Ice and fire intertwined and collided with each other to produce extremely huge energy, which generated a huge energy wave over the whole canyon.

This energy wave suddenly smashed the cold wall formed by the Qi of yin and Yang.

After decades of rest, everything returned to calm.

A small fire is above the sky.

It seems to consume a lot, but there are no scars on the body.

"Why can those three drops of blood be so rebellious?"

Dugu Ao was shocked. He knew that even if Xiaohuo went against the sky again, he was just a seven level mysterious beast for the time being, and it was impossible to stop his yin-yang Qi.

"I don't believe this evil. I must kill you!"

Dugu Ao roared and directly sent out the Qi of five groups of yin and Yang.

Du Ao has ten regiments of yin and Yang Qi. Five regiments have been used previously, so now these five regiments are his only five regiments.

As soon as the five groups of yin and Yang Qi came out, even the air became cold. As for the four cold winds, they cut everything like a knife.

The five groups of yin and Yang Qi roared away in the direction of the small fire, which was bound to freeze the small fire into an ice sculpture.

The next moment, without waiting for a small fire.

Millions of birds and animals moved at the same time.

Among them, there are about 100000 mysterious beasts that have reached level 5 and above. They all sacrifice their origin without hesitation.

Hundreds of thousands of various origins are strangely connected to form a gorgeous origin wall to keep the small fire behind.

As for other mysterious beasts that did not reach the fifth level, they all sacrificed their blood essence without stinginess, and then integrated into the original wall.

The original wall has infinite momentum, which is intertwined with the Qi of yin and Yang of the five regiments.

More huge energy waves are generated, shaking dozens of canyons around.

And in an instant, almost all the plants and mysterious beasts passing through dozens of canyons around turned into a pile of fly ash on the ground.

The Qi of yin and Yang in the five regiments disappears, and the original wall no longer exists.

Everything is restored to unprecedented tranquility!

Until, Du Ao collapsed to the ground with a plop.

It has urged the yin-yang Qi of the ten regiments. The consumption of independence and pride is too huge. Now it's extravagant to even get up!

I don't know whether it was grief and anger in his heart or because Du Ao was really bitten too hard. He spewed three mouthfuls of old blood at the ground.

The blood, black, smelly!

Now his ten regiments of yin and Yang have run out.

And he is extremely weak.

It can be said that there are no skills!

"Boy, wasn't it crazy just now? Now give the old devil another try!"

The blood drinking monster came out from the defense of stone monsters.

Dugu Ao, who had just been cultivated by the third floor of the king's terrace, was almost forced to death. The blood drinking crazy devil was very upset. He was ready to teach Dugu Ao a good lesson.

"Do you think I really have no cards?"

Du Ao suddenly raised his head and looked at the eyes of the blood drinking crazy devil as if they were red by fire.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his eyes, making a heavy dull sound like steel interwoven.

The next moment, a more severe cold Qi suddenly appeared.

Wow, wow

The sky, suddenly floating snow.

This is definitely called goose feather snow, and each snowflake has an exquisite yin-yang pattern.

Such a scene is very strange!

The black-and-white snowflakes fluttered and confused every inch of the sky around the whole medicine valley.

In addition, where the snowflakes fall, all plants, Xuan beasts, are completely frozen into ice sculptures.

Bang Bang

In the mid air, except for a small fire, all birds and animals, whether they are level 1, level 2... Level 6, level 7, become ice sculptures and fall suddenly from the mid air.

Millions of birds and animals piled up into a vast mountain.

Of course, there are many snowflakes falling on stone monsters, which are frozen into ice sculptures and embedded on the ground.

"Welcome the ambassador!"

Du Ao suddenly fell to his knees and opened his mouth respectfully to the source of the falling black and white snowflakes.

Between words, he knocked his head eight times in a row.

Lord messenger?

As soon as Du Ao said this, ye Yun and others subconsciously thought of the middle-aged man in black.

The middle-aged man in black, I don't know when he came to Kowloon college, is above all the people of Kowloon college.

At the next moment, there was a voice in the sky that was extremely cold and could almost instantly penetrate into the bone marrow of all human bodies: "ten groups of Yin-Yang Qi haven't solved everything. You make me very disappointed!"

After the sound, a figure in black fell from the sky.

In the canyon, standing in front of Dugu Aotian, the snowflakes falling all over the sky changed their tracks when they were a foot away from his body. It was impossible to get close to his body.

He just appeared and fell from the sky like a great master.

"But here is a strange beast, a green fire Luan. It's not worth my part to come in person."

The complexion of the middle-aged man in black drifted between stones, monsters and small fire, with a little satisfied color on his face.

Words, like a boulder, hit people's nerves and were extremely surprised.

One appearance almost frozen the periphery of the whole Medicine Valley, freezing millions of birds and beasts and millions of mysterious beasts in the Canyon

This is just a part of the middle-aged man in black.

It is hard to imagine how terrible the middle-aged man in black will be!

"This guy's accomplishments must have reached the imperial level or above. Even if he has a separate body now, he has at least the strength equivalent to the top ten levels of the imperial level."

The mouth was the blood drinking crazy devil, and his tone was very sure.

Just now, when the black and white snow fell, the blood drinking crazy devil retreated in time, and then quickly returned to the defense of stone monsters.

But now, like Ye Yun, they are frozen under stones and monsters and can't get out at all.

"Emissary, Du Ao has humiliated you. Please kill all of them. I will sacrifice a double pupil to you immediately!"

Du Ao begged the middle-aged man in black. He didn't dare to look directly at the middle-aged man in black, and his body was even trembling.

The middle-aged man in black nodded. When his family learned that Dongzhou Jiulong college had a huge yin-yang pit, they came with a powerful corpse of a family who had died in the war and were ready to use the yin-yang Qi in the huge yin-yang pit to revive the great power.

After his arrival, he easily occupied the magpie's nest. Even the strange old man, the president of Kowloon University, was defeated by his move and could not resist.

And the Qi of yin and Yang in the huge pit of yin and Yang is stronger than he imagined.

Resurrection is even a matter of time.

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