Carefully put away the small piece of psychic Xuanshi. Ye Yun was afraid of shaking his hand. This small piece of psychic Xuanshi fell directly into Xiaoye's mouth

"Of course, this kind of psychic basalt is very rare and expensive!"

Ye Yun took the psychic Xuanshi into the space ring and opened his mouth with a positive face.

In his last life, ye Yun, as a sword God, certainly did not lack this psychic Xuanshi.

In fact, ye Yun wants as much as several levels of Tianling Xuanshi higher than this psychic Xuanshi.

But in this life, he was reborn in this remote place in the southern region. This kind of psychic basalt is quite rare.

This small piece of psychic Xuanshi was found when ye Yun almost searched all over the Jubao Pavilion in the imperial city.

But unexpectedly, after ye Yun said this, Xiaoye directly laughed and couldn't stand up!

"Brother Yun, to tell you the truth, there are many so-called psychic Xuanshi in our tianhuomen!"

"In fact, this kind of psychic Xuanshi is the one we use to pave the floor!"

Xiaoye's endless words surprised Ye Yun. Unexpectedly, there are so many psychic Xuanshi in this small southern region.

And obviously, no one in this "tianhuomen" understands the real value of psychic Xuanshi!

As for the cold swordsman, he stood on the spot.

Although the cold swordsman heard the name "psychic Xuanshi" for the first time, from ye Yun's tone and his skills, this psychic Xuanshi is priceless.

Unexpectedly, the sky fire door was used to lay the floor?

The cliff is a monster!

However, considering that Xiaoye is eating with the priceless huiyuandan, the cold swordsman is also a little relieved.

I have to say that huomen is really a desirable place on this day!

Next, it is the progress of most of the day.

The three finally came to a small village next to Qingxi village.

Of course, now the three have changed their faces.

Ye Yun turned himself and Leng Jianke into a middle-aged man who had experienced many vicissitudes.

Although some beards are broken and the image is not very good, it also achieves the effect of chaotic audio-visual.

And Xiaoye was directly turned into an old man by Ye Yun.

In particular, the goods are also carrying a turtle shell... In short, the image is only meaningful and unspeakable!

Facts have proved that this face change is simply too important.

Because in Qingshui village, the nearest to Qingxi village, the three of them found two hunting orders.

The hunting order is attached with the head portraits of Ye Yun and Leng Jianke, and they are very similar!

In particular, the amount of reward is even more amazing: anyone who finds the whereabouts of the two will be rewarded with ten thousand liang of silver!

Anyone who kills two people will be rewarded ten thousand Liang!

By looking for someone to push and knock in Qingshui village, I learned that only members of the Jiuyin mercenary regiment came in these two days and left after posting two hunting orders.

And didn't take anyone.

However, the cold swordsman's anxious face was not relieved at all.

Somehow, the cold swordsman always felt uneasy in his heart, and the uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger!

Qingxi village, a simple but clean yard!

Here is the home of Leng Jianke and Leng Xiaolian.

A place that is quiet to a little deserted at ordinary times.

But now, it is full of harsh laughter.

"Little beauty, you'd better be sensible and take the initiative to follow me, otherwise... Otherwise you'll have to follow me and suffer a lot more!"

In the yard, a big red faced man sounded his arrogant words.

Behind him, the three attendants were also full of ferocity.

The big faced man, named Wednesday, is a famous naughty scoundrel in several surrounding villages.

And because his two brothers, Zhou Da and Tuesday, are members of the Jiuyin mercenary regiment, no one dares to offend him in this area.

It's definitely an existence that can walk sideways!

On the other side of Wednesday and his three attendants, there stood a beautiful girl of about 13 or 14 years old.

Although the girl was dressed in plain clothes, she couldn't hide her slim figure.

Perhaps because of the old illness, the girl gives people a feeling of weakness and makes people want to hold her in their arms and have a good love and compassion.

Also, although the girl has a plain face, she is much better than those beauties with heavy makeup and light makeup, giving people a pure and moving feeling!

This pure and beautiful girl is Leng Xiaolian, the sister of Leng Jianke!

Facing the forced Wednesday, Leng Xiaolian frowned in disgust and didn't say anything.

She knew it was no use talking to the naughty rascal. She seemed to be waiting for something.

"Leng Xiaolian, right? Leng Jianke's sister!"

On Wednesday, he opened his mouth again, with a kind of sneer.

"Since you know this, if you dare to do so, you are not afraid of my brother."

Leng Xiaolian wanted to say something more, but she was interrupted on Wednesday: "cold swordsman? If I had to put it in the past, I wouldn't dare to touch his sister even if I borrowed eight courage from me, but now it's different. To tell you the truth, your brother cold swordsman offended a big man. I borrowed sixteen courage from him, and he didn't dare to come back!"

"My brother offended the bad guys?"

Leng Xiaolian felt a chill in her heart and frowned.

In her opinion, her brother is the best person in the world.

And the person her brother is not afraid of being strong to offend must be a bad person!

"Hahaha... Your brother is really not an eye opener. At the auction... He just offended the poison king. He dared to offend the nine Yin mercenary regiment. It's just impatient!"

"Your brother will die this time, Gaga......"

Wednesday's wanton words, mixed with harsh laughter, rang through the yard.

With gusts of cold wind, it spread far and wide.

Poison king! Nine Yin mercenary regiment!

Leng Xiaolian has heard from her brother Leng Jianke and knows their strength.

At the moment, she looked worried.

Not worried about herself, but worried about her brother!

Her parents died when she was a child. Her brother Leng Jianke brought her up.

Especially over the years, in order to cure her strange disease, my brother Leng swordsman hunted Xuan beasts in the periphery of the meteoric mountains from morning to night, and many times even narrowly escaped death

Also for her, brother Leng Jianke resolutely gave up the invitation from fire refining mercenary regiment and wild mercenary regiment.

There is even a sect Deacon's attention

All this is for her.

Now, for her sake, Leng Jianke offended a powerful villain and fell into a situation of near death!

Leng Xiaolian's beautiful big eyes blurred in an instant.

Two lines of clear tears quickly ran across the delicate cheeks and fell to the ground.

One drop, two drops

Leng Xiaolian touched the cuff and a delicate dagger.

A dagger she has hidden in her sleeve for many years!

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