"As the manager of the living area, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of all the students in the living area, and you even asked me why? Hehe, is it surprising for you to maintain the public security of the living area as a hard faced and selfless person like me?"

Elder sun talked so much that he almost made Li Haifeng vomit blood.

Li Haifeng knows what kind of things Sun Chang is always like. On weekdays, he is eager for the students to fight each other, so that he can profit from it.

Not to mention maintaining law and order in the living area. He wants the living area to be as chaotic as possible.

And selfless?

Li Haifeng spit out a mouthful of old blood and suddenly felt that his world outlook had been subverted.

"This is Ye Yun's residence. What are you doing here? Get out of here quickly, or I'll help you get out!"

Elder sun shouted at Li Haifeng, who was lying in a quiet corner and spitting blood with all his heart.

Elder sun's fierce drink even contained Xuanqi. After drinking, Li Haifeng climbed more than ten meters.

Li Haifeng's angry eyes swept over elder sun and finally settled on Ye Yun.

But only for a moment, Li Haifeng left quickly, because he had seen elder sun's mouth move again

Elder sun is here today. He Li Haifeng can't move Ye Yun. It's useless to stay here more. He will be beaten by elder sun.

However, this does not mean that Li Haifeng put the matter down.

Ye Yun not only abandoned his cousin, but also cost him 100000 Diyuan pills, but also humiliated him... This revenge is different!

Li Haifeng doesn't believe that Presbyterian sun will stay with Ye Yun and protect Ye Yun all his life.

Ye Yun can hide for the first day of junior high school, but he can't hide for the fifteenth... Let Ye Yun jump up for a few days first!

"Today, thanks to elder sun's help!"

Looking at Li Haifeng's hurried back, ye Yun opened his mouth to elder sun.

"As the manager of the living area, protecting the safety of all the students is within the scope of my responsibility, elder sun. You don't have to thank me!"

Elder sun lightly waved his hand and turned away.

Is it really just a responsibility?

Ye Yun doesn't believe this nonsense.

It must be the strange old man who specially told elder sun.

"Li Haifeng is a man who will repay him for his bad deeds. I'm sure he won't give up. You should be careful in the future!"

When he was about to go out of the gate of the yard, elder sun paused again and began to remind him.

Then he left without looking back

Seeing elder sun disappear in sight, ye Yun just locked the gate of the yard.

Want to continue revenge?

After tomorrow, he has no chance!

Ye Yun's mouth flashed a cold smile, full of murderous smile.

Then ye Yun walked into the room and locked the door of the room.

Ye Yun just pulled out two scripts from the space ring.

Spread it out carefully. On the front pages of these two scripts, it is written respectively: Divine level deformation and divine level face changing.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and there are few stars.

A dark shadow flashed through the yard.

It's Ye Yun.

But now ye Yun has changed himself into Li Haifeng.

Tonight, ye Yun will go crazy in the inner yard through Li Haifeng's easy face.

One is to get familiar with the inner courtyard.

Second, do evil things by the way to find enough trouble for Li Haifeng. It's best to directly let Li Haifeng be doomed.

There is a dense grove in the living area.

Speaking of it, this small forest is still quite secret. Inside it grows a kind of black tree that can't even name the leaf cloud.

Each of these black trees needs three adults to hold together.

The bark is rough, the branches are complicated, and the leaves are dense enough to make people angry and tongue tied.

It's really blocking out the sky and the sun!

In ordinary days, it's as dark as night. Now it's night and I can hardly see my fingers.

Ye Yungang is about to leave.

But I vaguely heard the voice of dialogue in the woods: "brother gang, this kind of thing can be carried out in your residence or my residence. Why do you have to run to the frightening black woods in the daytime?"

"Sister Hua, you don't understand. We do that kind of thing in our residence. How can it be more exciting here?"

"Stimulation is stimulation, but if someone sees it, it's a little bad?"

"Hahaha, Hua Mei, you just have a hundred hearts. No one will enter this black forest even in the daytime. Besides, who's free to hang out here in the middle of the night?"

"That's what I said!"

"What's more, I'm also the sixth in the Langya list, and this year's Langya list challenge will certainly replace Li Haifeng, who is the fifth in the Langya list. Who dares to peek at me in this living area? I specially lend him three courage!"


Then, after taking off his clothes in small pieces, there was a sound of hum

For a while, ye Yun was speechless. He didn't expect to find someone fighting in the black forest.

Speaking of it, these two people are really interested.

He shook his head and was ready to leave. Ye Yun suddenly stopped and moved.

In my mind, a rather evil idea also popped up.

As Wang Gang said just now, he ranks sixth in Langya list and is sure to replace Li Haifeng as fifth.

Let's take him as the first trouble for Li Haifeng!

Thinking of this, ye Yun strode towards a couple of men and women who were rolling in the black forest.

Although it was dark, with Ye Yun's extraordinary eyesight, he still saw a pair of men and women who were forgetting themselves and doing things.

I have to say, this pair of men and women still have a lot of tricks

Moreover, the couple were so devoted that ye Yun came to observe it for a long time and was not found.

This makes Ye Yun a little speechless.

It was supposed to let the couple find someone peeking and see their face, which is easy to become Li Haifeng

In desperation, ye Yun had to cough subconsciously.

This cough didn't matter. A pair of men and women who were rolling with their whole body immediately separated.

They looked over with great surprise and just saw "Li Haifeng" with a cheap smile on his face.

"Lying in the trough, Li Haifeng, you bastard who suffered a thousand knives, how dare you peek at me... What's special? I think you're looking for excitement!"

Anyone who has sex is peeped all the way. No, it's an undisguised observation. It'll be very uncomfortable.

In particular, they were interrupted when they reached the most critical moment.

Great resentment, surging up!

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