"Although the scope of use of jiuzhuan yin-yang stone is very narrow, the breeding process is very difficult, and it even takes thousands of years to breed successfully. Therefore, it is invaluable. Why do you have the qualification to dominate this jiuzhuan yin-yang stone?"

Ye Yun then questioned.

"Although Yunyou doesn't have the qualification to dominate, I have this qualification. As long as you release me and my apprentice today, I promise to give it to you when the nine turn yin-yang stone is successfully bred in six months."

Wu Tian couldn't help but speak first. He looked like he was vowing.

"And I promise that within half a year, we Xuanji holy land will not find any reason against you and all your relatives and friends. Also, if you can defeat my disciple Yun you again after half a year, I can not only send jiuzhuan yin-yang stone to each other, but also send the other two tempered heavenly herbs and extraordinary armor among the three treasures of the outer gate."

At this moment, Yan Miao has removed his foot on Wu Tian's face, and he can get up and stand up.

Tiancao and extraordinary armor are absolutely the most precious among the most precious.

On its own value, it is even much higher than the nine turn yin-yang stone.

However, ye Yun is puzzled that Yunyou is not his opponent now. Why is Wu Tian very sure that Yunyou can defeat himself in half a year?

Now the right hand of the cloud grows again, and it can't play one-third of its power.

The whole left arm was broken and completely disabled.

"Why Ye Yun? If you don't dare to fight with me in half a year, we will still give the nine turn yin-yang stone to you, but you won't have your share of the tempered heavenly grass and extraordinary armor!"

Yunyou suddenly opened his mouth, with a provocative tone.

"OK, I should, but I want to make a contract with you."

In Ye Yun's opinion, Yunyou must die.

However, if Yunyou's death in the late half year can relieve Li Xianxian's hope of petrochemical, ye Yun will respond without hesitation.

In order to remove Li Xianxian's fossilization, ye Yun does everything at all costs.

Besides, ye Yun can see that if you kill Yunyou and Wu Tian now, you will really offend Xuanji holy land.

Xuanji holy land must send more rebellious figures to kill him. Even Yan Miao can't resist it at that time.

There is also yanmiao's forced break out of the medicine valley. Although he is very calm, ye Yun still finds that he seems to be trying to suppress extremely strong pain.

Ye Yun can not die, but he can't fight with the lives of Xiaoye, Wu Chi, strange old man, Wang Wuwei, yanmiao and others.

The heaven and earth contract is a contract signed with the power of heaven and earth. Once one party violates the content of the contract, it will be punished by the power of heaven and earth. There is only one consequence: death!

"OK, I'll sign the heaven and earth contract with you!"

Yunyou agreed without hesitation.

The signing of heaven and earth contract requires the blood essence of people who have cultivated at least five layers of the imperial rank to move the power of heaven and earth.

This is certainly not a problem. In fact, Yan Miao has already made a move.

A full ten drops of blood essence shot into the sky at the same time. Immediately, two silver forces of heaven and earth enveloped Ye Yun and Yunyou respectively.

Under the power of heaven and earth, they read out the contract of heaven and earth respectively.

Six months later, ye Yun will fight with Yunyou again.

During this period, the two are not allowed to make difficulties and harm each other.

Six months later, the battle was between Ye Yun and Yun you. No one was allowed to intervene during the battle.

And that battle must be accompanied by a person's death before it can end.

At the end of the battle, if ye Yun fails and dies, give the nine turn yin-yang stone to Ye Yun's side.

If ye Yun survives successfully, all the three treasures outside Xuanji holy land will fall into Ye Yun's hands.

This is the whole content of the heaven and earth contract!

"Disciple, have you decided now?"

After the heaven and earth contract was completed, Wu Tian suddenly asked Yunyou a question.

Yunyou seems to have made a great hesitation, and then he nodded heavily.

"Ye Yun, you took the inheritance of my four great beasts, broke my arm, killed my brother and killed my father. I Yunyou didn't hesitate to completely open the body of all demons. In the battle half a year later, I must brutally kill you!"

Yun you is almost gnashing his teeth and speaks to Ye Yun.

The body of demons?

As soon as these four words came out, everyone was shocked to the extreme!

The body of ten thousand demons is rare in the world.

And people who have this system will not completely open it under normal circumstances.

After all, once it is completely opened, this person will gradually evolve into a devil, and his skin and flesh will slowly rot completely, leaving only a skeleton.

And rely on this to absorb blood to survive

However, after becoming a devil, cultivation will increase greatly, and the physical strength can reach the point of anger and tongue.

Half a year is enough for Yunyou to fully open the body of all demons and become an almost invincible existence of the younger generation.

At this moment, even Yan Miao regretted. If it wasn't for the contract between heaven and earth, I'm afraid he had strangled Yunyou in the cradle in advance.

"Ye Yun, please cherish the last half year. After half a year, I will make you die a hundred times more painful than me."

Yunyou gritted his teeth and said, and then left with Wu Tian.

In this regard, ye Yun has no fear at all.

The body of ten thousand demons is the most terrible constitution, and it is also the most invincible constitution once it is completely opened.

However, this is relative to others.

In Ye Yun's eyes, whether it is the body of demons or the body of gods, it is all rubbish in front of him.

Six months is enough for ye Yun to be promoted to an extremely superb level!

At that time, go to Xuanji holy land, kill Yunyou, the body of ten thousand demons, obtain the three most precious treasures and remove Xianxian petrochemical.

"Ha ha, ha ha, I didn't expect that your great family came quite together this time."

Before the smoke dispersed, the blood drinking maniac opened his mouth to the owners of several families.

The battle arose again, belonging to the blood drinking crazy devil and the owner of the six families.

However, the cultivation of blood drinking maniac is a completely destructive way, that is, killing the heads of the six families one by one

Yan Miao returns to Medicine Valley again.

But before leaving, as like as two peas, he gave Ye Wu a dark key, which was exactly the same as the key that the immortal administrator ordered the immortal administrator to give to Ye Yun.

And without waiting for ye Yun to ask in detail, Yan Miao's body disappeared.

Strange old man, Xuanyuan Qiling, Wu Chi and others returned to Kowloon college.

Wang Wuwei, Xiao Ye, Leng Jianke and others also returned to supreme college.

Only Ye Yun carefully collected the stone statue of Li Xianxian, and then took out a double blood paper in a remote place and dropped nine drops of blood essence, opening the fourth step of the mission against the sky.

Now it is only two months before the land of extinction opens.

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