Sword Emperor

Chapter 996

All of a sudden, sun Bing's eyes bloomed with bright cold light. Now, this opportunity certainly can't continue to stand still, otherwise the damage to our side is too great, we must make a quick decision.

After all, Dugu Bai didn't say much about it for the time being. Du Yu's strength was just as important as life and death. Both sides were equal. Even if they had strength and weakness, they would not end the battle in a short time.

However, song Kuo's situation is not optimistic. After all, he is just a monk who has just stepped into the realm of life and death. However, his opponent this time is a monk who has reached the four fold heaven of life and death.

Even if song Kui was a proud party with the strength to cross the border challenge, the gap between the two sides was still too large, which was a gap that could not be crossed.

Only those demons who can come out for tens of thousands of years can ignore the gap, and sun Bing is a representative figure among them.

So if you want to break the deadlock in front of you, you have to rely on Sun Bing.

What's more, sun Bing's mind is not simple. He just took this opportunity to try his heart sword skill, which he practiced for such a long time. After all, this secret method has not been used for a long time. Now he finally has this opportunity.

Suddenly, sun Bing's sword soul trembled in the sea of knowledge, and then shot two cold awns from his eyes. It seemed that it was very empty and swaying. He directly attacked the other side, and faintly seemed to be able to see that it was the edge of an ancient sword.

The target of sun Bing's attack was the monk who lived and died in four times. At the moment sun Bing just made this move, the opponent could feel the hairs on his whole body stand up directly, and even there were countless cold sweats behind him, as if the whole person would fall.

A great sense of crisis shrouded, all of its potential suddenly burst out, subconsciously back to the rear, at the same time, many life-saving moves emerged, trying to break the two lights completely.

But soon, this person can find that even if he used all his skills to break out of the attack, there is no way to do anything. Two eyes, all the attacks easily through, as if the two lights did not exist.

However, what's more strange is that even if you want to avoid it, there is absolutely no way, because the speed of those two eyes is so fast that they almost instantly come to him.

Subconsciously, the monk even closed his eyes and thought he had fallen.

Soon, however, the man was able to find that the situation was so strange that he did not have any pain or even a scratch on his body.

"Well, you little beast, I didn't expect that this move would have no effect at all. I have been worried for such a long time, and then you will die."

After feeling that there was no crisis in his body, the man's face appeared with a fierce smile. His eyes were full of strong killing intention, and he looked directly at Sun Bing.

Previously lost so much face, now in the heart for sun Bing hate has reached the limit, and even its biggest wish is to kill sun Bing thoroughly.

But Sun Bing, who heard these words, had no fear on his face at the moment, even filled with blandness. He looked at each other as if he were looking at a dead man.

Sun's face seems to be filled with a faint smile

After all, even if sun Bing didn't get the heart swordsmanship, he was not afraid of a monk who lived and died in the four times of heaven, and even killed one. What's more, his strength is more powerful at the moment.

Originally, the man wanted to say some threatening words, but before he opened his mouth, his face changed wildly. Because the two lights entered his body, they turned into two sword spirits, and they were directly flowing towards the sea of knowledge.

In this short period of time, he has already broken the sea of knowledge. At the moment, sun Bing can even detect that in the boundless sea of knowledge, an old spirit sits quietly in the center.

Although it is very difficult to invade other people's knowledge of the sea, and even suffered a lot of constraints, the speed of sword soul's action is slow.

But at the moment, the two sword spirits suddenly burst into a bright light. The terror momentum broke through the whole sea of knowledge, and then went to kill the spirit of the final light.

Many shackles were completely cut off at the moment, and now the spirit also noticed the sudden invasion of the sword soul, the face crazy change, and wanted to escape.

However, the power of "heart sword" is more powerful than sun Bing imagined. In addition, because of the fierce attack under the surprise, we can only watch the sword soul attack towards itself, hit the spirit of God, and then the terrible momentum erupts.

As for the old and incomparable spirit, there is no way to resist at all. In a flash, his soul was completely destroyed, and then Zhihai gradually collapsed.

As for the outside world, the person originally wanted to say something, but in that moment, his eyes were completely blank, and the whole person fell from the air. Although the body still survived, it had lost the fluctuation of the spirit, which represented that he had died.At first, another friar who besieged sun Bing wanted to attack on both sides, but he didn't expect that such a strange change had taken place in Epee, and his face immediately changed greatly, because he didn't know what was going on.

Finally, he could only turn his attention to sun Bing, especially when he found him standing there with a cool face. His heart was even more frightened. A few words jumped out of his teeth: "what's going on? Are you responsible for all this? "

"Oh? What do you think? "

Even in the face of a triple heaven monk, sun Bing is still full of confidence. Even at the moment, the corners of his mouth reveal a trace of ironic smile, but the action in his hand is quite quick. Since he has already made a move, he must use the momentum of thunder to kill the other side completely.

Then he stepped forward in front of him. The bright light broke out on the tai'a sword in his hand, and the sword boxes behind him burst out one after another. At the same time, they crossed each other in the air, and a mysterious wave emerged.

"Beidou seven star sword array"

"instant brilliance"

for two consecutive moves, the void in front of us has even undergone great changes. The space bursts out with ripples, and countless space cracks appear at this moment, just like the ultimate beauty, but it contains infinite killing opportunities.

In the sky, the seven big dipper stars gradually twinkled with their own light. Under the light of the stars, it seemed that the whole Tianzhou was covered with a layer of silver yarn. Then, the seven flying swords shrouded downward with lightning speed.

This time the attack speed is too fast, so that the other side has no way to react, even if they feel the sense of crisis on their body, but when they want to resist, it is too late.

So in the end, he could only face ferocious, and his whole body fluctuated and wanted to fight to death. Since he was in a desperate situation, he naturally wanted to pull sun Bing into such a situation.

Although it is still a short time to start, some of them have already started.

The huge wave broke out, but in a flash, it was completely covered by the seven star sword array in the sky. In an instant, the sword Qi was huff and puff, and endless attacks poured into it.

Then the sword array spread and the sword light of the void broke, completely blocking the other party's final retreat. In the endless void, the whole person disappeared. Even with the body of life and death, there was no way to resist the pull.

Sun Bing can conclude that the other party is absolutely dead, or even alive, but in the endless flow of void, after all, although Kyushu is boundless, for the whole void, it can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean, and it is totally impossible to return.

Even if it's hard to say that it takes a long time to return to Tianzhou, but by that time, as long as sun Bing doesn't fall, he will be able to avoid any challenges.

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