Sword Emperor

Chapter 5898 Heaven of All Living Beings

But no matter what, Sun Bing could feel that this was a good thing for Taishan.

So after barely suppressing the shock in his heart, he nodded slowly:

"I see, but you must also pay attention to your body while transforming. This fellow Taoist is the Silkworm God, an innate saint who was born when chaos first emerged."

Hearing this, the pupils of the Wisdom Tree visibly glowed with light, and then immediately bowed:

"Not long ago, His Majesty asked me to spend all my energy to deduce a strong person. It seems that he should be a Taoist friend. He is indeed well-deserved."

"Where, where, it's just a humble name, how can it be compared to the world-shaking wisdom tree with the same name."

At this moment, the Silkworm God waved his hands hurriedly, his eyes still full of shock when he looked at the Wisdom Tree.

But Sun Bing didn't waste any time and spoke quickly:

"The Silkworm God has decided to join Mount Tai. You happen to be here, why don't you take us to visit Mount Tai today.

Just looking for a cave for fellow Taoist Silkworm God. "

"This is an oversight. Please, Your Majesty and fellow Taoists, follow me."

As he spoke, the Wisdom Tree walked straight into the distance along the ancient path in front of him.

Standing on this ancient road with mottled stars, Sun Bing and Silkworm God could only feel that they had crossed layers of space in an instant.

Not long after, they came directly to a star city suspended in the sky.

This place seems to be a very critical node. There are quite a lot of creatures coming and going. Looking around, creatures from various ethnic groups and various cultivation levels are coming one after another.

At the same time, the voice of the Wisdom Tree slowly sounded:

"After His Majesty left, the old man quickly recovered completely. Coupled with the incident of the demon soil spy, he discovered that Taishan had many shortcomings.

For example, even if there is the Great Wall of Stars, Mount Tai is still empty of defenses; there are still many places that are not covered by the law, and fights between roommates are repeatedly prohibited, etc.

The reason why it was never discovered before was because His Majesty was too powerful and Mount Tai was rich in resources, so it was covered up.

It may seem inconspicuous, but at the truly critical moment, the crisis caused cannot be underestimated.

Now that the old man has discovered it, it is absolutely impossible to continue to let it go, so he immediately found the Queen of Heaven to mobilize the Human Emperor Seal. "

As he spoke, the Wisdom Tree immediately mobilized a certain authority and took the two of them directly to the sky. He pointed to the scene in the distance and explained:

"Mount Tai is too vast and rich in resources. In the past, the major ethnic groups were just randomly divided into various places.

It seems to be in order, but in fact it is quite chaotic. For example, the shadow tribe mostly lives underground, so the territory is full of potholes. "

As he spoke, he was still operating his own power, directly manifesting the place where the Shadow Clan had once resided.

Sun Bing remembered clearly that the Shadow Clan's residence was once a dense forest, in a treasured place like Mount Tai, which contained all kinds of natural and earthly treasures.

But now it is a desolate place. The most important thing is that the desolate land is full of potholes, which looks really shocking.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, even the Silkworm God's face was filled with shock.

He already knew clearly about the environment of Mount Tai. It was definitely considered to be the most top-notch treasure land. It was impossible for such a place to exist as a wasteland.

What is most likely to happen is that a crop of elixir has just been harvested here, and it continues to grow over there.

It is not a simple matter to turn a piece of land into a wasteland in such an environment, at least the Silkworm God himself cannot do it.

This shows what outrageous things the Shadow Clan has done.

The voice of the Wisdom Tree did not stop there, but continued to speak:

"In addition to the Shadow Clan, there is also the Yan Clan, which lives in the Fire Realm; the Xuanming Clan, which lives..."

Sounds continued to sound one after another, and various pictures appeared in the eyes of Sun Bing and Silkworm God.

Some are lush forests turning into balls of fire, some are clearly visible swamps turning into swamps, etc.

Every scene is shocking and makes people call it a waste of natural resources.

But that is the nature of each ethnic group. No matter how much they dislike it, there is no way to stop it.

Finally, all the scenes paused, and the Wisdom Tree immediately came out:

"It is precisely because of this that I divided Mount Tai into thirty-three heavens based on the means I once had.

Generally speaking, it is divided into the Lower Nine Heavens, the Middle Nine Heavens, the Upper Nine Heavens and even Heaven. "

As he spoke, the energy within the Wisdom Tree continued to circulate. In an instant, the group of three people had crossed layers of space and arrived at a dark and unfamiliar territory.

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing frowned slightly and said in a very firm tone:

"Could it be that this is the Lower Ninth Heaven?"


Wisdom Tree nodded directly and explained softly:

"The Lower Ninth Heaven is actually linked by the Third Heaven and is located underground in Mount Tai. Apart from the hell that suppresses enemies, most of it is left to ethnic groups such as Shadow and Black Stone to live.

This place is in darkness all year round, so the avenue of darkness is extremely dense. Coupled with the favor of Taishan's will, it is the most suitable environment for them. "

After just a casual introduction, Wisdom Tree left with Sun Bing and Silkworm God.

Even though they have advanced cultivation and strong strength, they are still a little displeased with the near-eternal darkness.

As the space continued to distort, the group of three people immediately came to a new environment.

Looking around, as far as the eye can see, there are green mountains, green waters, mountains, pavilions, pavilions, and countless living things. It is extremely beautiful.

At the same time, the old voice of the Wisdom Tree immediately came out:

“This place is the most vibrant place in the entire Mount Tai, which is the Middle Nine Heavens.

The first level among them is the place where all races in the sea of ​​all realms once lived;

The second level is the residence of the mythical beasts of Kunlun Mountain;

The third level is where the major fortune dynasties are located;

The fourth level is the vast ocean, in which powerful people such as Dragon Clan and Xuanwu live;

The fifth level is Wanbao Tian, ​​which is given to the Immortal Refining Furnace to cultivate various artifacts. Tianchen, Demon Emperor, etc. also live here;

The sixth level is the territory of the hegemonic dynasty, which is suppressed by the overlord;

The seventh level is the Heavenly Court, where the Jade Emperor is;

The eighth level is the residence of the Jiuli clan;

As for the ninth level, it is called the Heaven of All Living Beings, which is the entire territory of Mount Tai except for the living places of the major ethnic groups. The area is extremely vast.

There are all kinds of dangerous places in it, which not only contain countless natural and earthly treasures, but are also full of endless crises.

But even so, the ninth level is still the most lively place in the entire Mount Tai.

Countless creatures gather at every moment, and sometimes there are rumors that someone has found a treasure from heaven and earth and soared into the sky. "

For those previous stations, the Wisdom Tree only led Sun Bing, and the Silkworm God took a casual look, and then arrived at the ninth level.

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