Sword Emperor

Chapter 751

After a long time, sun Bingcai slowly absorbed all the energy in the sea of knowledge. After all, it was the energy left by the sage, and the vastness of it made you intoxicated. At this moment, you can't stop feeling.

However, after realizing that all the energy in his knowledge of the sea has been completely absorbed, sun Bing slowly opened his eyes. In an instant, he could realize that Mu Hua was not far away from sun Bing. At the moment, the other party's eyes were full of worry and concern.

Suddenly, he realized that sun Bing was awake. The other party didn't come forward. Instead, he quickly retreated to the back, holding the golden bell in his hands. His eyes were full of vigilance. Just when sun Bing was very confused, he slowly opened his mouth: "who are you and whether you have been robbed."

At the moment, sun Bing suddenly realized that what the other party was worried about was this problem. After all, no matter who it was, after all, after experiencing many things before, for this situation, he was still confused.

We should know that the old man we met was once the strongman of the holy land, not to mention sun Bing, who was born out of the ordinary world. Even the more powerful monk of Dongtian realm could not even stop the other side's taking possession of the house.

Only because of his concern, Mu Hua's heart still has such a trace of extravagant hope. After all, from the beginning to the end, sun Bing showed too many miracles.

Immediately, sun Bing has revealed a trace of smile: "OK, or I, don't worry, that one spirit has been completely wiped out by me, and then there will be no danger."

"Really? But some of me can't believe it. "

Although there is a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, Mu Hua's face is still full of strong vigilance. For this, sun Bing can actually express his understanding, because no one will believe this kind of thing on anyone.

Immediately, with a wave, the countless flying swords that had been scattered on the ground rose directly into the air, and finally swarmed towards sun Bing. However, there was no accident among them. Then they directly arrived at the sword box. The whole process was flowing with clouds and water, which seemed to be pleasing to the eyes.

At the moment, there is a trace of faith in Mu Hua's heart. After all, even if the old man really took away sun Bing's body, it still takes some time to get familiar with these moves. Otherwise, even if they can be used, they will not be as proficient as they are now.

Seeing that there is still a little doubt in the other party's eyes, sun Bing can only shake his head helplessly, and then the spirit of the spirit is revealed. This is absolutely impossible to fake. Immediately, Mu Hua fully believes it.

His eyes are filled with deep admiration and admiration. After all, not everyone can survive in the siege of the saints. Even if sun Bing's strength is not vulgar, the gap between him and the sage is still too large.

There is no doubt that what they have accomplished at this moment is absolutely a magnificent feat. No one has ever done such a thing since ancient times. It can be called a miraculous scene of slaughtering saints, which is enough to shock everyone.

After finishing everything up, even if there are more serious injuries on his body, sun Bing is still slowly coming to the array before. His eyes look directly at the huge blood pool in front of him, and a faint fragrance comes from it.

After reaching the holy land, the whole person will be thoroughly transformed. The flesh and blood are the most top-notch drugs. Bones can also be used as precious materials, which can be said to be incomparably powerful. As for sun Bing's goal at the moment, naturally, is the blood pool among them.

After all, the previous fight made sun Bing have a clear understanding of his weakness. What's more, the old man once said that if he could take sun Bing away, he would certainly refine his body through blood essence.

In this way, sun Bing's strength can be improved several grades, and it will be easier to deal with the enemy.

In an instant, sun Bing and Mu Hua entered directly into it. Although there were chains of order around them, sun Bing thought that there was no use at this moment. After all, the old man had died completely, and there were only these two monks in front of him.

When the real distance is close, you can feel the blazing heat in the blood. Even if the hundred thousand years have passed completely, it still reveals its own extraordinary place.

In an instant, sun Bing's eyes burst out countless essence. There are too many in front of him to use. It's better to leave a part of it temporarily, so that not only can he give some to Hong Kai, but the rest can also be exchanged for some other cultivation resources. Immediately, sun Bing has taken out a bottle.

Outside at the moment, after sun Bing killed the old man, there were totally different changes in the sky, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder. What finally happened was a torrent of blood rain, which also flickered one after another, which shocked everyone.

This is the fall of the sage. Even heaven and earth cry for it. For heaven and earth, saints are extremely precious. There is no doubt that this huge difference has attracted everyone's attention. Among them, the most familiar group is the three eyed people.After perceiving the light, his face suddenly changed. Then, as if he had found the target, he came to this place. Finally, with his unique talent, he found that layer after layer of obstructed space, including countless array barriers.

For this, all the people here are not dissatisfied with this, even full of strong excitement, murmured in their mouth:

"as long as we break through these obstacles, we can find a bully suppressed in ancient times. If we can obtain the essence of the other party and refine our own body, even if it only needs a drop, it can make my blood There's a change. Now we've got our target. "

In an instant, all the alien races could not help showing their own magical powers. Some relied on all kinds of treasures given by their families, some relied on their own talents, and some could only enter them with their own strength.

There is no doubt that everyone's goal is to dominate the corpse in the array, or a drop of blood, because it can be regarded as a treasure for them. If they get it, they will even have a great transformation.

Among this group of alien races, there are Youming clan, Qingming clan, feathered clan and so on, who once fought with sun Bing. They are also in this group, and their speed is faster.

However, when everyone is striving to jump into the array, only a plop can be heard. Sun Bing directly enters the huge blood pool. All around are emitting thick and hot blood of terror. The energy is extracted at this moment, and goes crazy towards sun Bing's body.

Suddenly, a deep-rooted pain was introduced into sun Bing's mind. Even with his firm willpower, there was even a vague feeling that he couldn't hold on to it. There were some gnashing teeth:

"what the hell is this? It's really painful."

In the tumbling process, there was no knowing how much blood would be stirred up and flowed to the ground, and finally it could only be completely dissipated. If someone else finds out this kind of scene, it can only cry out and cry out at the scene.

It's just that for a group of foreigners, this blood can be regarded as a treasure, but in sun Bing's eyes, it can only be regarded as a part of the spoils. The quantity is huge. You can use it as you want. As for waste, it doesn't exist at all.

In this way, the essence of blood, which was sought after by countless foreigners, slowly infused the energy into sun Bing's body, and sun Bing's breath was gradually increasing.

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