Even, for Banlong people, leapfrog challenges are common.

In other words, although Liu Long's accomplishments are the third level of heaven, there should be no problem for those who challenge the fourth level of heaven.

"Well, the final competition will be held tomorrow. Now you can finish!"

At this time, the host of the new star trial, the Lord of beacon city, stepped onto the beacon tower and suddenly opened his mouth.

On his face, which has always been unpopular, there is an irresistible look of expectation.

There are too many top talents in the four colleges this year!

Tomorrow's final competition is destined to be wonderful!


As soon as the words of the Lord of beacon city came to an end, a cold voice came.

Looking in the direction of the sound, a handsome young man in Shengxue white stepped forward.

One step is hundreds of meters away!

"What the young man did was the legendary technique of 'shrinking the ground into an inch'?"

The old man of a big family looked surprised and almost cried out.

"Yes, it is one of the three unique skills of the supreme college. It is said that the qualified students are the core students in the inner courtyard of the supreme college."

Next to the old man, the owner of another big family was firm, and his face was full of surprise and doubt.

In other words, this new star trial is specially prepared for talented students from other colleges and universities.

In front of this core student of supreme college, what are you doing here?

"Young man, are you?"

The Lord of beacon city asked the handsome young man.

"I am the first student from the outside of supreme college and the destined champion of this new star trial: kingcraft."

The man stood proudly without looking at anyone present.

Kingly way?

It turned out that he was not the core student in the inner courtyard of supreme college, but the first student in the outer courtyard!

However, even so, people's eyes looking at the past are still full of irrecoverable enthusiasm.

"This king's way is so handsome!"

"That's right. He is not only handsome, but also talented. If he can spend his life hand in hand with this person..."

There are many flower crazy girls who can't help but breathe out.

"I said you all wake up. Don't you see a fairy like beauty beside the king's way?"

There are also male students, said bitterly.

Indeed, behind the king, a beautiful girl followed.

This woman, ye Yun recognized at a glance: Nine Princess Qingling.

But now the nine princesses, let alone the wife who hopes to become a king, are still inferior to their maidens.

For example, after Wang Dao found that his white boots were stained with some dust, he gave nine princesses a cold look.

The ninth Princess hurriedly knelt down, then leaned down beside the king's boots and wiped them seriously with her sleeves.

This is not the original princess who was high above. She is a humble servant at all!

"So you are the first student of supreme college, Wang Dao. Do you have anything else to say?"

The Lord of beacon city frowned at the arrogance of Wang Dao.

"Of course, I don't think the final competition has to wait until tomorrow. It's best to play today!"

Suddenly, Wang Dao glanced at Ye Yun coldly, disdained and said, "because I can't wait to kill Ye Yun!"

Suddenly, everyone looked sympathetically at Ye Yun.

I really didn't expect that ye Yun and the king seem to have a puzzled hatred!

"No, ye Yun has consumed a lot when fighting against the sword Tianjiao today. He has no ability to fight again!"

Before the Lord of beacon city spoke, President Wan stood up first to resist.

I'm telling the truth.

It is a fact that ye Yungang was a little unstable even after the first war with Jian Tianjiao.

Moreover, according to the regulations, the final competition should be held tomorrow.

"President Wan's words are different. In my opinion, why put off until tomorrow what can be done today?"

Dean Ji stood up and spoke without backache.

But President Liu and President Wu echoed: "well, I also agree to hold the final competition today. As for ye Yun's excessive consumption, it's not a thing. After all, with Ye Yun's strength, it's impossible to compare with the first students in our three colleges and universities. It's better to abstain directly!"

"That's right. It's good for ye Yun to abstain directly, so as to prevent him from being tyrannized by the first students of the three colleges."

The collusion of the three presidents is shameless.

Because the minority always obeys the majority in all matters of the new star trial.

Since the deans of the three colleges and universities all said that the final competition would be held today, it must be the final competition today.

Dean Wan just turned to Ye Yun and advised: "Ye Yun, you won the first place in the qualifier. Even if you abstained from the final competition, you can also rank fourth. It has won glory for our Kowloon college. You can be proud. There is no need to drag your weak body to continue to participate in the final competition!"

Although President Wan has always been very confident in Ye Yun, he doesn't think ye Yun will be the opponent of the first students in the other three colleges.

What's more, ye Yun has just experienced a big war and is very weak.

The wisest choice is to abstain!

"Ye Yun, you are not only a weak garbage, but also a coward who doesn't dare to fight now?"

But at this time, the king's way is excited by words.

He doesn't want Ye Yun to abstain. He wants to kill Ye Yun on the beacon tower.

"Ye Yun, don't be excited by the despicable method of the king?"

Dean Wan spoke quickly.

Unfortunately, he doesn't understand: it's a fateful war between Ye Yun and Wang Dao.

Even now ye Yun is weak, even without the words of the king.

Ye Yun will never give up this final competition!

"I ask you, but you cut off the cold swordsman's right arm?"

Ye Yun looked at the king, his eyes sharp as a sword.

That vision, unexpectedly makes the king who has always been afraid of heaven and earth, suddenly some palpitations in his heart.

However, this throb was soon suppressed by hatred.

"Yes, I not only cut off the right arm of the stubborn donkey, but also drove it into the valley of death. Now it is estimated that even the bones have been lost!"

Wang Dao was happy and couldn't help but then said, "do you know why I want to deal with him?"

"Just because he is your brother, I want him to be a dog for me. The stubborn donkey is still determined to die, so I made him come true!"

"Looking at the whole younger generation in Dongzhou, my king's way is the way of heaven. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die!"

The reason why Wang Dao said so detailed is to better annoy Ye Yun.

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