Yu Sen also didn't expect Xia Gaishi to be so firm. He was oppressed in his heart, but he had to prepare to give in.

"Cough, I also think what city Lord Xia did was inappropriate."

But at the moment, there was a slow voice.

Yu Sen questioned Xia Chengzhu's behavior and ate it hard.

Now who dares to touch the mildew of city master Xia so boldly?

The crowd followed their eyes and saw that it was an old man with gray hair.

He was short and fat, but his breath was very fierce.

"Second uncle, you're here!"

Seeing the fat old man coming, Yu Sen couldn't help shouting in surprise.

Yu Sen's second uncle, Yu Du, is only a deacon in the outer gate of the sun moon sect, but his status is indeed higher than that of any of the ten main cities.

In fact, Yu Sen's backer in the sun moon sect is his second uncle.

"Second master!"

Aside, Yu Gui also opened his mouth respectfully.

Originally, Yu Gui had no hope of embarrassing Ye Yun in the trials.

But now, with the sudden arrival of Yudu, hope is undoubtedly resurgent.

"Deacon Yu, ye Yun has a letter of recommendation from the night devil, so according to the rules, he doesn't need to participate in the trial of our Daxia city."

Lord Xia explained.

For others, Lord Xia can crush them with power, but in the face of Yu Du, Lord Xia has to explain patiently.

"So where is the letter of recommendation?"

Yu Du received a letter from Yu Sen a few days ago asking him to come to Daxia city to help supervise the selection of Daxia city.

However, Yu Du was assigned a task at that time, so he refused.

Now the mission has been cancelled temporarily. Yu Du, who has nothing to do, has come to Daxia city.

In the original letter from Yu Sen, he briefly described his hatred with Ye Yun. Therefore, Yu Du came to help Yu Sen and Yu Gui find the venue by the way.

"As for where the letter of recommendation is, you have to ask your nephew Yu Sen."

Xia Gaishi heard Ye Yun say that the letter of recommendation was directly burned by Yu Sen.

"Letter of recommendation? What letter of recommendation? Why ask me about the letter of recommendation?"

Now that Yu Du is in charge, Yu Sen does whatever he wants and pretends to be extremely confused.

"Shameless man!"

Xia Gaishi narrowed his eyes and his face became more and more gloomy.

"Well, since Ye Yun doesn't have any recommendation letter at all, just like other contestants, let's participate in the selection together."

Yu Du's tone is indisputable.

"OK, I'll take part in this trial."

Seeing that Xia Gaishi was still ready to speak, ye Yun waved his hand and said positively.

Isn't it a trial? Ye Yun just wants to play with these so-called Tianjiao talents.

"Very good. Now I'll announce the test questions for the first level selection."

Yu Sen spoke directly and opened the space ring between words.

A mysterious beast with a height of more than ten feet jumped out of it.

The black beast was covered with a thick layer of scales.

He also had sharp claws and sharp teeth, and a layer of cold black air filled his body.

"Black skin phantom!"

Someone recognized it at a glance.

Although this black skin phantom beast is only a six level mysterious beast, and its cultivation is equivalent to the peak cultivation of human heaven level, it has three very anti heaven characteristics.

First, the black skin is extremely hard. Without more than one level of cultivation of the king's terrace, there is almost no possibility to defeat.

Second, its sharp teeth and claws are extremely sharp, and can even easily tear the body of people on the first floor of the king's terrace.

Third, its speed is against the sky, and even comparable to the ordinary second level cultivation people of the king's terrace.

"Our first test is to examine a person's combat skills. To be exact, it is to put the player and the black skin phantom beast in a ten foot circle. The player needs to stick to it for as long as possible."

Yu Sen opened his mouth. Now he released the black skin phantom beast. It's obvious that he hasn't eaten for a long time.

Roaring in the enchantment, the eyes of people outside the enchantment were full of greed and blood.

However, people scoff at this.

Although the black skin phantom beast is somewhat difficult to deal with, it is only equivalent to the peak cultivation of human heaven level, and the real comprehensive combat power is equivalent to the first and second levels of human king level.

Among the many players, the cultivation of the players above the first and second levels of the king's rank accounted for the vast majority, and even the cultivation of several old men reached the first level of the king's rank directly.

In their view, these black skin phantoms are just mole ants, which can be easily crushed to death with one hand.

However, Yu Sen went on: "of course, after entering the barrier, a group of players will be directly suppressed to the peak cultivation of heaven level, and players can't use weapons after entering the barrier!"

Sobs were heard everywhere.

If you can't use weapons when you suppress your accomplishments to the peak of heaven level, how can you fight with the black skin phantom beast?

This is almost equivalent to an undisguised act of seeking death.

Even many players are shocked and even retreat.

"Of course, players will get a jade card before entering the barrier. If they encounter an unsolvable crisis after entering the barrier, they can come out of the barrier in an instant as long as they crush the jade card."

"Moreover, as long as you can stay in the border for ten minutes, you will be considered to have passed the first assessment."

Yu Sen then spoke, which eased the faces of the players a lot.

However, in the enchantment, the time of holding ten breath under the attack of black skin phantom beast is still like an insurmountable natural moat for most players.

But it's always OK to try.

Some players have entered the barrier first, but they didn't even hold on to the five interest time, so they couldn't help crushing the jade card.

On the player's shoulder, a long scar was caught by the black skin phantom beast, which looked very shocking.

"Lin Dong, eliminate!"

Yu Sen's expressionless mouth.

Next, there are players entering the barrier.

But the result is still tragic.

After all, except for those cattle who can fight at several levels, who can fight the same level of black skin phantom beast with bare hands?

"Li Hua, eliminate!"

"Wei Fei, eliminated!"

"Qi'ang, eliminate!"


More than a dozen contestants entered successively, but all of them were eliminated. The most one insisted on the eight interest time.

"Let me come!"

Zhang Ruo couldn't help entering.

He carefully put down the eighteen weapons on his back, and then entered the border with confidence.

In the as like as two peas, the black leather phantom has been fighting for more than a dozen people, and now it has been gathered by Sen, and then released second identical black skin phantoms.

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