But how can there be such a woman like man?

While president Jin was panicking, he also had a grievance in his heart.

What else did he want to say, but after seeing the cold look in his eyes, he resolutely shut his mouth.

Although it is said that this evil death exists like a demon who kills people without blinking an eye, after all, he is the person in charge of the blood scorpion killer in the place of chaos.

Everyone is his own, he should not care too much, at least not hurt his own life!

Thinking of this, president Jin was finally a little relieved.

But president Jin didn't know that Shashi never looked at him as a small person in charge.

President Jin doesn't know that the death may be due to the excessive secretion of female genes. She looks like a woman from urination.

For this reason, shawu was laughed at by many people since childhood

This is the lingering pain of death for a lifetime!

This is also the ultimate reason why you can't see outsiders!

At this moment, the evil evil spirit was stabbed by president Jin, and the killing intention in his heart has reached the peak.

"Lord Sha, this is a crazy pill, but I spent years of savings and painstaking efforts to buy it. I'm afraid only adults deserve it in the world... Please take it!"

President Jin looked respectful, but his heart was dripping blood.

At this moment, president Jin even regretted.

I regret that I shouldn't take out this crazy pill for filial piety. Just take something valuable.

What president Jin didn't expect was that the evil death was quite dismissive of his filial Kuanghua pill.

It's like taking a broken stone at will.

This made president Jin very unhappy, but of course he didn't dare to show it.

"Tell me!"

After receiving the Kuang Hua Dan, shawu seemed to say at will.

However, President Yijin's cunning degree.

Of course, I understand that what shawu wants to know must be about ye Yun.

Immediately, president Jin talked endlessly, adding to what he knew.

Of course, the part of adding fuel and vinegar is nothing more than how ye Yun rebelled against the sky, how strong Zhuang Han and Huolian mercenary regiment behind Ye Yun, and how he endured humiliation and waited for the arrival of death

In short, that posture is somewhat exaggerated and dark!

But this was heard in the ears of Sha death, but a sneer hung in the corners of his mouth.

"As the person in charge of the blood scorpion killer in the place of chaos, you can't even kill a 15-year-old child, so what's the use of living?"

Shawu suddenly opened his mouth coldly and interrupted president Jin's words.

It also made president Jin burst into a cold sweat.

"Master Sha Wu, you can't say that. I have no credit or pain in this matter! You can't..."

President Jin wanted to say something more, but he suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth.

Even his body was imprisoned by an unusually cold breath.

"First, your words are seven true and three false. I will kill those who deceive me!"

"Second, you came to honor me with crazy Huadan. I will kill those who bribe me!"

"Third, there are only two kinds of people who have seen my face, one is the one whose cultivation is higher than me, and the other is the dead. What kind of person do you think you are?"


On one side, there was blood gushing out of president Jin's mouth.

First, I'm just exaggerating between words and dying. Isn't that a little overbearing?

Second, I took the biggest baby in my life to crazy Huadan. I was kind and filial to you. Why did you kill me? This... This is so wronged!

Third, you know my cultivation is far inferior to you, but you show your face to me as soon as you meet... Didn't you want me to die from the beginning?


However, president Jin's thousands of unwilling grievances and resentments may be suffocating in his heart.

He saw Sha's right hand stretched out, and the sharp nail was a little longer than his finger.

Shasi smiled, and his fingernails just scratched gently at president Jin's neck.

Even his sharp fingernails didn't touch president Jin's neck

But the next moment, president Jin's fat and oily head fell off his neck and fell to the ground.

His eyes are wide open, some are unwilling to bend, and some die in peace.

"Such waste should be killed!"

Shawu seems to be talking to himself


Fire refining mercenary regiment headquarters.

Ye Yun, who ended his seclusion, went to the cave on the boundary between the outer and inner boundaries of the meteorite mountains with 100 shaped charge explosives that day.

There, there may be Huoyan sword soul.

The flame sword soul is Ye Yun's ultimate goal to fall into the mountains when he leaves the imperial city.

Before leaving, ye Yun left dozens of violent power pills.

After taking these fury power pills, you can not only improve your physical strength, but also help people impact the Xuanqi level barrier.

It's worth mentioning that the cold swordsman on the third floor of the empty step reluctantly took three in one breath.

And almost equal to the lobules of mortals, I took 18 at one breath!

It's incredible!

As soon as he entered the periphery of the falling mountains, ye Yun felt abnormal.

There are many strong smells in the periphery of the falling mountains.

It's only a few days. Why are there so many oxen and forks in the falling mountains?

Just as ye Yun was thinking, he seemed to hear footsteps ringing from far to near.

Accompanied by footsteps, several swearing voices came: "this door is really eccentric. We are not allowed to participate in the annual 'doomsday calendar practice', and we are sent to patrol the mountains around here!"

"That's right. It's said that the inner circumference of the meteorite mountains has been opened this time, but there are many fourth-order Xuan beasts or even fifth-order Xuan beasts."

"Of course, I also heard that the trainers selected by the sect hunted the mysterious beast Xuandan during the training. They all belong to themselves. If I can go in..."

"I say you can save it. There are only ten places for each of our eight sects to enter the mountains for training. Which of these ten people is not the arrogant son of heaven? Hehe, I'm afraid it's also to send vegetables to the mysterious beast!"

"Xiao Liu is right. Besides, it's not completely useless for us to patrol the mountains outside the falling mountains. In case we meet a hunter who comes to hunt Xuan beasts, and the hunter is a fat sheep, ha ha... Eh!"


When he finally opened his mouth, the skinny boy suddenly saw Ye Yun not far away and was immediately happy.

Around the skinny boy, the other three boys in white robes brightened their eyes when they saw Ye Yun.

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