xia suddenly had such a premonition. His eyes were filled with resentment, and he cried out in a loud voice: "good, you little thief. If you don't say anything about taking my holy medicine, you still kill my son. This hatred is unforgettable."

Speaking of this, you can even see Xia Wang's mouth blowing out a mouthful of blood mist. After all, these two things happened one after another, and the blow to them was too great, even totally unacceptable.

You should know that the thirteenth Prince is the first day of the summer. Even though he is still young at the moment, he is deeply valued by him. He even has the impulse to pass the throne to him. But now, everything is gone.

After seeing that he finally killed his enemy, Hong Kai couldn't help but breathe out. After all, this battle was so amazing that he could not even imagine what the final result would be like if he had not understood it thoroughly.

After the end of the battle, he could feel the pain that went deep into his body. Even Hong Kai could not bear it, but he slowly deflected his eyes and looked at Sun Bing.

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