"President Bai, she is my friend."

Ye Yun opens his mouth at the right time. Yan Linglong has repeatedly defended himself. Now he sees that Yan Linglong has something important to find president Bai.

"Since you are ye Yun's friend, come along!"

President Bai said, leading the way.

Yan Linglong was very excited and looked at Ye Yun with gratitude.

In the underground medicine refining room.

"The medicine refining room is a little shabby. Don't mind."

Bai Dan asked casually.

The area of this medicine refining room is not large, and there are no imagined precious medicinal materials and advanced pills.

Yes, it's just a huge medicine pool that occupies the general area of the whole medicine refining room.

The white inexplicable medicine gas diffused from the medicine pool and filled every inch of the space of the whole medicine refining room.

"If you boil dozens of earthy herbs, is it president Bai that you are carrying metallic poison?"

Ye Yun did not answer the question.

Words made Bai Dan's expression freeze instantly, but there was a light of hope shining in his eyes.

"Can you smell that these are herbs with earth properties?"

After dozens of medicinal materials are mixed together, the resulting odor is mixed, which is quite difficult to distinguish.

"If I guess correctly, there are 45 kinds of medicinal materials with earth properties, including Scorpion King grass, long Magnolia and Angelica flower."

In his last life, ye Yun was also a ten grade herbalist. He was very familiar with the taste of various medicinal materials.

After these words, Yan Linglong was shocked to have nothing to add.

President Bai almost cried with joy!


An hour later, ye Yun and Yan Linglong left the underground medicine refining room at the same time.

The reason why Bai Dan has been hiding in the underground medicine refining room is not the alchemy of forgetting to eat and sleep, but the forced treatment.

As ye Yun expected, he was poisoned by metal several decades ago. He needs the medicinal Qi of native medicinal materials to survive.

This is also the reason why Bai Dan has stayed in liupin herbalist for decades.

Moreover, the question Bai Dan asked to discuss with Ye Yun is about the cure of his own metal poison.

Ye Yun also proposed adding several fire attribute herbs into the medicine pool. He felt that it could at least suppress the metal poison in Baidan.

As for the radical cure, ye Yun felt that he was not sure until he collected the soul of Jinxin sword.

Obviously, Bai Dan is not very optimistic about ye Yun's proposal to adulterate several fire attribute herbs into the medicine pool.

However, he tried to do it according to Ye Yun's suggestion.

As for Yan Linglong's purpose of looking for Bai Dan, there has been a very embarrassing situation in her body recently: every midnight, her whole body will be hot, her consciousness is blurred, and even make some very indecent actions such as "hot dance".

Bai Dan didn't find out why he came, which was very embarrassing.

Or Ye Yun saw that Yan Linglong was actually brought into the body by evil things. He used the fire sword soul fire attribute integrated with spiritual power to invade Yan Linglong's body and kill the evil things.

"My sister's condition is more serious than mine. I think she was also attacked by evil things. Please help me."

Yan Linglong was ready to bow down to Ye Yun, but she was stopped by Ye Yun.

"Of course, I regard you as a friend. Your sister is my sister. Besides, it's just a small effort for me!"

Ye Yun opens his mouth in a positive color.

Evil things that can invade the body obviously have intelligence.

Evil things can not only adhere to people's body and harm people, but also serve as a medicine guide for treating people's diseases.

It is also a thing that can be met but not sought!

If you get it, the possibility of waking up yanmiao will increase significantly.

Therefore, ye Yun is sure of his potential!

And then ye Yun learned that Yan Linglong came from a big family of Ba Ye empire.

Ba Ye Empire, but the largest empire in Dongzhou.

The Yan family has released the task of "treating Yan Xiaoyu" in the four colleges, and it is still a prefecture level task.

At the beginning, AI fenliu was able to enter the martial arts pool for training only after he completed a prefecture level task and obtained 1000 merit points.

Ye Yun is ready to earn 1000 meritorious points and enter the martial arts pool again before entering the medicine valley.

And during the period when the medicine valley was opened, ye Yun stayed in Kowloon college, and the black robed people are likely to come to trouble.

It's better to go to the Ba Ye Empire quietly and avoid the limelight for a while!

Ba Ye Empire, Imperial City, in a vast mansion.

Here is the Yan family.

The whole Yan mansion seemed to be filled with melancholy clouds.

Of course, all this is related to Yan Xiaoyu's deteriorating condition.

"What are you doing here? Go and find me a miracle doctor. It's useless!"

There was a roar and thunder in a courtyard of Yan mansion.

This roar is an old man with white hair. It is Yan Qingyang, the master of the Yan family.

Now, Mr. Yan's eyes are a little red. For the strange disease of his baby granddaughter Yan Xiaoyu, he hasn't closed his eyes for several days.

The man who yelled at him was not ordinary people, but his only son Yan Wu.

Yan Wu, that is the young master of the Yan Family and the absolute number two figure of the Yan family.

Close to the age of fifty, he always looks serious on weekdays.

But the usual face that seemed not angry and self threatening to servants was now full of fear.

His head was buried deep, so he was scolded by master Yan, but he didn't even dare to give an atmosphere.

In my heart, I muttered to myself: Xiaoyu is my own daughter. Now, don't you think I feel bad?

Of course, Yan Wu nodded repeatedly.

Then, old man Yan slapped him in the face and directly pulled out Yan's house

"If you can't find a miracle doctor who can cure Xiaoyu today, you don't have to come back!"

Behind him was the unforgivable words of master Yan's anger

Well, am I my own?

He got up trembling from the ground, and Yan Wu muttered this question for the countless times in his heart.

However, he did not neglect, hurried and aimlessly walked up.

Where on earth can we find a miracle doctor to cure Xiaoyu's strange disease?

Yan Wu didn't have a clue in his heart. Yesterday, he spent a sky high price to invite Wang De, the Lord of the medicine refining temple in the Imperial City, to Yan's house.

Wang De, that's the first Dandao expert in the imperial city.

But even Wang de shook his head helplessly after investigating Xiaoyu's condition.

Let alone completely eradicate Xiaoyu's strange disease. He can't even figure out how Xiaoyu's strange disease was caused.

It's just a suggestion to take more tonics to improve body resistance.

But let Xiaoyu take more than ten kinds of tonic drugs in a row, which didn't play a role at all.

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