Sword Emperor

Chapter 922

The sword in his hand pointed to the mammoth, and sun Bing's eyes twinkled with brilliance, because this time the closing up was so great for his promotion that he didn't know how powerful he was now.

Originally, sun Bing wanted to find a powerful monster and get familiar with the strength he could exert at the moment. However, he didn't expect that as soon as he got out of the pass, the target was ready.

At this point, sun Bing even needs to thank the three people. As for saving people, it is more like an incidental thing.

After the mammoth broke through the sky, he felt that he was pointed by the sword. He felt a panic in his heart, and even his limbs retreated a little towards the back. But soon, it was as if he was ashamed and angry, and his heart was full of anger.

As soon as the long nose swung, there was a huge burst sound in the air. At the moment, the space seemed to be broken because of the absolute force. Then the long nose swept towards sun Bing. The strong wind gathered inside, and the breaking wind suddenly appeared. It seemed that sun Bing might fall at any time.

For this scene, the three people below are staring at Sun Bing's resistance. Anyway, all people's hopes are gathered in the young figure in the air. As long as the other party succeeds, then he can escape from life.

Even in the face of such a fierce attack, but Sun Bing's eyes did not see panic, in that a long nose is very close to their own time, sun Bing finally action.

Even in the whole process, there is no way to see sun Bing's movements clearly, only can feel the instant time, but the next moment a sword light has swept away.

as like as two peas, the most brilliant thing between heaven and earth is that sharp sword, but in a twinkling, it has disappeared in the sky, because speed is too fast, there is no change at all, just like everything is just the same as before.

Just when the man's heart was full of doubts, suddenly a huge wail came from the mammoth breaking the sky elephant. Then we could find that the elephant nose that had been attacking sun Bing had already oozed a trace of bright red blood, and finally collapsed completely.

As a result, the sharp ivory, even because of this sword light, was directly divided into two sections, falling from the sky toward the ground, accompanied by a dust, finally everything returned to calm, only to see the red blood of mammoth breaking through the sky constantly swarming out.

At the moment, the three people are staring at the scene in front of them. They seem to have set off a layer of tsunami in their hearts. They are constantly in the rough sea, especially that middle-aged man. Looking at Sun Bing's eyes, there is not only consternation, but also fear and admiration.

We should know that mammoth's strength in breaking through the celestial phenomena is powerful and invincible in the same realm. Even if he has the highest cultivation in the cave realm, he can't leave any scars on his body.

But I didn't expect that such a strong defense against terror was easily cut off, so that the ivory was also completely broken, which makes people feel more incredible.

The elephant's nose is still flesh and blood, but the ivory is the most precious thing for mammoths to break through the sky elephants, and it is also the first-class refining material. It can even be used to make king's utensils.

Its quality is very high, and it is incomparably strong. However, now that the simple sword light completely disintegrates, such a scene is really shocking.

Such a huge pain hit, but also let mammoths break the sky to crazy general, after all, so many years, it has not experienced such a huge setback and pain, that pair of lantern like eyes staring at Sun Bing, which is full of anger.

Because it is this young man that makes it suffer such great damage. Only by killing him can he calm down his anger.

In a flash, a thick light appeared all over the body, and some inscriptions reverberated in the blood. Finally, all the inscriptions were imprinted on the body. At the moment, the mammoth broke through the whole body as if it were blooming with countless bright lights.

However, since Sun Bing did not shake his head in front of me, I was disappointed that nothing happened

Hearing such insulting words, mammoth broke the sky elephant's heart was full of rage, because he could realize that sun Bing's strength in the later period of Dongtian realm could not be his opponent at all.

However, the next moment, when sun Bing began to use his sword, mammoths broke the sky, and even the sword light seemed to contain a destructive atmosphere. If not, he would definitely fall.

He immediately wanted to run away and leave, even faster than the previous pursuit of those friars. In a flash, he had reached a very far away place.

At the moment, sun Bing still doesn't have any idea of catching up. Even the middle-aged man below has already started to remind him: "this elder, that mammoth has killed countless friars of our people. Please don't let go."

For such words, sun Bing slowly glanced over his head and looked at each other. Then the sword fell heavily. Suddenly, a bright sword light emerged, surrounded by sharp and sharp breath, swept towards the distance."Space cutting"

the speed of this sword Qi is extremely fast. Along the way, a deep sword mark has been split on the ground. If there is a mountain in front of you, then the mountain will be broken, the tree will block the road and the tree will break.

In the blink of an eye has come to the mammoth broken after the sky, in the other side completely did not respond to the time, it has been completely split in two.

This scene once again made several people below shiver. They didn't expect that sun Bing's sword moves were still so powerful at such a long distance. Once they could only see the mammoths breaking the sky, they did not even have the ability to resist. It can be imagined that sun Bing's strength has been terrible to what extent.

After finishing all this, sun Bing slowly fell down, and he could see that several faces before meeting were full of gratitude. Suddenly, the middle-aged man headed by him had already stepped forward and arched his hands:

"thank you for saving your life this time. In the next section of yuan, if you have anything in the future, just send me."

For Duan yuan's gratitude, sun Bing didn't care. After all, it was just his convenience. After waving his hand, he began to ask: "I don't know what time it is now?"

Suddenly heard such an inquiry, Rao Shi Duan yuan's face is also full of consternation, after all, time for them is really difficult to calculate, do not know what the reference is.

Fortunately, sun Bing quickly responded and asked again, "how long has it been since the relics of tuntian sect were opened?"

"Oh, it turns out that this, the remains of the tuntian sect, had completely collapsed a year ago, falling into the endless space turbulence." Duan yuan suddenly realized, and then immediately told sun Bing what he knew.

After listening to these messages, sun Bing's eyes were filled with a clear look, and murmured: "I didn't expect that this time, it has been a whole year. It's really a waste of time. Time is in a hurry."

But in this year, sun Bing's strength has changed greatly. First of all, his cultivation has gone further, reaching the later stage of Dongtian realm.

Moreover, fire and frost have reached the four cities. Even the very obscure meaning of space has been improved a lot by virtue of the heavenly gift of the Dijiang clan.

There is also the meaning of swallowing, which has been greatly improved. At least, the swallowing sword technique can break out with a new power. Finally, Rao is even more powerful, and the overall strength is more than ten times higher than it once was.

At this moment, even if there is an ordinary life and death experience on the ice, even if there is an ordinary life and death experience for the monk sun, he is even more afraid of going through the ice again.

If all his cards are exposed, how much strength can he break out in the end, even if sun Bing himself is not clear.

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