Sword Emperor

Chapter 709

Time flies by in a flash. Two months have passed in a flash, which means that it has been three months since people came to the Academy. Although it is not long, everyone has made a significant change.

In the cave, sun Bing stood on the mountain peak in white, curling white gas, as if it was immortal gas, but a startling sword idea broke through the white smoke cloud which was almost gathered together.

as like as two peas, he opened his eyes and swept away his sword. It was the space cut. Though it was exactly the same as the one used before, it seems to be more powerful than before. If we are under such a move, the monks of the cave will hate it.

When a sword is sacrificed, there is an obvious roaring sound in the distance. Then a miniature mountain is completely swept away by sun Bing's sword spirit. There are many cracks in the long sword in his hand.

At the moment, sun Bing did not stop. The whole person's body shape changed again. The temperament of the whole person was completely different from that just now. The sword in his hand changed more obviously. With a wave of waving, snowflakes appeared in the air.

Slowly falling towards the surrounding area, the ground has become a quick ice, although it seems to have some aestheticism, but when sun Bing was aware of the fierce sword meaning, the aestheticism unconsciously turned into a killing.

After all, the second sword appeared, which was full of frost. When one sword was wielded, even countless scenes along the way could not help but spread out a trace of ice. Finally, it went directly to a hill not far away, and then you could only hear the sound of a huge red dragon coming from your ear.

The scene that followed was almost touching, because the whole mountain, even sun Bing's sword light, was completely sealed. Every sapling and even some ordinary captive animals were also in it, but there was no breath at this moment.

Immediately sun Bingcai slowly nodded: "this should be regarded as the real ice age, even if I did not use the cold in the elixir field, but it can also reach this level, for anyone, it is a great threat."

Soon, a sneer rose from his heart: "Gu Yuan, I hope you can hold on to the next meeting."

After that, all the swords on the whole person disappeared, just like ordinary people. They could not see any difference at all. Then they slowly walked down the mountains.

Since her last conversation, Chen Yu seems to have undergone a transformation. Not only has her accomplishments improved, but also her temperament is completely different now, which is unexpected.

Even sun Bing couldn't help nodding slowly. After all, it was the other party's real beginning to work hard. Even though it may be a little late at the moment, the most important thing for everyone is not his aptitude and understanding. Only an unswerving heart of Tao is the necessary condition for cultivating Taoism.

Now that Chen Yudu has been able to understand this, it can be said that even if he can't become a top player in the future, he won't be too weak, hoping that the other party won't let him down. Just like this, sun Bing's mouth even shows a faint smile.


all of a sudden, a long bell rang through the barrier of the cave array and passed to sun Bing's ear. Suddenly, sun Bing's face suddenly changed. The last time he heard this voice was three months ago, and there was an elder preaching at that time. Can we say that there are also such elders preaching today?

Sun Bing's heart suddenly raised such a doubt, but the whole person did not hesitate at all, he had left quickly toward the outside. After all, the time in the inheritance Academy was not short, and he had a clear understanding of the efficacy of the futon.

It can even be said that the last time sun Bing was able to upgrade his technical level to a higher level just by virtue of the advantages of Futon. Otherwise, it would be a long time before we could understand the profound meaning of space. We can imagine what a huge opportunity this is.

Moreover, since the last sermon, many people have been waiting in situ, just to be able to compete for the seat. However, during such a long time, no elder came to preach.

What's more, every monk needs to improve his own strength. Precious time can't be wasted, so there's no way to just give up. Unexpectedly, he started again today, so sun Bing will not be polite.

The whole person's action is incomparably fast, and in a flash, he runs towards the distance. In the same realm, his speed can almost be said to reach the peak level that other people can't reach. Even if the starting time is relatively late, he still easily surpasses countless people.

Not long after, sun Bing came to the square he had seen before, but to his surprise, there was no Futon on the ground this time, and an old man even stood in the front. After seeing sun Bing, he immediately nodded slightly.For this scene, sun Bing's incomparable doubts have even given birth to a kind of doubt in his heart: "is there no preaching today? So why is there an elder waiting here? "

However, even if the heart has been filled with countless doubts, sun Bing is still walking slowly towards the front, and then can find that the elder's eyes appear a touch of satisfaction, it is obvious that they have been looking at Sun Bing's performance for such a long time.

Before the ten rest time had passed, each monk had already arrived in the square. Originally, he had a kind of inexplicable regret because he had come too slowly. However, when he realized that there was no Futon at all, suddenly there was a strong gloating of farmers.

Now sun Bingcai found that he had not appeared for such a long time. A new group of Tianjiao appeared in the inheritance academy, including Wu Di, the general of his staff, and the moon like smoke of treasure Pavilion. Many of them had never seen it. Such a scene can be said to be a gathering of heroes.

Suddenly, sun Bing's eyes flashed a touch of solemnity, because it was Luo Tian and others who finally walked into the square. At the moment, Wenyang changed his arrogance, but Sun Bing could clearly perceive that the other party's cultivation had basically reached the edge of breakthrough.

As long as we go further, the whole person will be able to complete the breakthrough completely and become a monk of the cave realm at one stroke. As for his strength, he is far more than the ordinary monk of Dongtian realm, which can be said to be extremely terrifying.

After perceiving sun Bing's eyes, Wen Yang's mouth gave a sneer, raised his head directly, and then made several mouth shapes. From that kind of words, we can find that the relationship between two people can basically be regarded as endless, and there is no way to restore it.

If there is only one person, sun Bing doesn't need to have too much fear, but the key reason is that the other party is not an imaginary person. That group of lucky people not only have Luo Tian Wenyang, but also the rest of them. There are more than a dozen of them, each of whom can be called a strong enemy.

Even sun Bing couldn't help taking a deep breath after perceiving this problem. However, there was no need to talk about it. Since the other side coveted sun Bing's skills, both sides have become immortal enemies. Now, there is no need to say anything more. As long as the opposite side dares to continue to challenge, sun Bing will not have any hesitation, and will go ahead directly 。

All the people who have seen all the people have arrived. They can only feel the majestic force coming out from the front, which has attracted all people's attention in an instant. They immediately turn their eyes to the old man above.

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