Yin Jian and Wang Qiye nodded.

The long knife in Baixuan's hand pointed at Ye Yun's direction. The knife Qi opened vertically and horizontally, and locked Ye Yun firmly.

Yin Jian and Wang Qiye also light their toes, ready to rise in the air, and then shoot at the Wu Chi who is accepting the inheritance in the air.

Situation, crisis!


Another huge explosion suddenly sounded.

The sound of the explosion seemed to be made by thousands of startling thunder.

Everyone fell into temporary tinnitus.

When they subconsciously follow the direction of sound and look at the sky, they can't help being numb.

The sacred animal field is facing the sky of the life and death Blackwater lake, and there is a huge blue hole.

Or more accurately, the hole is facing the location of the island in the middle of the lake.


Xuanyuan Qiling, who is fighting against Xuanyuan Qiyi and can't open the glue, rises up passively.

Xuanyuan as like as two peas, passively closed his eyes and fell into the same state as Wu Chi.

The difference is that Wu Chi takes the initiative, Xuanyuan raises the spirit and is passive.

This strange scene shocked everyone, and immediately a guess came out: is Xuanyuan Qiling going to inherit?


In that hole in the sky, there was a constant shock, thunder everywhere, and soon there was a torrential rain.

Miraculously, the torrential rain pouring down from that hole turned out to be blue, the same blue as Xuanyuan Qiling's blue clothes.

And these pouring blue rainstorms did not fall to the ground, but stopped abruptly less than 10 meters above the head of Xuanyuan Qiling.

These blue rain quickly condensed, and slowly accumulated into a blue Unicorn with infinite momentum under everyone's eyes.

"Can it be said that what Xuanyuan Qiling is going to carry out now is the Kirin inheritance, one of the four spirits?"

Someone's shocked mouth aroused a burst of agreement.

Immediately, the people looked at Xuanyuan Qiling's eyes and were extremely jealous.

Wu Chi was able to obtain the inheritance of xuangui, which was also the result of his efforts.

But it's good for Xuanyuan to wake up. When he was fighting with others, Qilin inheritance took the initiative to come to the door.

Think about countless years, countless people who have entered the field of divine beasts have not found the trace of the inheritance of the four spirits.

Compared with Xuanyuan Qiling, it can only be said that people are more than people. It's so angry!

If those souls who failed to find the inheritance of animals and died miserably in the field of divine beasts knew this, they would probably spit blood in the hell

Wake up? unicorn!

Ye Yun muttered in his heart that maybe all this is the will of heaven, which can be seen from the name of Xuanyuan Qiling.

"But it seems that the opening time of Kirin inheritance is not good!"

At the moment, ye Yun is unable to protect Wu Chi, let alone protect Xuanyuan Qiling.

In fact, after a short shock, the murderous spirit on their faces has become more and more vertical and horizontal.

"God is really unfair. While giving Xuanyuan a higher talent than the three of us, he also got the favor of the family spirit girl. Now he has taken the initiative to send him such a magnificent Kirin inheritance."

Xuanyuan is sad and angry.

At the moment, he wants to turn over the son of a bitch.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan's start-up is also unhappy. If Xuanyuan's spirit is really inspired to obtain the inheritance of Kirin, it will certainly open a greater gap between them.

Only Xuanyuan sneered and said, "I think God is fair."

"At this critical moment when Xuanyuan Qiling is fighting with the three of us, God gave Xuanyuan Qiling an anti heaven Kirin inheritance. It's better to say that he directly gave Xuanyuan Qiling a death penalty!"

Xuanyuan thought and then said, the words made Xuanyuan start and Xuanyuan start up. First, he was stunned, and then he was suddenly overjoyed.

The three of them rose to the sky at the same time. This time, they attacked the inheritance position of Xuanyuan Qiling without reservation.

Is to kill Xuanyuan Qiling on the spot at the critical moment when Xuanyuan Qiling accepts the inheritance.

Ye Yun frowned and was ready to rise in the air to stop.

"Ye Yun, your opponent is my Baixuan!"

As long as ye Yun's friend is Bai Xuan's enemy, so he won't give ye Yun a chance.

At the same time, Yin Jian and Wang Qiye stopped being stunned, and then attacked the Wuchi who was accepting the inheritance of Xuanwu.

At the moment, ye Yun cannot be divided into three bodies. The blood drinking crazy devil in his body has not occupied the great power of yin and Yang family. His body is still just the state of soul body.

Xiao Zhan and Yan Linglong wanted to stop, but they were easily defeated by Yin Jian, who had the worst cultivation among them.

The scene really reached a critical moment.

However, at the next moment, a scene that no one thought of appeared.

The three people who were rushing to Xuanyuan and the two people who were rushing to Wuchi were hit by powerful inexplicable energy at the same time, and then fell to the ground like a meteorite.

In the sky, two virtual shadows appear at the same time.

One is the fire phoenix and the other is the little white dragon.

This situation, this scene, almost surprised everyone's chin.

"It is rumored that once the animal inheritance is obtained, the person who obtains the inheritance will have the martial spirit of the corresponding animal, and can release it when fighting. Now that these two virtual shadows appear at the same time, doesn't it mean that two people have obtained the Phoenix inheritance and Bruce Lee inheritance respectively?"

The sound of exclamation sounded, which was even more shocking.

Phoenix inheritance and Bruce Lee inheritance can both belong to the inheritance ranks of the four spiritual beasts second only to the inheritance of the four divine beasts.

It has been acquired unconsciously.

In addition, Wu Chi and Xiao Zhan are carrying out the xuangui inheritance and Qilin inheritance. Isn't it said that all the four spiritual animal inheritances that have been silent for countless years have found inheritors.

The news was a little too shocking.

However, thinking of the strange and sensational situation when the field of divine beasts was opened this year, it seems that it has long been doomed to the extraordinary inheritance of divine beasts.

"Who are you and why are you against us?"

Bai Xuan looked up at the sky and questioned the two people under the virtual shadow of the fire phoenix and the small white dragon.

Now the two men are shrouded in the strong fire light from the virtual shadow of the fire phoenix and the dazzling white light from the virtual shadow of the little white dragon. They can't see their faces at all.

"Smelly boy, clean your ears and listen clearly. My name is Zhuang Xiaoye!"

"I'm a cold swordsman!"

The next moment, the two people who were shrouded in the shadow of the fire phoenix and the shadow of the little white dragon spoke separately.

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