Sword Emperor

Chapter 84

Hengduan Mountain is a towering mountain top, where clouds and fog are surrounded. But today, from a distance, you can see a blue figure sitting on it, and the clouds on its back have even taken on a whirlpool shape. The wind and clouds are surging and there are many strange phenomena. However, this is only the change brought about by the other party's absorption of the spirit of heaven and earth.

Yes, this man is sun Bing. You should know that even the monks who practice Qi State don't have such terrible refining speed, but Sun Bing is just a friar of quenching body state. It's really shocking.

At the moment, sun Bingzheng is cross legged to absorb the aura between heaven and earth. On such a high mountain, the aura is more pure. However, what he contains is Zhenyuan, which requires a hundred times more aura than before, which makes such a huge sensation.

"It seems that it still can't. the bottleneck between the gas refining period and the gas refining period is too strong." After a long time, sun Bing couldn't help but breathe out a breath, and his face showed a trace of regret. At the same time, the whirlpool behind him accompanied him to stop work and slowly disappeared.

This is his third attempt to break through, but there is no doubt that every time, no matter how hard he tries, there is an invisible barrier hindering him. Even though sun Bing has tried his best, he has not made any progress and can only give up again.

Sun Bing immediately stood up slowly and stood with his hands on his back to see the scenery at the foot of the mountain. In such a high peak, he really had a small bearing to see all the peaks. When he looked far away, he could see that everything he could see was a vast expanse of white, which was quite spectacular.

All of a sudden, sun Bing's eyes congealed, because there was a dark shadow at the foot of the mountain. You should know that all the monsters that can come out in winter are powerful ones.

"The iron backed yak of level 4 demon beast has a hard back like refined steel, and its horn is extremely precious. It is one of the materials for making magic weapons, but it is also very dangerous. Even if a monk practicing Qi is hit, he will die ten times without life, and he is the best among the four level demons." With his excellent eyesight, sun Bing recognized the monster at the foot of the mountain at a glance.

But he nodded slightly. "It should warm me up a little bit." Immediately, he jumped up and ran down the mountain from the middle of the mountain.

If you let others hear sun Bing's words, you will ridicule him and make wild remarks. You should know that even if a monk who practices Qi State meets an iron backed yak, he can't say that he is more stable than him. He is just a friar of quenched body. He didn't expect not to run, but to rush forward. It's really a mental problem.

But in this short period of time, sun Bing had already rushed to the foot of the mountain and stood directly in front of the iron backed yak. The yak, who had been forced by hunger, was ferocious. He breathed a breath from his nose. The cow's hooves trampled on the ground twice and rushed straight to sun Bing.

"Good come." If such an impact force was put in the eyes of others, it would certainly be a tumult. But Sun Bing's eyes even twinkled with excitement and eagerness to try. Immediately the wooden sword came out of the scabbard and easily attacked the horn of the iron backed yak.

Only a clang sound was heard, and even a layer of snow fell on the mountain, but the huge impact of iron backed yak was easily solved by sun Bing.

Sun Bing immediately left no trace on the snow. He ran straight towards the Yak with iron back. A sword spirit seemed to condense into substance, and directly cleaved to the iron backed Yak on the ground.


originally, the back of iron backed yak was one of the most powerful places of defense. However, under sun Bing's attack, it was like tofu, which was split directly, revealing the dense white bones inside. The sword Qi hit on the white bones, which completely disappeared.

But at the moment, the iron backed Yak's eyes have flickered with fear. You know, it has always been known as a defensive force, but in the past, the proud defense could not stop sun Bing's sword spirit at all. If it continues to fight, it will die, and immediately even turn around and start to flee.

Looking at the distant figure, sun Bing couldn't help shaking his head. The wooden sword in his hand once again aroused a transparent sword spirit. He saw the iron backed yak directly fall down in the distance, then convulsed for a while, and then there was no sound.

"The warm-up is over, and today is the seventh day. It's time for me to go back." Sun Bing said, looking at the direction of falling cloud town.

After finishing the sword, sun did not realize the state of the Dharma directly.

This is a brand-new realm. Even a simple sword is far from being able to resist by people in the same realm. With the help of "Zongjian Jue", sun Bing even has the strength to challenge the friars at the second level of practicing Qi state. This is his confidence now.


In Luoyun Town, sun Zhentian is smiling, because it can be confirmed later that his son Sun long will be sent to Qinghui cave for cultivation. The final result may even be the second monk in Luoyun town who has been trained to be free from birth. This is the best gift for sun Zhentian who hopes his son can become a dragon.

Moreover, today's sun long is well dressed. He looks like a gentleman in white, with a smile on his face, and he treats people with gentleness and gentleness. He is so perfect that he can't be more perfect.The only one who frowned was Sun Xiao. He took a look at his elder brother and asked anxiously: "there is no news coming from Hengduan Mountains. It is obvious that sun Bing has not been caught. Is it really OK?"

"How can something happen? No matter how powerful the opponent is, he is just a friar who quenches his body. We have sent five elders to practice Qi state. What's more, there are nine people from Qian's family who go to the mountain, including the head of Qian family. What's your worry about?" Sun Zhentian's face changed instantly and waved his hand.

After hearing this reply, sun Xiao sighed: "the Zhao family has already arranged it. Fortunately, Luoyun town is too small, so it's just a disciple who came to meet him. We sent a lot of money, so there should be no mistakes."

Sun Zhentian nodded, indicating that he had known, and then told Sun long, "no matter who you meet today, remember to call senior brother. This opportunity is hard won, but you must not waste it."

Before sun long nodded his head, a disciple suddenly came in from outside. He looked excited and reported directly: "the clan leader, elder martial brother of Qinghui Dongtian has arrived. Now he is in the middle of the town. You can let the young master go."

Immediately, sun Zhentian and his party rushed to the center of Luoyun town.

At the moment, sun Bing has already arrived at the gate of Luoyun town. He looks up at the dense figures in the middle of the town and recalls the grand occasion of the martial arts of the three ethnic groups. He can't help but smile at the corners of his mouth.

The rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building.

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