Jade slips for storing sound are similar to double blood paper.

Double blood paper needs a specific person to drop blood into it in order to show the words on the paper.

The jade slips that store sound need a specific person to pour into the mysterious Qi in order to receive the sound.

Ye Yun infuses the mysterious Qi and tries it easily. Ye Yun doesn't believe that the jade slips storing the sound are reserved for himself.

At the next moment, however, a mutation occurred.

The jade slips, which were originally dull and storing sound, were directly made of golden light.

This is the prelude to the opening of the jade slips!

Ye Yun was very surprised: Did someone really leave the jade slips for himself?

But who is it?

Next, ye Yun couldn't think about these and listened to the jade slips close to the sound storage.

A voice sounded slowly: there were seven robberies, eight turns and nine secluded grass in the 81st Canyon to the East.

This voice is deep and distant. It's not like being stored in jade slips, but more like ringing through Ye Yun's ears.

And ye Yun suddenly found that the sound was strangely similar to the mysterious exclamation that had just entered the medicine Valley and caused a sensation in the whole medicine valley.

It's like the two come from one person.

Ye Yun is basically ready to wake up yanmiao.

The Shijie Ganoderma lucidum obtained in the forest ruins is the most important adjuvant.

The evil ghost stone obtained in the Ba Ye empire is the introduction of medicine.

The golden lingguo originally obtained from Bai Chunxue in Tianxue University and the Wanjie Xianzhi just obtained are two of the three main medicines to revive yanmiao.

Now there is only the last main medicine left, which is the seven robberies, eight turns and nine secluded grass mentioned in the jade slips.

Seven robberies, eight turns, nine secluded herbs, and even the most important medicine among the three main medicines to revive yanmiao.

At the same time, seven robberies, eight turns and nine secluded herbs are also the most rare and difficult to find, the most demanding growth conditions, and the most headache for ye Yun. I don't know how to find them.

If, as the voice said, there are seven robberies, eight turns and nine secluded grass in the 81st Canyon to the East, it is almost nothing to wake up yanmiao.

But is this word credible?

How can the owner of this voice know that he is looking for seven robberies, eight turns and nine secluded grass?

Ye Yun was puzzled.

But anyway, ye Yun is ready to go and find out.


Deep in the cave, a strange sound suddenly sounded, like the sound of blood gushing.

There, it's the direction of Xuanyuan Qiling. Shouldn't there be any accident?

Ye Yun subconsciously went in that direction.

Strangely, with Ye Yun constantly moving towards the depths of the cave, there has never been an unexpected universal fire that went out directly.

And despite Ye Yun's repeated efforts, he could not rekindle it.


The sound of blood spurting belonging to Xuanyuan Qiling is more and more clear. It must be not far away.

The universal fire can't be lit, but fortunately Ye Yun still has an immortal night pearl.

When I was in Linzhou, I found it from the space ring on a emperor's rank powerful corpse.

I thought it was a chicken rib, but now it seems to be of great use.

The night pearl can emit strong light at night and illuminate many areas.

The night pearl is more against the sky. The darker the place is, the stronger its brightness is.

Therefore, when ye Yun took out the immortal pearl of the night, the cave that could not be seen in his hand was suddenly bright, even brighter than the day.

Of course, it also lit up Xuanyuan Qiling who was lying on the ground spitting blood.

"What's the matter? Is there anything strong and evil in the cave?"

Ye Yun is cautious and ready.

However, he saw Xuanyuan Qiling waving his hand, and then pointed to the side with a bent face.

Here is the end of the cave.

Ye Yunxuan shook his head because it was a dark stone gate.

The vast and incomparable breath comes from behind the dark stone gate.

If there is no accident, opening this dark stone gate can be regarded as a real entry into the cave and an unimaginable treasure.

Observing the stone gate carefully, ye Yun was speechless for a while.

The stone gate is somewhat similar to the one just opened, whether in size, shape or color.

However, the momentum emanating from it is quite different.

It is roughly estimated that the momentum above the stone gate is more than ten times that of the stone gate just now.

In other words, the difficulty of opening this stone door is at least ten times that of opening the door just now.

At this moment, ye Yun had some understanding of the psychological quality of Xuanyuan, why he would lie on the ground and spit blood without image.

In order to open the stone gate outside, their Xuanyuan family has spent thousands of years and half of the essence of nearly 1000 talented people.

Finally opened the door, but found that there was a more difficult door inside.

In other words, this stone gate can't be opened at all!

Ye Yun once again saw as like as two peas of bronze bell on the same Shimen, but with the mental power of Ye Cloud Coda thirteen, he could find only four of them.

"Perhaps, only elder Lin Duo can find all eight!"

Ye Yun thought of Lin Duo, whose spiritual strength is as high as 15 grades in the forest ruins.

Ye Yun felt sad. At the beginning, Lin Duo was sealed by the four ancient families for his own sake. It was more or less bad

"Let's say goodbye!"

After leaving the cave, ye Yun spoke directly.

It has to be said that Xuanyuan Qiling's psychological quality is still good. He has been completely free of loss and anger for such a short time.

"Anyway, I've lived and died together. Why don't I come with you!"

When they passed through the Bush just now, their lives were indeed tied together, and they almost went to the yellow spring together.

Moreover, the purpose of Xuanyuan Qiling entering the medicine Valley this time is to open the treasure house.

Now the treasure house has been opened. Although nothing has been found, Xuanyuan Qiling has completed the task assigned by the family.

As for how to open the second stone door next, this problem is left to the senior family.

Ye Yun didn't refuse. He walked due east according to the tips on the jade slips.

In less than two hours, ye Yun and Xuanyuan Qiling had crossed 79 canyons in a row, and the 81st canyon was close at hand.

"In order to wake up, master is not afraid of all difficulties, ye Yun, I admire you!"

While walking, Xuanyuan raised his spirits and opened his mouth.

Waking up yanmiao is not a secret, so ye Yun told Xuanyuan Qiling about it.

"Master, it's natural for me and my family to fall into a coma. I overcome everything and wake him up!"

Ye Yun's tone is dignified.

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