"As for the bet, the two losers each won the 200000 Di yuan pills, plus the promise that they will never step into the Pharmacist Association in the future."

Wu Qi opened his mouth. The bet is already huge.

Lingnan is a Lin in his heart.

Ye Yun didn't think so. He said calmly, "200000 Diyuan pills are too few. It's better to replace them with 500000 Diyuan pills!"

500000 Diyuan pills?

This is definitely an astronomical figure!

Even Wu Qi and Lingnan were pale, because all their savings added up to less than 500000 Diyuan pills.

"I said, you two shouldn't be so poor that you can't even take out 500000 Di yuan pills?"

Ye Yun then spoke loudly, which embarrassed Wu Qi and Lingnan.

"Well, if I lose, give me 500000 Di yuan pills. If I win, you will give me 200000 Di yuan pills and your alchemy furnace."

Fire phoenix alchemy furnace and blue symbol alchemy furnace are the most extreme alchemy furnaces in the eyes of others.

But in Ye Yun's eyes, it's just making do.

But now ye Yun doesn't even have a makeshift alchemy furnace.

When refining the super antidote pill, ye Yun used Xiaoye to steal his master's Alchemy stove.

Later, after ye Yun used it, he returned the alchemy furnace to Xiaoye.

In this regard, Lingnan readily agreed.

Wu Qi hesitated. After all, his alchemy stove was not his own, but lent to him by his master Li Wuzong.

However, Wu Qi finally agreed, because he was confident that he must be the final winner, and there was no possibility of losing the alchemy furnace.

"Han Shuang, can you lend me your alchemy stove?"

Ye Yun said that he has entered the No. 4 assessment area.

"Ye Yun's accomplishments are admirable. However, his talent for refining medicine is unknown, and he is not even a first-class herbalist. His direct challenge to the fourth class herbalist this time seems like a fantasy."

Some people couldn't help sighing and immediately caused a burst of echo.

"Ye Yun is not even a herbalist. He doesn't even have an alchemy furnace. He has to borrow an alchemy furnace temporarily... It's really unreliable!"

Some people laughed.

"Of course, it's just... My alchemy furnace is just a low-level alchemy furnace!"

Han Shuang is not as rich as ye Yun, and the price of the alchemy furnace is very expensive, so Han Shuang just bought a low-level alchemy furnace.

Han Shuang said, shyly taking out the alchemy furnace in the space ring.

It's a pink alchemy stove. It looks like it weighs only 100 kilograms.

The structure is simple, let alone carved with runes or animal marks, not even a simple carving.

Han Shuang this alchemy furnace, immediately caused Wu Qi and Lingnan to laugh at the same time.

The alchemy furnace is divided into star product, moon product and Yang product according to the grade from low to high.

Each grade is divided into four levels: low level, intermediate level, high level and top level.

Han Shuang's Pink alchemy furnace is a star product.

The blue talisman alchemy furnace in Lingnan has reached the advanced level of star product.

As for Wuqi's Huofeng alchemy furnace, it has reached the top of star products.

"Oh, it's OK!"

Ye Yun picked up the pink alchemy stove that Han Shuang was embarrassed to hand over.

At least, this alchemy furnace is not an ordinary alchemy furnace that can't even reach star products.

Moreover, even the star product low-grade alchemy furnace is worth the price of at least 30000 Diyuan pills.

This has cost Han Shuang most of his savings.

Lingnan's star product advanced alchemy furnace is worth at least 150000 Diyuan pills.

Wuqi's star top alchemy furnace even needs up to 250000 Diyuan pills.

Ye Yun has decided that after he wins the alchemy furnace of Lingnan and Wu Qi, Wu Qi's Huofeng alchemy furnace will be left for his own use.

Lingnan's blue talisman alchemy furnace was sent to Han Shuang for use.

"I happen to have nothing to do today. I'd better be the examiner of your medicine refining competition!"

When ye Yun, Lingnan and Wu Qi were already in place in the assessment area No. 4, a voice sounded at a very timely time.

The crowd looked intently, and it was Li Wuzong who spoke.

It has always been only the deacon of the association to manage the assessment of students. Where does Li Wuzong, the vice president, need to go out in person?

Obviously, Li Wuzong also deliberately targeted Ye Yun.

And between Li Wuzong's words, he has entered the No. 4 assessment area and sat down in the position of the assessment officer.

"Wu Qi, Li Wuzong, you shameless teachers and disciples, I want to see what storms I can turn over!"

Ye Yun said secretly in his heart that he didn't care at all.

"Well, as the examiner of this assessment, I now officially announce that this assessment..."

Li Wuzong could not wait to speak.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, a voice from outside the association of pharmacists sounded.

The next moment, a figure has appeared at the door of the hall.

The visitor was dressed in a blue shirt, crowned with hair and holding a blue fan in his hand.

At a glance, it looks like a natural and unrestrained scholar!

However, after seeing the scholar like white faced man, everyone was awed by his body and mind, his eyes could not hide his admiration, and his heart was also humbled for no reason.

Everything, just because the man who looks like a blue scholar is named Xuanyuan Qiling.

Langya ranked first, the son of Xuanyuan aristocratic family, and the only four grade herbalist student in the inner courtyard.

Any one of these is enough to take pride in the whole Kowloon college!

The arrival of Xuanyuan Qiling also smoothly moved everyone's attention from ye Yun and other three people to him.

Xuanyuan is like a dazzling star. Wherever you go, it is the most eye-catching focus.

"Xuanyuan Qiling, do you have anything else to say?"

Interrupted by Xuanyuan Qiling, Li Wuzong was not angry at all, but asked politely.

Xuanyuan Qiling is only 20 years old, so he has become a four grade herbalist. It is very possible to become a six grade or even seven grade herbalist in the future. Just talking about the future of refining medicine is a bright future.

At least it's not Li Wuzong, who has just reached the fifth grade herbalist at the age of more than half a hundred, who can be compared.

Xuanyuan Qiling didn't go to see Li Wuzong at all, but turned his eyes to Ye Yun and asked, "is it that you accurately found ten stone pillars in the first line of sky in the hidden dragon secret place?"

Xuanyuan's words immediately caused an uproar.

In order to protect Ye Yun's safety, the strange old man ordered to block the miracles created by Ye Yun in the inner yard, including the records of Tongtian tower, including Ye Yun's performance against the sky in beacon city and, of course, all ye Yun's performance against the sky in the hidden dragon secret place.

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