But immediately, the anger on the woman's face replaced surprise.

"Bold color boy, you should look at me. I must... Chase you to the ends of the earth!"

Immediately, the body also flew away in the direction of the stone beast.

First, I want to kill the bold color boy. I must not let him reveal today's affairs.

Second, his... Belly pocket is still in the hands of that bold dead boy!

This is what women are most worried about!

If the color boy told others that he had seen the queen of the wind and moon, no one would believe it. He would certainly be beaten up.

But if the bold boy takes out the belly pocket for others... I'm afraid no one doesn't believe it.

Just because of the belly pocket, the material used is divine silkworm Tiansi.

The divine silkworm Tiansi is dedicated to the queen of the wind and moon.

In other words, only this woman can use it, which must be her

Fengyue Empire, painter headquarters.

In an extremely luxurious lobby, an old woman about 50 years old was facing a portrait and couldn't help wiping her tears.

The old woman has a prominent position and is the main painting item of one of the four families of the storm empire.

She looked at the huge, almost lifelike portrait that wiped tears. If ye Yun was here, she would recognize it at a glance. It was the painting Jiao who was killed by Ye Yun at Kowloon University.

Painted Jiao, the angel's face, is the cold and arrogant woman with the devil's heart, the woman who repeatedly wants to kill Ye Yun.

Of course, she is also one of the four beauties of the Fengyue Empire and the eldest lady of one of the four families of painters.

"Jiao'er, Xiao Dan has sent the portrait of the murderer who killed you. It's not easy for the painting north to mix with the elders of the local college of Kowloon University, and it was also killed by the dead boy. I have informed Xiao Dan that once the dead boy named Ye Yun returns to Kowloon University, he must be killed. And Xiao Dan will immediately attack Ye Yun's friends who have just entered Kowloon University for a month Hand, vow Ye Yun to die in guilt! "

The old woman's painting eyes almost swear by heaven and her face is cruel.

She would not have thought that now there was a huge stone from far to near.

According to the track of the big stone, the landing position is just the hall where she is


The loud noise was deafening.

It was a stone beast that hit the palace where the old woman was.

The magnificent palace was directly smashed into a pile of ruins. Of course, the old woman was brutally smashed below.

Ye Yun, coming out of the turtle shell of a stone beast, looked around and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I didn't hit anyone again this time!"

Ye Yun couldn't help sighing, but he suddenly felt flustered under his feet.

Subconsciously, I looked down. Well, it was a person. To be exact, I was stepping on a face full of blood.

"Well, I'm so sorry!"

Ye Yun was really embarrassed. He smashed someone else's house. Unexpectedly, he hit someone and stepped on someone's face after hitting someone.

Seeing the painting, the old woman got up tremblingly. Ye Yun couldn't help saying, "are you okay?"

In fact, after ye Yun finished this sentence, he felt nonsense.

Now look at the painting. The old woman's face has been smashed into a plane. Can I help you?

Just about to discuss the issue of compensation, the old woman burst into laughter.

She stared at Ye Yun and smiled more and more recklessly

No, the old woman looks stupid!

Ye Yun sighed. Looking at many guards around, he took out a space ring and was ready to find a steward to discuss the amount of compensation.

But when I heard the painting, the old woman suddenly shouted, "there is a way in heaven. You don't go. There is no door in hell. You come. I'm worried that I can't find you. I didn't expect you to fall from the sky. It's really God's will!"

At the end of his speech, the old woman caught him and made Ye Yun sweat.

Nima, the old woman's strength is so terrible that she is not much worse than the woman just now!

This makes Ye Yun speechless again: where did he fall? Meet two people are actually women, and the strength is very strong?

Fortunately, a stone beast helped him to stop this catch at the critical moment, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die inexplicably.

Although today's stone beast has just been upgraded by half, its half body area covered by silver white scales can hard resist any attack by those who cultivate under the seventh floor of the king's level.

"Well, there are other animals!"

"But I want to kill you. Even heaven and earth can't stop you, let alone just a strange beast?"

The old woman's eyes were red and her tone was cold.

Just in this regard, without waiting for ye Yun to say anything, the stone beast has begun to find a place for ye Yun.

But as like as two peas appeared, a face was transformed, and it was exactly the same face as the old wife.

Even the facial features are as flat as those of today's painting women, just like a piece of paper.

What makes the old woman crazy is that the stone beast transformed into a face just like her. It didn't even make the sound of unbridled "Gaga".

In short, that look is not the most cheap, only more cheap!

"Master painter, do you need to block the painter!"

At this time, a bodyguard leader should ask first.

Painter master?

After hearing the word "painting", ye Yun had some spectrum in his heart.

Just happened to see the picture of Jiao half hidden in the ruins, and ye Yun understood it all in an instant.

Originally, this is the painter!

No wonder the old woman would be so crazy when she saw herself.

Well, this is undoubtedly the Fengyue empire.

At this moment, ye Yun thought of many things.

"Blockade the whole painter, and today vow to kill the murderer Ye Yun!"

The old woman has done it again.

It was also a slap.

With the terror defense of stone monsters, of course, it was completely blocked.

The stone beast flew away again.

Moreover, the trajectory of the stone beast is surprisingly consistent with that when it flew over.

In fact, if he hadn't been stopped halfway, ye Yun was almost sure that the stone beast and himself would fly back to the great lake.

Eighty percent, but also accurately hit the island in the middle of the lake.

The one who stopped the stone beast followed the track, the woman who was seen by Ye Yun.

Just wanted to say hello, but I saw that the woman had slapped hard

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