
Purple thunder shook, but it still couldn't mess up Ye Yun's skirt.

At this moment, the stone broke the sky!

Countless people look at Ye Yun as if they are looking at an unattainable peak.

Even Zhang Ruo and the man carrying the coffin sighed and suddenly felt that they didn't even have the qualification to become Ye Yun's opponent.

There were three people, their eyes twinkling with surprise: Xia Mingyi, Xia Gaishi, and the masked woman among the onlookers.

"This child has infinite potential and must be eliminated as soon as possible, even if it costs me a heavy price."

Yu Du sighed in his heart that there was endless killing intention in his narrowed eyes.

Thinking clearly, a blood red breath in Yu Du's hand suddenly came into being and shot straight into the sky.

The move is already a little blatant.

The next moment, the originally clear sky, suddenly made up by blood clouds.

The whole sky, is floating in the blood color clouds, as if the sky was dyed red by blood.

Unprecedented lightning suddenly appeared, illuminating the gloomy earth.


Suddenly, there was a bloody thunder in the sky.

"The energy contained in the thunder is simply against heaven. I'm afraid it must be at least equivalent to the eighth level of the king's rank."

The old man exclaimed in surprise.

Xia Gaishi on the rostrum and the masked women in the crowd were also awestruck.

However, he was relieved to see ye Yun face the thunderbolt and Wang Ruixia's bloody thunder.

"Hehe, still pretending to be calm? After this fusion thunder cuts you into meat mud, you can go to the hell and be calm."

Yu Du sighed in his heart.

Although he can only promote the energy in the thunder to control a layer of sky, he can fuse the rolling thunder under the blood summoning technique.

Just like the purple thunder coming from the thunderbolt, it is actually formed by the fusion of five King level and seven level elementary thunder, which is about equivalent to the eighth level elementary thunder of King level.

The next moment, the bloody thunder was held tightly by Ye Yun's two hands again.

The scene also fell into dead silence again!

Let your thunder fall, ye Yuntong pinches it with two fingers.

Whether it is a high-level thunder on the sixth floor of the king's terrace, a primary thunder on the seventh floor of the king's terrace, or a primary thunder on the eighth floor of the king's terrace

This is Ye Yun's heroism!

This moment undoubtedly belongs to Ye Yun!

"This thunder is finally reluctant!"

Ye Yun was as indifferent as ever, and then put the bloody thunder on himself.


Thunder split on the leaf cloud, for the first time, the Ye Yun clothes were disordered.

For the first time, ye Yun was pleasantly surprised: the martial spirits of the four divine beasts were finally moving.

To be exact, in the face of the roar of thunder, the spirits of the four divine beasts dormant in Ye Yun seem to have been provoked.

Under Ye Yun's strong suppression, the virtual shadow did not float out, but the spirit of divine beast appeared in Ye Yun's body.

Although this layer of beast spirit is colorless and invisible, ye Yun feels its real existence very clearly.

"Just a little reluctantly? Well, the next thunder may break you to pieces!"

Yu Du said that he made no secret of his words and directly sent out three bloody Qi.

These three blood colored Qi, like three blood dragons, almost instantly entered the sky and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

The next moment, more endless lightning strikes, and even dark clouds illuminate the sky.

Then, an unprecedented powerful bloody thunder roared, mixed with unspeakable terrorist energy.

"The energy in the thunder is equivalent to the middle level of the ninth floor of the king's terrace. I don't believe it can't kill you."

Yu Du said in his heart.

Now, Yu Du is really willing to go out in order that ye Yun can die on wanlei platform.

He did not hesitate to spend three precious blood and gas, and fully integrated the thunder of the seventh level of the twenty King level.


This time, ye Yun failed to hold the bloody thunder.

The deafening roar sounded on the ten thousand thunder platform and lasted for a full five breath.

In this five breath time, the bloody thunder wrapped the whole wanlei platform, and they couldn't see everything on the wanlei platform.

There are even terrible energy waves coming towards four cycles, which makes many people retreat.

It is worth mentioning that there was a man who was also a primary cultivator on the sixth floor of Wang Jie and was closest to wanlei platform. He was accidentally affected by the energy of bloody thunder explosion. He was directly shot out, blackened and almost died.

At this moment, everyone sighed again.

Many people shook their heads with regret and felt that ye Yun's talent against the sky had died young.

"Hahaha, the boy is finally dead!"

Yu Gui couldn't help laughing and felt very comfortable in his heart.

"Yes, thanks to the second uncle today, and it seems that the price he paid for causing the thunder to kill Ye Yun is a little big."

Yu Gui also muttered and found that Yu Du's face was a little pale at the moment, which obviously consumed a lot.

However, the next moment, when the bloody thunder exploded on the wanlei platform, ye Yun's intact figure came into sight.

There were cries of surprise.

Even at the moment, ye Yun's clothes were not damaged by the explosion.

It seems that the thunder explosion is not close to Ye Yun at all.

"The spirit of the beast on the body surface has become more and more intense, and began to penetrate into the skin. It is estimated that these spirit of the beast need to occupy the flesh and blood under the skin, or even drill into the bone marrow, so as to truly practice the holy body of the beast."

Ye Yun sighed in his heart and felt that there was still a long way to go.

However, the divine beast holy body is a kind of constitution that can be called against the sky. Of course, it can't be so easy to practice.

"Yu Du, you can't be empty. The thunder is weak!"

Ye Yun opened his mouth to Yu Du, who was stunned.

Words make Yu Du angry.

"This son and I have formed a deep hatred, and the future is unlimited. Today I will kill you on the spot at all costs."

Yu Du was cruel in his heart, and then without saying anything, he directly sacrificed twenty drops of blood essence.

These blood essence turned into hundreds of blood gas and went straight to heaven. The situation is quite spectacular.

Lightning rose everywhere, thunder rolled in, and thundered down towards Ye Yun.

These bloody thunders not only have infinite momentum, but also contain extremely vast energy.

And continuous, one more powerful than the other, one after another.

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