Sword Emperor

Chapter 902

Generally speaking, sun Bing's harvest in this battle is really huge, and even sun Bing still has deep regret in his heart.

Because sun Bing has a feeling in his heart that if Rong Cui's fierce battle can continue, even his sword will be able to take this opportunity to directly break through 100%.

Of course, soon, sun Bing's agitated mind has been restored to calm. After all, he won't ask for my fortune and lost my life. What's more, he pays attention to down-to-earth cultivation, and there are many opportunities.

However, sun Bing, who had come back to God, frowned slowly at the moment, because he was still in this scene, neither appeared the next opponent, nor said that he had passed the test.

Immediately, sun Bing couldn't help saying to himself, "is this array broken? How come the next test hasn't appeared yet

"You can rest assured that this array is not bad."

In a flash, sun Bing's ear will emerge an answer, especially loud in the quiet space, sun Bing's mind at the moment are sent out a thick surprise, turn his head to be able to find in front of him the virtual shadow of the old man.

"Master, I don't know what you're doing here?" Obviously, sun Bing was quite surprised at the moment, but immediately began to ask, after all, he is still in the test at the moment, must race against the clock.

Looking at the young figure in front of him, in fact, the shock in the old man's heart is more powerful than that of sun Bing. We should know that the previous simulation has already been equivalent to the wizard's divine Son. Even if the road may be the same, the strength of the whole body is almost 80%.

It was also because sun Bing would fail in such a test. Even if he overestimated it, it would be a draw at most.

But the fact tells the old man that all his conjectures are wrong, because the man in front of him actually killed that imaginary shadow. Even if he has a terrible origin, he has never seen such a bright demon.

So after a short period of dismay, the old man slowly opened his mouth: "I didn't expect that you could come to this step. In fact, it doesn't matter if the test at this moment is for you, and you don't need to care about these things."

"Why? I also want to pass this test to get the prize Sun Bing's eyebrows were filled with deep surprise, and immediately asked.

The old man was not very cold. Looking at Sun Bing in front of him, the corners of his mouth showed a smile, and then explained, "because you killed the previous test, you don't have to be afraid of anything on the way of inheritance. In this case, what's the difference between the test and the test?"

Later, the old man explained the situation in detail, especially the roll call. The previous one was equivalent to the God son of the witch clan, which can be called the most blooded terror Tianjiao.

After listening to all these explanations, sun Bing's face showed a look of sudden enlightenment. After all, he had felt that it seemed a little strange in it, but because he was in the middle of a battle, he did not have the extra mind to analyze it.

Even though he understood, sun Bing didn't care too much. Anyway, he didn't get hurt at the moment, and even gained a lot. So he immediately put forward his own doubts: "so I don't know what's going on with the elder's appearance this time?"

"In fact, I still have one thing to ask for, because I don't think you have any other breath, so I want to give you the inheritance of the tuntian sect. What do you think?"

"Your inheritance has already been given to us? So many skills have been spread before and will be carried forward in the future. " Sun Bing's brows slowly wrinkled up and answered directly.

Later, we can find that the old man slowly shook his head: "the previous people, although they have obtained the second part of our tuntian sect, have their own main skills, and it is absolutely impossible to really continue our tuntian sect.

As for the last ten Tianjiao, except for you, the rest of us have amazing talent, but they can't inherit our tuntian sect wholeheartedly. But you are different. I think you'd better go on a free training, so I can only ask you. After all, I can't stick to it for a long time. "

This is the truth. The old man was the last patriarch of tuntian sect. He hid everything in the void in the ancient battle.

In addition, he also used powerful means to turn them into tools and spirits. After a whole hundred thousand years, his spirit has been extremely weak. If he didn't want to continue the Tao Tong of tuntian sect, he might have already fallen down, so he would send out this speech at this moment.

As for sun Bing, after listening to some of these, the whole person was stunned there. He didn't expect that there was such a relationship among them. He immediately thought about it.

After all, it's really troublesome to pass on this skill. At least sun Bing would never want to create a force by himself. Even if the tuntian sect had solved the cause of the skill, it would have wasted a long time.

"In fact, you don't need to refuse. After all, the tuntian sect was a famous terror sect in the whole of China. Naturally, it left behind some followers, and it was very secret. Except for the patriarch, the rest of the people didn't understand. I just want you to give them the complete inheritance, and then your task has been completed.If we can give you some help then we will not owe each other. As a reward, we can not only watch all kinds of ancient books and records of tuntian sect, but also give you some treasures. It's a little token of my heart. "

"Treasure?" After hearing these words, there is no doubt that sun Bing is excited at the moment, but in the final sight, there is still a touch of surprise in his eyes. Did you say that now, the other party has treasures.

"You don't really think that there is only such a little thing in the long-term foundation of tuntian sect. What I took out this time is the five most precious among the treasures, and the rest are still stored there.

It was originally intended to let the posterity recover the family, but it must have been gone. As for those who have left behind, even if they come, there is no way to open it. So it should be a good choice to give it to you as a reward. I just hope you can keep your promise. "

At the moment when the other side finished these words, sun Bing's eyes showed a strong light. At the moment, he finally reflected. After all, there was a more terrible sect in front of him than the holy land. How could the other party's wealth be so little.

Immediately, sun Bing already nodded and agreed: "OK, I will help you finish everything you say. You can rest assured that, after all, I am a swordsman."

After hearing sun Bing's accurate answer, an old man's face in front of him also showed a gratifying expression. After all, in this way, the tuntian sect can really exist, rather than its magic power, which is placed in other people's family, without any attention.

"Now that you have promised, all the treasures will be given to you at the moment you leave. I hope you will not let me down. Now you can leave. I don't know if you want to leave?"

Immediately, the old man relaxed a lot, but the shadow on his body also gradually dissipated. It was obvious that what he said was not empty, so he welcomed sun Bing's admirable eyes.

But at the moment, sun Bing's face, but can't help but smile strangely, and then began to say: "has anyone passed the test now? Who is the nearest person to the customs clearance? "

Seeing that sun Bing didn't want to leave, instead, he asked about such questions, which made the old man quite surprised. Then he waved, and the shadow of the rest of the customs clearance also appeared in front of sun Bing. He could clearly see the progress of others.

Then, the old man even couldn't help explaining: "it's this person who is closest to passing the test. It's better that you choose to pass the test at this moment. After all, the God given Dao bone of Taotie people is the most precious. If others pass first, they will surely be the first."

Looking at Ying Tianxiong's shadow, sun Bing's mouth showed a strange smile, and then secretly said in his heart: "I'm waiting for you to go first. I hope the good play will not let me down."

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