It's like being struck by thunder.

One moment he raised his chin into a 45 degree lobule, and the next moment his head drooped directly.

For a long time, he just sent out a loud roar: "his mother's egg, young master, I'm worth 500 liang of gold?"

"Gold? How could it be silver!" the donkey faced man corrected with a realistic attitude.

Xiaoye is angry. He's really angry!

But the donkey faced man on one side obviously didn't take these into account, or disdained to take them into account.

Because he has spoken again: "there are a lot of five hundred liang of silver. Really, you can buy ten old cows and dozens of old sows..."

Clench your fist so tightly that fire can almost come out of lobular's eyes.

In other words, I have an unparalleled physique and the core disciple of Tianhuo sect, but

And the donkey faced man compared himself with the beast.

even to the extent that.

Listen to the tone of the donkey faced man, he is not as valuable as the cattle and pigs in his mouth!

After a very sexy activity, Xiaoye angrily came to Leng Jianke and ye Yun and said, "well, my seal hasn't been lifted yet. I can't do it for the time being. These two men without eyes will be handed over to my two brothers!"

Without waiting for ye Yun and Leng Jianke to reply, the two men were the first to be happy.

Then they went to Ye Yun and Leng Jianke and stood there.

"Several mortals who can't practice still want to solve the mysterious Qi experts on the eighth floor of our class. It's the funniest joke in the world! Ha ha..."

The fat man laughed recklessly. He laughed happily.

Aside, the donkey faced man also laughed and tilted his head at Ye Yun: "well, I'll stand still and let you fight. I want you to understand the super defense of the eighth floor of the human level. It's not what you ordinary people like ants can imagine!"

"Boy, you hit me, hit me on the head, hit me hard, hit me quickly..."

Between the words, the donkey faced man's old waist bent down again, almost pestling Ye Yun's fist.

"This... I'm afraid it's not good!"

Ye Yun pretends to be worried.

Unexpectedly, ye Yun was so modest that the donkey faced man didn't like it. He looked like "if you don't hit me, you will despise me".

Therefore, ye Yun, who is extremely helpless and has no choice, is unwilling to... Make a move.

Although it took less than one tenth of the effort, the loud "bang" that hit the donkey faced man's head was still particularly loud.

Looking at the unconscious donkey faced man on the ground, another fat man finally realized something was wrong.

But it's late, because the cold swordsman has already shot.

Although it was just a seemingly casual pat on the fat man's huge head.

But judging from the speed at which his head hit the ground, this collision was really not light!

Looking at the two men in a coma, ye Yun and his party did not neglect it, even when they ran towards the mountains.

If you fight the poison king or Zhao Han alone, ye Yun and his party may have a war.

But now even Zhuang Han, the head of the fire refining mercenary corps, has come.

Zhuang Han is said to be the peak of the empty rank.

For ye Yun and others now, there is no resistance at all!

Running all the way, when the four people in the line were infinitely close to the mountain and were ready to breathe a sigh of relief, they suddenly heard a gloomy laugh behind them: "you little rabbits, you can't escape my palm after all! Gaga......"

This sound is familiar to Ye Yun and his party. They are the poison king!

But when they turned around, they were all startled.

The disfigured face of the poison king is really terrible for his mother!

Even ye Yun, who has long been psychologically prepared, is one of the body and mind. It seems that he has a deeper and more direct understanding of the word "ferocious face" in his heart!

"Especially the boy who ruined my handsome appearance, I will catch you and tie you tightly. I will soak you directly in my poisonous green awn. I will let you realize that I have suffered a hundred times, a hundred times, a hundred times..."

The poison King almost clenched his teeth and suddenly crushed the two black bottles in his hand.

In the black bottle, the black gas diffused in an instant.

It permeated the jungle and around Ye Yun.

"Hahaha... This is the most poisonous gas that I have gathered more than 100 poisons and spent 100 days refining. As long as I am touched by this gas, I will be poisoned. People with cultivation skills below the empty level will be poisoned. If I can't get the antidote within three hours, I will die..."

"So you two run and I won't stop you, but the turtle shell man and the little girl will die, Gaga......"

"Of course, you can also choose to kill me and rob me of the antidote, but do you have this strength?"

The poison King shook the antidote bottle in his hand and was full of provocation.

Ye Yun and Leng Jianke know that the poison king has sent out a signal.

Zhao Han and Zhuang Han should arrive soon.

If you stay here for one more minute, you will have one more threat of death.

However, it is impossible for ye Yun and Leng Jianke to escape.

So now they have only one way out: rob the pill in the poison King's hand at the speed of thunder, and then quickly escape with Leng Xiaolian and Xiaoye

In fact, ye Yun and Leng Jianke have already made a move, and once they make a move, they use their full strength.

In the face of Ye Yun and Leng Jianke attacking at the same time, the poison King certainly dare not neglect.

He knows that although Ye Yun and Leng Jianke are the strength of the third and fourth layers of the empty level, they are invincible at the same level.

Of course, the poison king just doesn't neglect.

After all, he just upgraded to the sixth floor of the empty level two days ago, and his first-hand poison skill is still coquettish.

Although I dare not talk big about killing these two guys, it's a piece of cake to delay them!

However, the poison king doesn't know that ye Yun and Leng Jianke have greatly improved their cultivation in recent days.

Ye Yun has refined his body again. Now his cultivation is the sixth level of empty level, and it is the peak of the sixth level of empty level.

As for the cold swordsman, he has preliminarily understood the fourth style of ruthless sword, and his attack power has been greatly improved.

Now, although the level is still level 3, it is no worse than level 4. You can even fight with level 5 masters.

The long sword, like a rainbow, crossed a cold arc in the sky and stabbed the poison King's back!

The huge sword was like a mountain, as if it was carrying thousands of weights and fiercely cleaved to the chest of the poison king!

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