Sword Emperor

Chapter 5867 Demon Palace

While Taishan was celebrating, Daohua on the other side directly passed through layers of space and returned to the Demonic Land.

In addition, strong men such as Xuesha and Hunkui had also gathered their old subordinates and returned.

However, they did not return to their own bases, but instead led the army to the center of the Demonic Land.

There was Daohua's palace, called the Heavenly Demon Palace.

In just a short moment, many of the previous strong men had gathered in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Although Daohua was still sitting on the high seat in the hall at this moment, he seemed calm and indifferent, but full of endless majesty.

But whether it was the Blood Demon, the Soul Leader, or even the Corpse Underworld, none of them cared at all, but glared at him:

"Daohua, as the Demon Chief, you actually dared to flee in the face of the enemy and betrayed the people of the Demon Land. You really deserve to die."

"Yes, the reason why we are willing to respect you as the Demon Chief is that we want you to lead us to the peak.

But we never expected that you would be the first to escape during the battle. Do you still have the people of the Demon Land in your eyes?"

"Even if you can't beat us, we can understand it. After all, the Human Emperor can destroy Hongmeng, and he is not an ordinary person.

But you can lead us to fight and retreat, but you should never run away directly.

When you run away, you completely throw away the majesty of the Demon Land."


At this moment, Daohua was completely criticized by thousands of people. One after another, the voices of accusation continued to ring, making Daohua, who was already very aggrieved, surge with endless anger in his heart.

But He had no way to refute it at all. After all, what these people said was true, without any falsehood.

The most important thing is that after returning to the Demonic Land to count, the casualties were also announced.

The number of fallen and missing demon cultivators was no less than 400 million.

Among them, there were thousands of Epoch Lords alone, millions of Great Emperors, and countless emperors and kings.

Even the foundation of the Demonic Land was seriously injured after suffering such a terrible loss.

So at this moment, the flower did not even have the confidence to refute.

Seeing this, Chaos Heaven, Calculation Heaven, and even Hongmeng Heaven in the corner all showed contempt in their hearts:

"They are really a group of people who are not good at doing things but are more likely to cause trouble. If such a huge force falls into our hands, we will definitely be able to restore Hongmeng.

But in the hands of these trash, such a huge loss has occurred, it is really..."

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt ashamed.

I still remember that Hongmeng looked down at Mount Tai in the same way, and didn't take it seriously at all.

If not, how could Hongmeng be destroyed so easily?

If he could do it again, Suantian could guarantee that he would definitely summon all the power of Hongmeng and attack the Wanjie Sea with all his strength.

It's a pity that the only Kunlun Mirror that can change the past has fallen into Sun Bing's hands.

As for them, they are now like dogs that have lost their homes.

The offensive and defensive situation has changed.

After sighing helplessly, the three Tiandaos quickly regained their consciousness.

After Hongmeng was destroyed, their only hope was the Demonic Land, so naturally they did not allow Xuesha, Hunkui and others to continue to blame Daohua.

If the Demonic Land fell apart, it would be even more impossible to attack Mount Tai.

Immediately, Hongmengtian walked out directly.

The atmosphere in the Heavenly Demon Palace was already very awkward, so the moment he made a move, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Hong Mengtian said with a bitter smile:

"My fellow Taoists, I have said before that Mount Tai and the Human Emperor are of great importance and should not be taken lightly.

It is a pity that you all acted too hastily and fell into the trap. Otherwise, Mount Tai could be easily broken."

After saying this, Daohua nodded hurriedly:

"Yes, if I had not fallen into the trap at the beginning and my methods had not been discovered by him, there would not have been so many accidents.

The Human Emperor must have realized my nature through the first contact, so he specially opened up a universe in an attempt to trap me."

Hearing this, the Soul Leader, the Blood Demon, and even the Corpse Underworld looked at each other, and a very strange expression appeared on their faces.

Is it possible that Daohua is not to blame for all this?

Many thoughts kept flashing through their minds, and soon they came to their senses.

At this point, it is no use to pursue responsibility too much.

After all, after learning about Taishan, they were eager to share the benefits, so they raced against time and even threatened Daohua to act as soon as possible.

Now if they are really held accountable, they can't escape.

Besides, although Daohua fled in the face of the enemy, his strength is obvious to all.

So after a moment of silence, the soul leader spoke first:

"In this case, let's forget about this matter. We will rest for a while and then regroup.

This time, Taishan must pay the price he deserves."


Daohua also nodded quickly, his eyes even full of hatred:

"Next time I fight Taishan, I hope you can stop the Human Emperor, and wait until I kill the rest of the creatures, and then I will fight the Human Emperor."

Since the creation of chaos, He has experienced countless battles, although he has also encountered enemies of equal strength.

But it is the first time that he has been beaten so badly.

And this time he was humiliated, so we can imagine how much hatred he has in his heart.

At the same time, Hun Dun Tian also walked out slowly:

"Please rest assured, fellow Taoists, it was an accident before, so we didn't have time to take action.

The next time we fight, I will stop the Human Emperor, and then fellow Taoists will definitely be able to flatten Mount Tai."

After the words were finished, many strong men present looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

As for the 300 million demon cultivators who died in the battle just now, they were completely forgotten by them like ants.

This is the Demonic Land, where the weak are preyed on by the strong. Even if the strength is good, as long as they die, they will soon be forgotten by the world.

After a brief exchange, the strong men such as Xue Sha and Hun Kui did not continue to waste time here, but left immediately and went to various places to recruit troops.

Unlike Hong Meng, there are countless creatures in the Demonic Land, and what trapped them is the lack of resources.

Now that 400 million demon cultivators have fallen and disappeared, it means that there is a lot of new space in the demon land.

Since there are vacancies, it won’t take long for them to raise a powerful army again.

The demon cultivators who fought from the bottom are the most qualified cannon fodder.

As long as they can break through the obstacles and enter Mount Tai, the power that these demon cultivators can unleash will be far beyond imagination.

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