Sword Emperor

Chapter 825

"Really a madman, in the face of so many robberies, he didn't care at all. Do you want your own life?" Seeing sun Bing, who is not tired at all and fearless of danger, is still attacking himself. Han Xin's face is full of thick anger.

It should be noted that it is not as open as before. Under the black hijacking cloud, countless Lavender lights are released. It seems that there is a sea of thunder within a hundred miles. Each of them looks weak and can kill a monk who has fallen into the world.

In the face of such a terrible thunder sea, sun Bing does not need to defend, but Han Xin and Wei Chen can't. If they continue to attack as before, I believe they will fall into the boundless thunder sea within a short time.

At the moment, the two people can finally understand the previous heart of Huang Tao, although their own strength and cultivation realm are much bigger than sun Bingqiang.

If the two sides fight with their strength, there is no doubt that they will be able to wipe it out completely, but in sun Bing's thunder robbery, their every move has been greatly hindered.

At the moment, even can only watch sun Bing, wantonly in the sea of thunder refining, let himself become strong, the feeling of a strangled heart, basically no way to describe.

After all, there is nothing in the world that is more oppressive than looking at the strength of their enemies. Even if they want to stop them, the countless thunder around them will block their pace.

Suddenly, two people full of anger and complaints in their hearts could not help but murmured: "you really can't do more than you can. You are a swordsman. You even want to exercise your body through thunder robbery. Soon you can't stand direct defeat."

After all, thunder robbery is the test of heaven and earth for friars. The stronger the strength, the more powerful the monk will be. The initial thunder robbery may be quite weak, but soon, as time goes on, the power of thunder will be stronger and stronger.

However, to Han Xin's disappointment, even so, sun Bing at the moment still did not have the slightest desire to change his mind, allowing the purple thunder to chop on himself.

After being weakened by the purple gold panlongjia, he slowly strengthened his body and the small cave that stabilized his lower abdomen, but the breath on his body broke out more fiercely.

Finally, sun Bing's face was filled with a cold smile, then slowly began to open his mouth: "there are some really sorry, the final outcome let you some disappointment, just don't know, how do you think your end will be?"

As he said this, sun Bing's TAIA sword absorbed countless thunder, and now it burst out into a bright light. The only sword was placed there, which was full of terrifying edge, which made Han Xin and others even jump with their eyelids.

Then you can see a very round sword light suddenly appeared in the sky, as if it emerged from the sky, all the obstacles in front of it were split into two parts.

Even though the thunder sea seems to be full of lavender light, under the strong sword meaning, there is no way to resist, completely separate, and let the sword light cross.

"No, it's dangerous." In a flash, Han Xin and Wei Chen were very vigilant. Even though they were facing a thunderstorm at the moment, they also forced to dodge. Otherwise, they would be severely damaged.

Moreover, through this attack, their hearts finally understand that sun Bing is no longer a mole ant like before, and even has a certain threat to them, so we can't underestimate it. Otherwise, we can only suffer from ourselves in the end.

In a flash, two people forced to flash, although barely escaped the sword light, but the body was forced to receive the attack of two thunder, suddenly howling.

After all, they don't have as many treasures as sun Bing, and their physical defense is far worse than that. At the moment, they still rely on their advanced cultivation, but they also suffer from certain injuries.

At the moment, Huang Tao has already taken pills, and now his wound has been healed. He looks at Sun Bing in front of him, and then slowly opens his mouth:

"I didn't expect that you, a small person who has been transformed from the world, can force us to this degree, but we just stop here. Next, we won't have any mercy."

As he said this, he had already taken out many objects from Najie. Sun Bing could see a very simple array plate. Through the twinkling pain on his face, he could judge that this array plate was very precious and powerful.

Just in a flash, the three men were completely prepared. A faint white light appeared on the array plate, and many mysterious inscriptions appeared. Finally, the three people were directly covered in it.

Then I saw a strange scene. Before that, I still had to endure countless thunder, but now it was completely blocked out by the pale white light shield. In the face of such terrible thunder, the array plate has a strong defense force.Seeing this scene, sun Bing's calm face eventually changed. After all, the thunder at the moment has reached a quite terrible level. However, he has withstood a lot of attacks. This array plate has such a defensive power, which is enough to see its extraordinary.

The other side can take this short opportunity to attack themselves. Without any disturbance, they are extremely powerful. Even sun Bing is in danger.

Immediately, looking at the three men who had burst out one after another, sun Bing's face changed, and he had already made up his mind that he would not have a frontal collision at the moment. It can even be said that the longer he stayed in the thunder sea, the more favorable it would be for sun Bing.

In a twinkling of an eye, the whole person is just like a streamer running through the sea of thunder. Huang Tao and others can't cause any damage to themselves.

The thunder around is getting bigger and bigger. Huang Tao, who is in the array, can clearly see that there is an obvious crack in the mask at the moment. It is obvious that although the array disk can defend against the thunder robbery around, it will also suffer huge losses.

After discovering this situation, Huang Tao's face is full of flesh ache. After all, in order to obtain such a array plate, he was also seriously injured.

For such a long time, I have not been willing to use it. But today, when it comes to the time of life and death crisis, we have to display it. Otherwise, we may die.

But now I can't help but start shouting: "you give me a little faster, this array can't support for too long."

Han Xin and Wei Chen on the other side naturally knew the changes in the array at the moment, and immediately changed their faces. They looked at Sun Bing in the thunder sea with their eyes full of fury. No matter how huge the resources are consumed, they need to kill this person thoroughly.

In a flash, his eyes are full of thick and ruthless. Since Huang Tao has a chassis, how can they not have enough cards to protect their lives? They just use it in the thunder sea, and the damage they have suffered is really too great. They have been reluctant to give up before.

But at the moment, they really feel the rising sense of crisis in their hearts. If they don't continue to fight back, they may even fall completely. Immediately, they can't help but look at each other, and then there is a thick pain in their faces.

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