Sword Emperor

Chapter 717

After a lot of fighting, every elder stopped talking. After all, the following achievements still need to be compared before they can be known. Only vaguely, they can be seen. There is a kind of irony on the faces of the people in other academies.

What's more, it's a great loss to everyone's mind because I just came to the city of blood war and after such a long journey, I need to repair it for now.

All of us can't help but walk towards the city. Many elders seem to be quite familiar with the environment here. They don't need other people to lead them, so they grope into a building full of vicissitudes.

It is said that this is the gathering place of the major academies in the city of blood war. After all, the top Tianjiao of the human race will come here for training in every golden age, which is also known by the high-level people.

Time has come to the second day in a flash. After a whole night of recuperation, everyone's condition has been restored to the peak level. Although it looks ordinary, the occasional light can show its extraordinary.

Standing on the mottled city wall, countless mottled marks have emerged on it. It is obvious that it has experienced countless dangers. Through such traces, we can find out how powerful it was.

Looking into the distance above the city wall, layers of mirrors gradually reveal, and then completely crumble. It seems that you can see the scene of the infinite place. This kind of scene is really incomparable magic, and everyone's heart is full of deep emotion.

A well-known iron and blood soldier stood by, completely different from the criminal people in the secret place of taixuan. Although the soldiers here said that they were also full of strong killing intention, they could see the strong righteousness.

Everyone's accomplishments, even at the lowest level, have reached the level of birth state, but their actual strength is extraordinary. Although a person is quite weak, as long as they form a battle array with each other, even the monks of Dongtian realm can kill them.

Even if people at the moment are Tianjiao, if they are in the battlefield, unless the gap is too big, they are not really the opponents of these soldiers. After all, in this bloody City, no matter how small it is, it will be invaded, and the bloody battle experienced is beyond anyone's imagination.

Sun Bing's heart for these people is full of reverence. After all, only some people guarding the frontier can ordinary people have such a quiet and peaceful life, and now they are gradually accepting such impact.

Looking at the distant scene, one of the elders in the inheritance Academy said: "this is a front line among our people, which can be called the communication between the two worlds.

If the other side pays a certain price to come over, there will always be Archaean tribes to explore here and launch some careful attacks. Basically, there are no less than 10 million lives falling here every year.

However, we can also enter that space, and even directly enter a secret place through layers of obstacles. Your task this time is to enter such a space and plunder its opportunities.

What's more, it's better to kill Tianjiao, one of the ancient peoples, and weaken the power of their younger generation. If it's possible, it's better to kill the top Shenzi among the ethnic groups. "

Hearing this, everyone's heart is filled with a sense of shock. After all, for them, the ancient people, even the legend of a long time ago, have no idea at all. Unexpectedly, they need to fight at this moment.

One of the most shocking is sun Bing. You should know that he has understood it again and again. It seems that the Archaean people may return again. Therefore, at this time, he has more understanding of those alien races, which is helpful in the future.

But soon, some people also raised their doubts in their hearts: "isn't it necessary for us to carry out Kyushu martial arts this time? So how should we calculate who wins and who loses? "

"You don't have to worry about this. We have our own plans." In an instant, you can see a general coming. The opponent's body is covered with gold armor. Even if it stands there, it reveals the breath of terror. From a distance, it looks like a source of evil spirit. In the air, it is completely stained by the strong bloody smell.

Moreover, the cultivation of the other side is quite profound. In sun Bing's feeling, the other side is like a beast of great scourges, and his spirit has been impacted to a certain extent. It can be imagined that his physical strength has reached a peak, at least he is the absolute king in the life and death situation, and even even the saint is not bad.

Even the most top-notch Tianjiao is full of shock in his heart. It seems that he is really like a dragon and a tiger. In a flash, he has come to everyone's front, looked around him, and then said:

"before you leave, you will be given an identity plate, which is forged with divine gold, symbolizing each one Personal identity, as long as you can complete the task assigned, or kill the other party's Tianjiao, so long as you can get Wu Xun points.

As for the final point of each person's Wuxun point, there will be a comparison. The highest person is the leader. As for the next order, it represents their respective positions. All depends on their own strength. "After hearing such an explanation, everyone nodded slowly. After all, this means that Tianjiao, one of the ancient peoples, will face more than the fight this time. In this way, the enemy will not be harmed.

"But remember, in that space, don't fight against each other, or even if we come back, we won't be merciful, your identity plate will record everything." The general could not help but continued to speak, but was rather dignified at the moment.

Sun Bing's heart couldn't help but thump at the sight of the clouds on the faces of the two elders. At this moment, he finally thought that he had experienced several such contests, but Kyushu was still not as peaceful as expected, so there would be some changes in the next battle.

Although such a rule is said to be more equal for everyone, it is still quite simple to be targeted. Even if there is no fight between them, it can also encircle or seduce, and even shield the identity plate. There are many ways.

Sure enough, sun Bing at the moment can find that Tianjiao's face in the other eight prefectures has shown a cold smile. Such a number of people are really frightening. Even if the war has not started, there is a trace of bad news in sun Bing's heart at the moment.

"Well, you also need to pay attention to the fact that this military merit point is not only a symbol of your achievements, but also can be used to exchange any items in our bloody City, whether it's gold, copper, panacea, or even genius gems. Even if you want the supreme law, everything depends on your own strength."

After these words, the general left. After all, in such a city, the other side needs to deal with a lot of things. It is very difficult to come here to explain and take care of them.

At the moment, the elder of the inheritance academy looked at the Tianjiao around him. After a long silence, he said slowly: "in the next battle, you need to bear in mind that your enemies are not only the young generation among the ancient people.

Even the monks in the other eight states can't easily believe that only the senior brothers and junior brothers in their academies can communicate with each other. In a word, I wish you good luck. "

After finishing this sentence, the elder couldn't help sighing. After all, it's so hard to win in the face of such a huge pressure. However, even in the end, the elder couldn't help but take a deep look at Sun Bing, hoping that this man could bring some miracle.

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