Sword Emperor

Chapter 816

After feeling his body changes, sun Bing deeply directed to General Yang's military, because this time, his help was too great, and he was so kind and sincere that even if he was to be a teacher at the moment.

After a long time, sun Bing slowly stood up and began to open up slowly: "General Yang, today's grace is in mind, if there is any need for assignment in the future, even if it is straightforward.

It is not too short to come here. At this moment, I need to go back and summarize the previous harvest. If nothing is wrong, I will leave here and have a chance to see you later. "

"Well, I'm waiting for the next meeting. I hope you don't let me down."

General Yang's eyes twinkled and laughed suddenly. After all, it was easy to meet, but it was very difficult to see the second.

It is important to know that the bloody war city is located in the border, and there is no accident. Unless sun Bing becomes a spiritual monk, both sides want to meet each other, and if he does, he will even have finished his expectation.

After all this, sun Bing turned and left immediately. As for General Yang standing in place, he looked at Sun Bing's background all the time. Until he disappeared, he turned slowly.

But also in this instant, General Yang's face has changed completely, from the previous smile full face and then into a thick serious, twinkling eyes for thinking.

After all, some of the information that sun Bing said before, even if he did not believe it, still attached great importance to it. It is a very important thing for the whole people to know.

So there is a little wind in it, all need to be thoroughly examined. If false news is all, if it is confirmed to be the fact, knowing ahead of time also means having more time to prepare, which is very important for the final result.

After all things were ordered, General Yang still felt the strong pressure on his shoulder, sighing quietly: "it is really a multi-event autumn. I hope this is not true. If not, he will return to the war era again."

Sun Bing, who has left, is completely unaware of what is behind him. He returns to his place of residence and can hear a rather rapid footsteps before he has sat down for repair.

Then, Huaqi month and Hong Kai appeared directly in front of sun Bing. After confirming that sun Bing had returned, a little curiosity flashed in his eyes, but he was relieved a little.

Then Hong Kai began to laugh and said, "you have been here for a long time. If you know general Yang took you away, you thought you were missing. How, what kind of reward did you get, tell us something about it."

For Hong Kai's laugh, sun Bing didn't care, and then slowly said, "although I can't use something, the overall reward is quite good, but the most beneficial thing for me is the guidance of General Yang. At this time, my strength has increased by 50% compared with the previous one."

Hearing sun Bing's words, even though he had guessed in his heart, Hong Kai and others were still filled with strong shock. After all, it is not a small thing.

The sage's teaching can not be expected, even a word of instruction, can make people full of excitement, but now, the other party has enough to point sun Bing for several days, how can not let people feel shocked.

But Sun Bing at the moment didn't care about the two people's inner thoughts, but instead, he directly aimed his eyes at Huaqi month. After several days of rest, the breath on each other was even, and the appearance was beautiful, which was called the most beautiful face and addicted.

Finally, until the flower Qi month was a little bit out of tune, sun Bingcai slowly said: "in the previous awards, I got multicolored stones, but it was like chicken ribs for me. I wonder if you found the strange things that opened up the sky?

Even if you find it, there are few wonders that can be shared with multicolored stones. If you can use this to make a breakthrough, your own strength will be greatly improved and the future will be even bigger. "

Hearing such news, the shame before Huaqi month disappeared without trace, and the heart can be said to be full of strong shock. Subconsciously, they want to refuse. After all, this thing is too precious, even if they are the Holy Son and the holy daughter, it needs chance to obtain.

Just a moment later, Huaqi stopped his movements immediately. After all, he realized that sun Bing had acquired chaos stone even though he was just a repair.

So the five colored stone to sun Bing's hands, the useless food discard the pity, but for themselves, even if the hundred flowers teaching has prepared to open up the hole of the strange things, want to compare with the multicolor stone, this is simply an impossible thing.

After a period of hesitation and hesitation, he nodded slowly. After all, it is about the foundation of his life. If the cave is not firm, it is very difficult to break through life and death and the holy state. So it is not a time for any kind of correction.

After receiving the colorful stones, the beautiful eyes of Huaqi month are full of confusion and a little gratitude. After all, such precious things are not offered by anyone.In the end, it turned into a strong perseverance. After all, sun Bing's speed of promotion is too fast. Even if she has extraordinary talent, it is very difficult to catch up with her. This is the best help.

After handing the colored stone to Huaqi month, sun Bing slowly turned his head and looked at Hong Kai. However, he didn't need to be polite now. He directly waved his hand: "for you, you can find things that open up the cave. Previously, he gave you the blood essence. I wish you good luck."

But at the moment, Hong Kai shook his head and immediately said, "I've been looking for something to open up the cave, but I didn't tell you. You know, it's Taishan stone, which was handed over to me by my ancestors. It must be able to make it incomparably strong when it is used to suppress Dongtian."

Suddenly, sun Bing and Hua Qiyue's faces flashed with surprise. It was said that Mount Tai was a sacred mountain in ancient times. It was hidden in the invisible. It was extremely difficult for ordinary people to see one another. However, if the chance came, they could also obtain numerous benefits.

As for the Taishan stone, it is even more extraordinary. It is said that a small Taishan stone is as heavy as a thousand, and it is incomparably strong. It is only slightly worse than chaos stone and multicolored stone. However, it is extremely suitable for Hong Kai who has practiced "Baxia forging body formula".

Although the other party already has such details, sun Bing still gives the unknown fruit picked in the secret place to the other party. After all, Hong Kai's body is extremely strong, but compared with his spirit, he is extremely weak.

This is also the enemy who is good at spirit. Otherwise, you will not only have no way to defeat the other party completely, but also may be in danger. At this time, it is just time to give this thing to the other party and gather the spirit as soon as possible, which is also good for defense.

Only if there are no shortcomings all over the body can we attack the rest of the people better, and it will be easier to break through in the future. After all, all these are very important foundations.

Originally, Hong Kai had a certain understanding of this nameless fruit. After all, Hua Qiyue had tried it in person before, and her strength was greatly improved by just one. So she was very excited at the moment.

In the end, he was directly in the pocket and didn't say any other words at all. Sun Bing did not care about this either. After all, the relationship between the two sides is so good that they have reached the level of life and death friendship.

Sun Bing knows that even if the other party does not say any words at the moment, but once something happens to him, the other party will surely be able to appear behind him for the first time to help, which has been proved.

Taking the nameless fruit in his own hand, Hong Kai was anxious and wanted to taste it now. However, in the end, he restrained his greed and began to speak slowly:

"you have been to General Yang these days, but the three elders have come several times. Since you have come back, it must be very nice It's coming again soon. "

"This is more than that. You should know that we have been delayed for several days because of you. Yingtian academy left a few days ago. It is said that when they left, every elder's face was extremely blue."

Hua Qiyue couldn't help interrupting at the moment, and her face was full of teasing. It was obvious that for Yingtian academy, her heart was full of strong unhappiness.

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