Sword Emperor

Chapter 76

There is no doubt that this kind of words is said by the weak, because only the weak will choose to keep warm, but Qian Hao has to say that if he loses his hands again, even if he is the head of the Qian family, he will not have the right to order the elders in front of him.

As expected by sun Bing, after the distribution of good people, Qian Hao and his party also conducted a detailed search around them. Although sun Bing's footprints were not found, there was no doubt that the house was found under such a secret search, but it was a pity that people had gone to the cave.

This makes Qian Hao more angry. It can even be said that he is out of balance at the moment. The more he pursues in the Hengduan Mountains, he is more and more interested in killing sun Bing. Even the monks who practice Qi state have suffered a lot, but Sun Bing can still be so lively in his physical state. At the same time, he even gives birth to a trace of fear Talent scares him.

Sun Bing on the other side has come to a new environment. Although it is simple to kill a master who practices Qi State just now, it is difficult to store Qi. It is also a test for his mind, but it is also a kind of sublimation.

The feat of killing Lian Qi state with quenched body environment has brought him considerable changes. If you see sun Bing at the moment, you will find that although the sword does not come out of its sheath and does not have that sharp temperament, he is dignified, and the whole person is very confident. It seems that there is no difficulty to stop him. This has slowly shaped the heart of sun Bing as a strong man.

When everything in his heart has calmed down, sun Bing slowly took out the biggest prize of this time -- the sword of magic weapon level.

This sword is not gorgeous or even plain. It is three feet and seven inches long. Its blade emits cold light in the sun. When it comes out of its sheath, it can only hear a crisp sound, which makes people wonder. It is really a good sword.

Although sun Bing has seen several magic weapon level weapons, this is his first. Although it is quite good, it is impossible to abandon the wooden sword that he has cultivated for so many years. After all, his wooden sword has been proved to be no inferior to any magic weapon.

Sun Bing immediately flicked the blade of his sword with his fingertips. Listening to the sound, he sighed slightly: "no matter how you do, I won't use it. I'd better give you my sword case."

He immediately put down his sword and slowly took out his treasured sword box from his arms. For him, the most precious thing on his body was this small sword box, and even that jade bead was not precious. Without this sword box, he was still a mortal who could not cultivate at the moment.

Since this sword box likes to swallow the sword, sun Bing is naturally not stingy. In fact, in Luoyun Town, he has bought thousands of swords for him to swallow. However, after those fine iron swords were devoured by him, although there were some changes, they did not change.

Once again, the sword box at the moment has become as black as ink. Ordinary people look at the sword as if they are attracted by it. They look at the sword on the side. Although it is precious, it is far less than the sword box. Sun Bing slowly approached the sword box without any hesitation.

But this time the performance of the sword case is far beyond sun Bing's imagination. Originally, sun Bing thought that it was just a direct swallow of baojianba.

But at the moment, there was a faint glimmer of light. Seeing this, sun Bing's heart was full of ripples. What changes would happen to the sword box today?

Without a blink of an eye, I watched the change of the sword box carefully. In fact, a sword was not big. Under the swallow of the sword box, it disappeared faster. Soon it disappeared without a trace. In sun Bing's eyes, the only sword box with faint light remained.

But at this moment, sun Bing's eyes were full of surprise. The sword box, which was the size of a palm, suddenly changed dramatically. In the fluorescence, it turned into a huge sword box. When it was erected, it was half a person's size. It was so different from the original one.

"Is this the final change of the sword case?" Sun Bing's mind is full of doubts. Although the sword box is becoming bigger at the moment, it does not affect its aesthetic feeling at all.

I can see that the sword case is as black as ink at the moment. If you look at it carefully, you can find that there are layers of lines carved on its surface. It looks quite beautiful. Even with sun Bing's resolute mind, you can't help but indulge in it, and you can't help reaching out to touch it.

Then he felt a chill in his hand, even let Sun Bing's Qi in his body, which made his heart full of surprise, and immediately felt the changes in the field of elixir.

Sun Bing can only find that the speed of Xiao Zhou Tian's movement is getting slower and slower. However, after the refining of the sword box, his true Qi becomes more and more pure. If he transforms all the true Qi in the elixir field, his combat effectiveness can be increased.

Sun Bing immediately did not hesitate to carry the sword box behind him. In an instant, he felt as if there was a big mountain on his back. At least it was a thousand gold and almost crushed it.

Under such a heavy pressure, the changes in the elixir field are particularly obvious. If the condensation degree of genuine Qi is not enough, it will not even work at all.

In fact, compared with ordinary people, sun Bing's real Qi is quite concise. However, the sword case requires a higher level. It is also because sun Bing still has jade beads in his arms. Otherwise, under such heavy pressure, Xiao Zhoutian would not be able to absorb much aura of heaven and earth. To break through, it would be far away.After sun Bing gradually adapted to such a huge weight, there was a message in his mind: there is endless space in the sword box, which can close the sharp swords in the world. At the same time, the patterns outside absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so as to better refine the sword in the sword box and make it more sharp.

In fact, even without this function, sun Bing would not give up this sword box. The function of refining true Qi alone would make countless people crazy. What's more, bearing heavy burdens is also a kind of cultivation, which is quite good for him to understand that lifting heavy weights is light.

After a while, sun Bing has already digested all the information, feeling that the real Qi running in his body is difficult. Sun Bing's mouth shows a smile and slowly runs out of the house.

Step out, you can see that the original feet floating on the snow were crushed by the heavy load, and directly stepped on the ground. Even if sun Bing was already in the crazy operation of the true Qi in his body, it was very difficult to control it, and he could not do the original feeling of arm and finger.

In the face of such a dilemma, sun Bing is not only not depressed, but more excited. As soon as the sword box appears, it completely opens a new door for him.

You should know that sun Bing even had a situation that he could not rise in a short period of time. There was no other way to improve except to break through the Qi training state.

However, at the moment, condensing the whole body's true Qi again is a huge improvement. In addition, if you can operate freely under such heavy pressure, then you will understand the sword technique to another level. No matter which one is, it is great for sun Bing's promotion. How can this not make people excited?

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