Then, an urgent high cold female voice sounded: "the mole ants in the lower world dare to disturb the goddess's sleep. Say quickly, do you want me to absorb the water attribute?"

The Gao Leng woman who called herself "goddess" woke up.

With an awkward dry cough, ye Yun said, "well, the water attribute has not been found yet, but the soldiers are angry..."

But before ye Yun finished, the goddess's voice became impatient: "the mole ants in the lower world, you wake up the goddess, but it's just because of the lowest waiting spirit of these garbage?"

The lowest waiting gas for garbage to the extreme?

This evaluation surprised Ye Yun again.

Because in Ye Yun's eyes, the military spirit is emitted by many kinds of magic weapons, which is the purest and most advanced military spirit.

"Also, didn't you understand the meaning of this goddess last time? This goddess only needs to absorb the attribute of water."

The goddess's tone became more and more impatient.

In this regard, ye Yun coughed again: "in fact, this military Qi is not for you to absorb, just want you to help me store it."

Not surprisingly, ye Yun's truth made the proud and cold goddess very angry.

"What? You, a mole ant in the lower world, wake up the goddess, but you just want the goddess to do hard work for you and help you absorb the lowest waiting spirit of these garbage to the extreme?"

The goddess was so angry that she would have beaten Ye Yun into a pig's head if she hadn't turned out from the huge black sword.

Ye Yun had expected this.

"But speaking, I know a place where water properties are extremely abundant, or there is a steady flow at all."

Ye Yun spoke slowly.

Words directly make the goddess who is ready to sleep again very energetic.

"Mole ants in the lower world, take this goddess to that place."

"But that place is extremely dangerous. I can't get there with my current cultivation. Of course, if I can't get there, you can't absorb it."

"Yes, your cultivation is really weak now. Then you should improve your cultivation quickly!"

"If you can store the military Qi here and use it for me to absorb it slowly in the future, you can speed up the improvement of cultivation. Alas, I can't store these military Qi!"

"Fool, you can't, but the goddess can!"


Goddess, she successfully got into the set.

Ye Yun was secretly happy and said that although the goddess was proud and cold, she was very deceptive

"The mole ants in the lower world, I can guarantee to absorb half of the soldiers here, but you should also promise to find enough water attributes for the goddess within half a year, otherwise... Otherwise, the goddess will frustrate you and destroy your spirits!"

The goddess pretended to speak fiercely.

However, with her obviously beautiful voice of Laurie, ye Yun has no deterrent.

Even, it's more like a proud little girl playing coquettish

Until ye Yun nodded heavily, the goddess was a little satisfied, and then began to absorb these soldiers into the giant black sword.

"Goddess, there should be many magic weapons buried under the island?"

Taking advantage of the goddess's absorption of military Qi, ye Yun asked at the right time.

"Well, there are more than a dozen weapons buried below, three of which barely reach the artifact level!"

The goddess answered carelessly.

Artifact level? Three at a time?

Ye Yun was stunned.

In Ye Yun's memory, even ye Yun's broken sky sword, which is now in the hands of unparalleled immortal, is only five artifact.

But I didn't expect this. It turned out that there were three buried under the first island of the martial training pool of Dongzhou Jiulong college.

"You've got ants in the lower world. You really haven't seen it. A few artifact level garbage surprised you like this. How can you work happily for this goddess in the future?"

The goddess sighed and suddenly gave a light cry. It seems that she sensed something good.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to those garbage artifacts, there is such a good thing!"

The words of the goddess shocked Ye Yun again.

Artifact is rubbish in the eyes of the goddess, so how will this "very good thing" be an object against the sky?

Thinking of this, ye Yun was about to ask, but the goddess spoke first: "well, my ability is limited now. I can only absorb half of the military Qi here. I want to sleep immediately. If I can't find the water attribute in the future, don't wake me up, otherwise..."

"Otherwise you will frustrate me and destroy my spirits!"

Ye Yun said the second half of the goddess's words first.

As if she was satisfied with Ye Yun's self-knowledge, the goddess snored and fell into a deep sleep again.

While there was still some time, ye Yun increased his absorption of military Qi.

To be exact, it is the absorption of sword Qi in military Qi.

These sword Qi completely smashed into Ye Yun's body with a destructive momentum.

However, after entering Ye Yun's body, under the double oppression of Ye Yun's super spiritual power and Huoyan sword soul, he obeyed like a little sheep.

At the same time, ye Yun's cultivation began to rise

Until half an hour has passed.

The stone gate in and out of the first island slowly opened, and ye Yun stepped out.

Because he didn't know what the "nice thing" buried under the first island was from the goddess, ye Yun was still reluctant to say it.


With Ye Yun's coming out, the voice of discussion is everywhere.

"Ye Yun came out. How many times did you say he would upgrade?"

"Ye Yun dares to bet on himself. He should be sure to upgrade twice or even three times."

"In my opinion, otherwise, you can see that ye Yun's face is unwilling. It must be that the upgrade is not ideal. Let alone three upgrades, it is impossible to upgrade twice."

"In fact, how can ye Yun upgrade three times against the sky? After all, childe AI and Xiao Zhan from heaven college are upgraded four times."

"That's right. Ye Yun can't escape the inevitable outcome of gambling. This silly lack is destined to throw away 900000 Diyuan pills in vain, plus a set of glorious gold armor!"


Originally, no one was optimistic about ye Yun. Now when they saw Ye Yun coming out with his face full of reluctance, the people looked at Ye Yun with more and more ridicule.

Even Wu Chi began to play drums in their hearts.

"Garbage Ye Yun, I was full of confidence when I entered the first island just now. What's the matter now? It's like frosted eggplant!"

On one side, Ximen Xiaoqing disdained to make a sound.

"Hum, an arrogant clown, I really don't know what Simon Xiaoqing is doing with so much nonsense."

Alfredo looked even more disdainful.

Their words were quite ugly, but ye Yun didn't say anything.

But stepped towards the measuring stone.

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