Ye Yun's words really aroused thousands of waves with one stone.

All of a sudden, the crowd that was already crowded and shouting was boiling.

Even the old guys on the grandstand were excited.

After hearing Ye Yun's bet, many people were jealous.

I hate that I wasn't in Jubao pavilion that day, otherwise I can bet and earn a sum in vain.

However, ye Yun now said he could still bet.

This... This is really great news!

"But there is one." Ye Yun's face wore a smile that seemed to have nothing, which made the excited people sink.

"People who bet must bet that I lose, not bet that I win!"

Ye Yun opened his mouth again, which made everyone nervous and immediately stretched out.

make fun of!

Who would bet that ye Yun, a waste wood on the fourth floor of the person's rank, can beat a lux on the eighth floor of the three person's rank?

No fool!

For a time, there were so many people betting.

Even the bald boss who had made a bet, Bai Shao and even Hao Yingjun urgently increased a lot of bets.

More than 20000 liang of gold and more than 100000 liang of silver!

The amount of bets reached such a terrible level in an instant.

Of course, many people have doubts: is Ye Yun stupid, crazy, or has a card that can really beat the three Hercules

For example, the hesitant young master Liu Wei, who constantly rubbed the space ring, and the old friends of all families in the stands.

"Is there anyone else to fill it? If there is no one to fill it, it's settled!"

Looking at the long string of numbers on the gambling appointment, ye Yunxin laughed, but his face was full of positive color.


Liu Wei finally couldn't help but speak, and then walked up quickly.

Of course, when Liu wei walked in front of Ye Yun, he deliberately felt Ye Yun's breath, and then opened his mouth with peace of mind: "fill me with 1000 liang of gold!"

"The great young master of the Liu family, one of the four little demons of the Empire, is it only a thousand liang?"

Ye Yun opened his mouth with a provocative face, which made Liu Wei as unhappy as he wanted.

After all, one thousand taels of gold is not a small amount, and now there are only more than one thousand taels of gold in Liu Wei's private vault.

"The eldest young master of the same five families, young master Hao just threw away 10000 liang of gold. The amount is wrong. Just now he added 5000 liang of silver. Look at you, young master Liu, there are so many industries in your family, but you just took out 1000 liang of gold... Well, shudder, shudder!"

Ye Yun's voice was loud and harsh, which made Liu Wei want to find a seam to drill in.

"Wei'er, there are twenty thousand taels of gold here. It's your pocket money this month!"

At this time, the prime minister Liu suddenly opened his mouth and threw a space ring.

I'm afraid a fool can see what Prime Minister Liu Cheng meant: he wanted Liu Wei to bet the 20000 liang of gold.

Of course, the reason why Prime Minister Liu did this was to recover the face of the Liu family.

I still firmly believe that ye Yun, the precipice is not possible to defeat the three person level eight layer Hercules. Well, not at all!

Moreover, since Ye Yun gambled in public, the crafty Prime Minister Liu has been paying close attention to Ye Zhan's every move.

He was glad to find that although Ye Zhan tried his best to suppress it, his legs kept shaking.

God, ye Zhan can't help shaking because of his rage

In fact, ye Zhan is really trying to suppress it.

Ye Zhan tried his best to suppress the unspeakable happiness and comfort in his heart.

Of course, at the same time, there was a lingering doubt in his heart: Why did yun'er want to wait until he made a bet and began to shake his legs?

Why on earth is this? Ye Zhan was shaking his legs and wondering.

After receiving the space ring, Liu Wei immediately had confidence. Even when he spoke loudly, "I press twenty thousand liang of gold. The amount is wrong. Plus the just one thousand Liang, it's just twenty-one thousand liang of gold!"

Although the gold was pressed in the name of Liu Wei, everyone knows that it was actually pressed by the old man of Prime Minister Liu.

All of a sudden, those old guys on the grandstand couldn't sit still.

In their view, even the crafty Prime Minister Liu Cheng shot.

What else can I say?

What else to hesitate and doubt?

When is it more important not to do it at this time?

Then, the owner of the Wu family, second only to the four families, spoke to a little white faced childe next to the challenge platform: "little God, have you spent all your pocket money this month? There are 5000 taels of gold and 10000 taels of silver in my space ring. Take it!"


The little white faced childe obviously didn't expect that his grandfather, who has always been known as the "Iron Rooster", would suddenly give himself pocket money?

Besides, this pocket money seems too much for his mother?

Looking at the little white faced childe and his own dandy grandson carefully put away the space ring, old man Wu hates iron but not steel!

"My God, don't you like gambling? Just gamble with all this gold and silver!"

Old man Wu spoke again in a hurry.


Little white faced childe suddenly realized, and then walked towards Ye Yun with a lost face

For a time, with the old man of the Wu family taking the lead, many old men on the grandstand were like being enlightened.

One by one, they shouted to their children and grandchildren in the direction of the challenge platform. One by one, they were more generous and forthright. Then they stared at their children and grandchildren and walked to Ye Yun. After making a bet, they smiled at ease.

80000 taels of gold, 210000 taels of silver!

Looking at that long string of numbers, ye Yun is drunk!

On the stand, ye Zhan, shaking his legs, was also drunk!

The old men who bet, the noble children who bet, that... They are all drunk!

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