The scene before us made almost everyone dream.

Liu Long's powerful dragon tail, the dragon tail with the unique skill of "divine dragon swinging its tail", the dragon tail with white brilliance and purple lightning

Unexpectedly, I was really pinched by Yun's left two fingers!


Or hold it neatly.

There's no suspense, pinch it!

"How could this be?"

After a long silence in the beacon square, a cry of alarm suddenly rose.

The crowd looked intently, and the exclaimed man was dean Ji of the outer courtyard of Xinghui college.

Liu long is the first student of Xinghui college.

It is the pride of the outer courtyard of Xinghui college.

It is also the pride of President Ji.

And Dean Ji has always believed that Liu Long's "dragon wagging its tail" is enough to win the championship of the new star trial.

But the truth is

Liu Long's strongest blow was blocked by Yun Zuo.

And it was easily blocked!

Of course, the most incredible thing in my heart at the moment is Liu long.

No one knows better than himself how terrible his "dragon wagging its tail" is.

Although he has only cultivated a little fur of "dragon wagging its tail", it is enough for him to fight more than two levels.

Now, he is pinched by Yun Zuo, who has the same level of cultivation as him?

"How did you do it?"

Liu long couldn't help asking Yunzuo questions.

"Because I'm stronger than you, whether it's system or skill!"

Yunzuo's face was proud. At this moment, he was high above.

Yunzuo's words caused a sensation.

"What does Yunzuo mean by this? In terms of physique, Liu long is the physique of half dragon people. In terms of skill, Liu Long's' Dragon wagging tail 'is a unique skill of half dragon people, which is extremely high!"

"Yes, the physique of half dragon people can almost be compared with the physique of Wu Sheng of the dead king. As for the 'divine dragon wagging its tail' used by Liu long, it is qualified to be comparable to the lower martial arts of heaven."


Under the beacon tower, many people don't believe Yunzuo's words.

In this regard, the left face of Yun was cold: "shut up, you short-sighted garbage!"

Between his words, Yunzuo looked disdainfully at the people who were talking about it, and finally fixed his frame on Liu long and raised his chin: "in terms of physique, I Yunzuo is the great sage physique. In terms of skill, I just used 'pinch the heavenly finger'. So, what did you LIU long take to fight me?"


With the completion of Yun Zuo's words, the whole beacon square almost exploded.

Mahatma constitution?

That's a higher physique than the Wu Sheng physique of the dead king!

Generally speaking, people with martial Saint physique are one tenth likely to reach the Holy Level in the future.

However, people with great saint constitution are one fifth likely to achieve Saint level cultivation in the future.

This system, of course, is more powerful than the half dragon people!

It also directly refreshed the record of kingcraft and became the most outstanding physique in the history of Dongzhou!

Compared with Yunzuo's great sage physique, his "pinching the heavenly finger" brought a lot of shock to the public.

Even better!

The four colleges in Dongzhou have attracted thousands of proud talents and even become the most powerful four forces in Dongzhou.

One of the most important factors is that each of the four colleges has a set of lower level skills.

As for the medium-level Kung Fu, only one has appeared in the history of Dongzhou, and it is still incomplete.

Unfortunately, even this remnant was lost 200 years ago.

The senior management of the four colleges in Dongzhou, and even many aristocratic families, have not given up pursuing the whereabouts of this remnant in the past 200 years.

Unfortunately, two hundred years later, there is still no news about that fragment.

The name of the sky level medium fragmented volume is: pinch the sky finger!

Can it be said that Yunzuo's seemingly understated pinch just now uses the lost pinching finger of heaven for 200 years?

At this time, they just looked at the two fingers to the left of the cloud with dignified eyes.

At this look, the person with sharp eyes found that the periphery of the two fingers on the left of the cloud seemed to be filled with a layer of white gas.

Although these white gases are illusory, they can still be judged. They show the shape of fingers.

Moreover, these white gases have a powerful breath. When people look at the past, they will suddenly have a lingering fear in their hearts.

For everyone's shocked expression, Yunzuo was obviously very satisfied. His chin subconsciously raised a few points and spoke proudly: "yes, the 'pinching the sky finger' I used is the remnant of the sky level medium skill lost in Dongzhou for 200 years, which my grandfather found after decades of hard searching."

Yunzuo's words surprised everyone. At the same time, it was also suddenly: it turned out that this pinching finger was found by Yunzhong, the strongest in Dongzhou.

It is also reasonable for Yunzhong to pass it on to his grandson Yunzuo!

The color of pride on his face became stronger and stronger. Yunzuo suddenly looked at Liu long who had not recovered from his amazement.

He said in a loud voice, "my fingers can hold the sky, not to mention your little dragon tail!"

Between words, Yunzuo's right hand, which pinched Liu Long's tail, suddenly waved.

This time, he threw Liu long out directly.

Liu long, like holding a sandbag, flew off the beacon tower and even directly out of the beacon square

Yunzuo only used one move to deal with Liu long, the half dragon who used the "divine dragon wagging its tail" and the first talented student of Xinghui college!

At this moment, Yunzuo stood proudly on the beacon tower alone.

In the eyes of all, that is the sky above!

Yunzuo looked down at the whole beacon square.

Then, he opened his mouth with boundless pride: "all of you have seen clearly. My cloud left is the first genius of this new star trial. All of you have no comparable first genius!"

Then, Yunzuo looked at Ye Yun again. His eyes were full of killing intention, and his fingers poked at Ye Yun: "you, get on the stage quickly!"

At the moment, Yunzuo is arrogant and unlimited!

However, in the eyes of everyone, he has arrogant capital!

At first, Yunzuo said that he could easily kill the king with one move, but they still didn't believe it.

But after seeing that Yunzuo defeated Liu long with one move, everyone believed it!

Also in the eyes of everyone, ye Yun's strength is slightly higher than the king's way.

Even compared with Liu long, it is slightly inferior.

In front of the cloud on the left, it's not an opponent!

The most important thing is that Yunzuo's move of "pinching the heavenly finger" is simply a miraculous skill without solution

With a cold smile, ye Yun didn't say much.

Ye Yun understands that it's better to do what you say than to do. If you want to do it, do your best!

"This last final, we Kowloon college abstained!"

However, at this time, before ye Yun came to the stage, an anxious voice suddenly sounded.

It was dean Wan who spoke.

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