Sword Emperor

Chapter 738

"One man, one quick decision."

Almost at the moment when the momentum of the other party just rose, sun Bing had already started. The whole person, like a streamer of light, emerged in front of him and left behind this light words.


Mu Hua is also concise, saying that he fully knows this matter.

After all, at the moment, the two of them have no idea about the surrounding situation, so we must quickly end the battle.

Now, it is still easy to deal with two alien races, but if there are too many foreigners, it will be quite dangerous.

In the face of sun Bing's attack, it is obvious that the people of the blood wolf clan and the Youming clan are quite shocked, but after all, they are Tianjiao among the ancient people. Naturally, their reaction speed is quite rapid, and they have made a response immediately.

The opponent sun Bing is looking for is a monk of the nether world. The whole person of the other party is hidden in a layer of black robes. It looks quite mysterious. A little disgusting smell rises up and down slowly.

After feeling the sharpness of the sword light in front of him, the other side did not have too much fear. He waved his fist to the front of him. The black breath of his whole body soared, just like ghost gas.

Search search, broken wind sounded, and then toward the sword light swept away.

Although sun Bing's sword meaning has an extremely powerful killing effect on some cold and evil things, things are also relative. The strength of this move in front of him is powerful and majestic. There is no way to stop sun Bing's sword at will.

In an instant, the bright sword light was even eroded by the black breath. After perceiving this scene, sun Bing's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, because from this point, he could feel that the man in front of him was a strong man.

However, sun Bing's heart did not have the slightest fear, and even the whole person was extremely calm. After perceiving the crisis in his body, he immediately used the shrinking into an inch and retreated to the back.

Then, holding the sword in both hands, the seven stars above the Seven Star Dragon yuan were completely kind-hearted, which broke out a quite majestic prestige. Zhenyuan Dynasty instilled it into it and immediately cut it off.

"Across the eight directions"

the sword spirit swept away in front of him. Even if he met the majestic boxing style, he did not give in at all, and even the sharpness showed in it was even sharper. In a flash, there was an obvious sound explosion around, and then it turned into a strong wind.

In this confrontation, sun Bing was just shaking his body, but the people of the nether world on the other side could not help but step back for more than three steps, and even felt a shiver in his hands at the moment.

If we can observe it, we can find that there is a bloody trace on it. Among them, 90% of them are sword like. Even if the strength and recovery ability of the ancient people are excellent, there is no way to stop it.

After feeling his own situation, the eyes of the Youming people suddenly shrank, and his mouth had murmured: "Tianjiao, the top of the human race, is still a swordsman who can follow us all the way here. Can we say that our plan has been exposed?"

Sun Bing has no interest in the plan of the Youming people, and even in his eyes at the moment, his goal is to kill the other party completely.

So after the sword was collected, he had already galloped in front of him. After stepping out of the sword, he had already come to the opponent's face, and one of them was chopping towards the bottom.

"Indulge in the four seas"

such a huge crisis immediately interrupted the thoughts in the minds of the Youming people. At the moment, their eyes were filled with deep surprise, and they did not expect sun Bing to be so powerful.

But the body's movement will not have any slow down, after all, has arrived now, almost can say that as long as it is slow up so little, then he may fall completely.

In the end, it was very dangerous to avoid this move. However, in the middle of the sky, the people of the nether world also launched an attack, showing a black light all over the body, just like a black hole, as if all the sight around had disappeared completely.

And the afterwaves of this one are rippling around. On the ground, there have been many terrible cracks, even the void has a certain impact, which is really powerful and incomparable.

Aware of the amazing power contained in this move, even sun Bing's eyes flashed a bit of fright, and then the whole body immediately retreated to the rear, but the movement in his hands did not stop. He waved the sword like an antelope hanging on a horn.

"Block out the sun"

in an instant, a red sun rises slowly, and the bright golden light suddenly shines, as if piercing the first ray of light in the dark, which is full of thick heat.

Finally, with sun Bing's sword waving, the sun was rippling in front of him. All the black light around him turned into clouds and smoke in this move, and there was no way to play its original power.

What's more, the Youming people have no understanding of this abnormal situation at the moment. Their eyes are full of shock and horror. Even if they want to avoid, they have no way to do it. They can only watch this fierce day sweeping towards their own chest.I could only hear a shrill cry in the air, and then a figure broke through the sky and flew away towards the distance. Moreover, there was an extremely obvious smell of blood in the air. It was obvious that in this move, the other party had received a serious injury.

"No way, my genius, how can you block it."

In an instant, a heavy sound fell to the ground, leaving a huge hole, and there were many cracks around. Even the Youming people's injuries were even more serious at the moment.

But at the moment, the other party is not interested in his appreciation. His eyes are full of strong shock, and his mouth cries out bitterly, because this has hardly happened since ancient times. If you use this move, you will have won easily.

"It's just that you are ignorant. What's more, your strength is not strong. It's not too difficult to resist it." Sun Bing stood with his sword, pointed at the other side, and answered coldly in his mouth.

However, the words in it shocked the Youming people. As a member of the Youming clan, relying on the strength of the ethnic group, even the life outside the country is not as hard as imagined.

However, I didn't expect that at the moment, he suffered such a huge blow, and the one who said such words was a monk of human race.

In ancient times, even if it was a failure, this person did not think that it was because of the strong friars of the Terran family. Most of them were fighting with each other among the ancient peoples, so the Terrans took advantage of it.

But now the bloody fact has been put in front of the Youming people. Even if it is in the same realm, he is just like a mole ant to sun Bing, who can easily crush it. The Terran is no longer as weak as it once was.

Just in a flash, the heart has been filled with countless anger, and then the whole body of the majestic breath presented, all the targets are sun Bing in front of him, at the moment, there have been traces one after another on the ground, but for sun Bing, it seems like a breeze blowing, there is no slightest pressure at all.

In the face of his own feud, sun Bing would not be merciful. He immediately raised his sword in his hand and swayed in front of him, even though the momentum around him was quite amazing.

However, sun Bing's sword seems to be able to ride the wind and waves without any change. The last sword is the dark people hiding in the black robe.

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