Sword Emperor

Chapter 769

If we say that it may take a few days to clear up this flaw, but the spirit of the whole person has been transformed into sun Bing, so it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Almost in a twinkling of an eye, relying on his own understanding of terror, he has completely removed this flaw. Many real elements are running in the body, sun Bing knows.

Although it seems that there is no change in the power of this move at all, it is much stronger at the moment, because the sword move is created to attack. As long as the opponent is unable to defend, it is successful.

But at the moment, sun Bing did not stop at all. He immediately waved the moves he had just performed, and suddenly, the scene of heaven and earth around him appeared again.

Aware of the strong wind still blowing around, Zhu Yue's face was filled with a sneer: "how can you believe the truth so much? If you are just a nobody, you don't even know the power of the magic pupil of all things. Give me a break."

But just as Zhu Yue wanted to start, he could not help but hold on to his own hand. He was shocked to find that the flaw he had seen before had disappeared.

But in a flash, Zhu Yue already knew what it meant. He murmured: "I didn't expect to find out the weakness so soon. But even if I change it, it's not just this one. You're still too naive."

Immediately, sun Bing immediately attacked the second flaw. In a flash, sun Bing was blocked again. However, there was no accident on his face this time, as if everything was in his own expectation. The long sword he was waving changed suddenly:

"Zongyi Sihai"

for others, changing moves in the air is incomparably awkward, but he has already used the sword Sun Bing, who had been engraved into the bone marrow, showed up without a trace of pause. His eyes were filled with a burst of serenity. That belongs to the vertical and horizontal terror has been rippling around.

"Even if you have changed a move, but still can not change the fact that it has flaws." Zhu Yue was quite angry, and a divine light appeared in his eyes.

The next move also did not break any accident completely, and in this, sun Bing's own body also suffered a trace of scar, but still did not stop his hand action.

It's just that from the original vertical sword to the horizontal sword, both sides you come and I go, every time sun Bing starts to put out the sword, Zhu Yue will point out the flaws, thus causing certain damage to sun Bing.

However, even in the confrontation, sun Bing has always been in the downwind, and his body has also revealed one scar after another, but Sun Bing's face is not any depression, even more and more feel a strong excitement, his eyes are blooming with a trace of obvious essence.

And gradually, sun Bing also found one of the obvious changes. The original Zhu Yue could find the flaws in his moves in a flash, but now it takes a certain amount of time. Although the time is a little small, it is undoubtedly a signal, which makes sun bingminrui aware.

"Ice and snow"

the use of one move of sword technique brings a series of obvious frosts around, and the ground is even more cracked. At this time, the opponent should be able to clearly point out the flaws and easily resolve them.

But this time, there was no way to do it. Only one punch was able to bombard in front of us. Finally, there were snowflakes flying all over the sky.

The cold feeling made Zhu Yue, who had fallen into anger, recovered. His eyes looked at Sun Bing, and his eyes seemed to be able to kill people: "you even use me to feed? It's really a good abacus, but you don't know that your life is not long ago. "

After seeing that the other side didn't make a move, a trace of regret flashed in sun Bing's eyes, but it was soon known that the other side had no way to see through the flaw.

After all, no matter how strong the eyes of the gods are, Zhu Yue is no more than the top of the world. What's more, the power of those two gods has not been fully revealed. It is almost the limit to be able to reach this level at this moment.

Immediately, sun Bing couldn't help nodding slowly. Looking at the figure in front of him, he even showed a trace of obvious smile: "the strangulation of the wind has seven flaws; if you indulge in the four seas, there are three flaws, which run across all directions, and six flaws Thank you so much for coming here. "

Hearing this solemn thanks, Zhu Yue's anger was even more vigorous. In a flash, there was a flash of panic in the corner of his eyes. After all, the world has never seen such a person. His understanding is really terrible.

Even if others can be cracked by him, flaws, but want to modify, but also need to go through a long time of experiments, to be able to change its completion, in which there will be many dangers.

But to sun Bing here, basically the first moment just point out the flaw, the next moment will be perfect to make up for it, there is no delay in excess of time.In fact, what Zhu Yue didn't know was that sun Bing was very familiar with every sword technique. He had not known for a long time that he had practiced thousands of times. How Zhenyuan should work and how to split the strong wind in the air were all in sun Bing's mind.

So it seems like a small change, but with sun Bing's long experience, we can really achieve this level. Otherwise, we will only be able to silence the public.

After such a transformation, sun Bing firmly believes that even monks in the realm of life and death can not even find out the flaws in their moves.

Immediately raised his head, looked at the figure not far away, turned out a sneer: "since you have no use, then it is also time to die completely."

All of a sudden, sun Bing's all the momentum completely emerged, a circle toward the surrounding rippling away, the entire void even received a burst of vibration.

You should know that although it seems that sun Bing has suffered a lot of damage before, but with the help of "Baxia forging body formula", the body has become extremely strong, and now it is in full swing.

However, after noticing sun Bing's action, Zhu Yue was not as angry as usual. Instead, his face was full of a thick sneer: "do you really think I didn't see your purpose from the beginning to the end? I admit that you are a gifted genius. If you are allowed to develop, I am really not an opponent.

But at the moment, even if you have mastered the moves, so what? Because you're going to fall completely. "

With the end of Zhu Yue's words, there was a sudden sound of foot steps around. Then, we can find that hundreds of alien races are coming towards this place nearby, and each of them has the strength to transform themselves into the top of the world.

Even in the face of these little Luo Luo, sun Bing can sweep them to death with one sword, but the front of those figures is full of the breath that even sun Bing feels afraid of, and can compete with him positively. Especially the front figure, sun Bing is still incomparably familiar with.

Immediately, can't help murmuring in the mouth: "this should be the bully next clan."

"Yes, after all, this place is my choice. It's only ten thousand miles away from our family's Tianjiao. Such a huge movement here has already attracted them. In the face of so many people, I'd like to see how you should resist them in the future." Food at the moment also can't help but slowly open his mouth.

Zhu Yue couldn't help but stand up, and his face was full of coldness: "the reason why I fought with you for such a long time was just a delay. Now that the purpose has been achieved, it seems that you have no use value and can die."

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