"That's right. These underwear must belong to elder martial sister Han. As for those magic weapons, they are obviously elder martial brother Dong's. There is no doubt that now people have stolen goods. I'd like to see if Li Haifeng has any excuse!"

"Today is definitely the end of Li Haifeng. He provoked Wang Gang, broke into the special living area, beat the gatekeeper of the special living area, and stole senior brother Dong and senior sister Han respectively... Speaking, I admire this Li Haifeng!"


Although dozens of favorite underwear returned to Zhao, Han Jingjing's face became more and more cold.

Looking at Li Haifeng's eyes, there was a faint flame coming out.

"Brother Dong, this guy is so bold. It's really damned!"

Han Jingjing spoke to Dongtian.

Dongtian narrowed his eyes and said, "yesterday, my treasure house was swept away by this goods. This goods not only stole my magic weapons, but also many panacea, natural materials and earth treasures, and even a Tianxuan Guiyuan inner pill!"

Between words, Dongtian's face was full of flesh pain.

These things, but all Dongtian's savings over the years, are almost Dongtian's life.

But now, only magic weapons are found from Li Haifeng's residence. As for the panacea and natural materials and earth treasures, they are missing.

When Dongtian said the six words "Tianxuan returns to Yuan Neidan", there were voices of sobs everywhere.

The onlookers were all inner courtyard students. Obviously, they were all knowledgeable people. They had heard of "Tianxuan Guiyuan inner pill".

That's seven pill!

"Li Haifeng, if you tell me where to steal my miraculous drugs and natural treasures, I will give you a straightforward way to die!"

Between words, Dongtian's sharp eyes narrowed tighter, vaguely killing wantonly.

"But I really don't know!"

On the ground, Li Haifeng cried harder.

He still doesn't understand why there are magic weapons belonging to Dongtian and Han Jingjing's underwear under his bed and in the cabinet

What's more, the panacea and natural materials and earth treasures mentioned in Dongtian's mouth?

Li Haifeng's mind was blank and his eyes were black.

Of course, how can Dongtian believe his words?

The anger in his heart is becoming stronger and stronger: all the stolen goods have been captured. Is Li Haifeng still quibbling?

Well, let this Li Haifeng try his anger!

Thinking of this, there was a golden light from the hand of Dongtian, which instantly filled Li Haifeng's body.

The golden light was like fierce Yan. With extremely high temperature, Li Haifeng's clothes were burned up in an instant.

Even, faintly, there was a frightening sound of charred skin and meat

At the moment, Li Haifeng was already very hot and painful, rolling on the ground.

"Tell me the hiding place of those miraculous drugs and natural materials and earth treasures, or I will let you bear the pain of burning your body in this golden light and fierce Yan for three days and three nights!"

Dongtian opened his mouth fiercely, and the sneer at the corners of his mouth was chilling.

Dongtian's mastery of the golden light is entirely possible to control the temperature of the golden light to a point that can not only make Li Haifeng extremely hot and painful, but also not burn Li Haifeng.

This burning of golden light and fierce Yan can last for three days and three nights.

"However, I don't even know the so-called panacea and natural materials and earth treasures. How can I know their hiding place?"

Li Haifeng almost roared out. Now the heat pain all over his body can't be described by words.

If possible, he really wants to die directly.

However, this golden light is not only very hot, but also binding.

Now Li Haifeng is simply a wood at the mercy of Dongtian.

Li Haifeng has been in the inner court for three years, during which he has killed countless people. Even many people will be severely tortured and killed by him because of a disagreement.

Li Haifeng never treats people with lower cultivation and lower status than him. If he wants to kill them, he will kill them.

As for the method of torture, Li Haifeng has always boasted that he is very proficient.

For example, what heart cutting and eye digging, what crushed bones, what pepper enema

But Li Haifeng never thought that one day he would be tortured and killed by more powerful people.

And the means of torture and murder are much more vicious than his methods!

"Hum, your mouth is quite hard. I'll see when you can be hard?"

Because of the testimony of two gatekeepers and their own magic weapon found in Li Haifeng's home, Dongtian has determined in his heart that Li Haifeng is the culprit.

Immediately, Dongtian increased the intensity of the golden light.

With this, Li Haifeng's tumbling on the ground is becoming more and more violent.

Suddenly, black-and-white flares burst into the sky.

Accompanied by a sharp roar that almost broke people's eardrums, it exploded thousands of meters in the sky.

Immediately, after the explosion of the black-and-white light bomb, black-and-white smoke was released.

The black-and-white smoke almost instantly formed a huge Tai Chi pattern in the sky.

This Tai Chi pattern is thousands of meters wide, with a distant smell, which can be seen clearly by everyone in the whole inner courtyard.

With the appearance of this Tai Chi pattern, the whole inner courtyard fell into boiling.

"I wipe. It's actually a Tai Chi summoning order. The highest level in the inner court is also the most urgent Tai Chi summoning order!"

"Yes, as soon as the Tai Chi summoning order is issued, all the inner courtyard students have to rush to Tai Chi square as soon as possible!"

"Is this a great event that shocked the world? In my impression, only when a great event occurs will the great elder in the inner court personally issue this Tai Chi summoning order!"

"That's right. I've been in the inner court for three years. This is the first time I've seen Tai Chi summoning order!"

"You are weak compared with me. I have been in the inner court for five years. This is the first time to see the Tai Chi summoning order!"


Tai Chi summoning order?

Ye Yun listened to the discussion of the students, and a flash of doubt flashed in his heart: what great event has happened in the inner courtyard?

"Damn it! This Tai Chi summoning order came at a bad time!"

After all, as soon as this Tai Chi summoning order is issued, everyone in the inner courtyard must immediately put down everything at hand and gather in Tai Chi square.

But now, Dongtian has reached the critical period of interrogating Li Haifeng

Just a little meditation, Dongtian immediately galloped towards the direction of Taiji square, but he didn't dare to disobey the Taiji convening order.

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